Building a Tribal Buzz (Summary) #SocialCafe 2.34

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#SocialCafe Chat Topic: Building a Tribal Buzz

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#SocialCafe Tribe @ Triberr

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  1. In what ways are you building a tribal or community buzz?

Community-building and building our "tribes" seems to be a bit essential these days, eh?

  1. How familiar are you with using Triberr?

It seems we have a lot to learn about Triberr. We are more familiar with community-building in general and ready to learn about Triberr.

  1. What features have you found beneficial in building your tribe/community?

Triberr offers some great features. Now, don't forgot to sign up for the #SocialCafe #TBW Tribe (link, above section)

  1. What tips will you be implementing to engage more effectively with your tribe/community or other brands?

Key things to remember, that we are building a community even with our daily conversations and engagement.

Final Thoughts and Action Steps

Do you feel the love? Be sure to check out Triberr and take up Dino on his offer to help you if you have questions. Great team at Triberr, eh?

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