Why Should Bloggers Care About SEO? (Summary) #SocialCafe 2.25

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#SocialCafe Chat Topic: Why Should Bloggers Care About SEO?

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  1. What is your idea of SEO?

We started by talking about what SEO is (and our thoughts).

  1. When using SEO, what do you struggle with the most?

We shared our struggles and what we wanted to know more about, in regards to SEO.

  1. What tips and tools have you found effective for implementing SEO?

We shared some of our thoughts about plugins that we use, tools that we would like to see, and anticipation for TBW training next week.

  1. What tips and techniques do you hope to implement, to enhance your SEO strategy?

We found that we want more information. We want to research. We want to know what the most effective strategies are. We also want to know what strategies are ineffective or simply time wasters. We want knowledge.

Final Thoughts and Action Steps

Deborah and Da Vinci love these nice comments. Certainly keep 'em coming. Also, don't forget to sign up for the Twubs Twitter Chat tool which filters for #SocialCafe #TBW. It will make it easier each week.

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#SocialCafe Twitter Chat Announcement

This SocialWebCafe Twitter Event is about Why Should Bloggers Care About SEO?.

Why%20Should%20Bloggers%20Care%20About%20SEO?%20%23SocialCafe%202.25 w/ %40SocialWebCafe http://sw.bcafe.co/5O %28Summary%29 %23SocialCafe

Sage Leader Courses for Entrepreneurs by Deborah E and Team
This event sponsored, in part, by our courses at Sage Leader where we offer courses for Entrepreneurs. We recommend our courses because we love you, as entrepreneurs and want to be there for you! DM me (Deborah) on Twitter to ask if there are any free courses available (limited time availability)...!

About this Topic/Event

SEO has always been a topic of interest and it has also changed through the years. (Does anyone remember the keywords?) Let’s chat this evening, about SEO and share our tips (as well as asking our questions).

This is your opportunity to shine, as an SEO expert, and share that expertise with other Twitter Chat peeps. It is also your chance to ask questions from a very cool, accepting group of SocialCafers.

Twitter Event Details

  • Date:   06/18/2013
  • Time:   6:00 pm PST/PDT (9:00 pm EST/EDT).
  • Hashtag:   #SocialCafe

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Twitter Event Questions

    1. What is your idea of SEO?
    1. When using SEO, what do you struggle with the most?
    1. What tips and tools have you found effective for implementing SEO?
    1. What tips and techniques do you hope to implement, to enhance your SEO strategy?

Format: Q&A

For more information on the formats of Twitter Events and what we recommend as tools to join in the fun, please visit Twitter Event Instruction.

Have questions? Leave them in the comments or send a regular tweet to Deborah @SocialWebCafe.

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