Planning For Success (Summary) #SocialCafe 2.2

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#SocialCafe Chat Topic: Planning For Success

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  1. How does your brand affect the success of your online business?

Clearly, it is very helpful to have a defined brand. But, how important is it? For starters, having your brand defined, textually, and with graphics (i.e. logos), helps to give you a starting point to setup your social media profiles and to have a consistent, and, hence, recognizable, presence -- Branding.

  1. What is the secret to getting more Yeses than Nos when making offers?

Understanding the language and the needs of your client (or employer or audience) will go a long way in helping to obtain those "yes" responses.

  1. How did you get started?

We start at various places. Sometimes, we re-start... many times. But, the one thing we have in common, is that we start...

  1. How does social media PR relate to Branding?

We like to think of social media as an online extension of your brand.

Final Thoughts and Action Steps

So, let's look forward and be the best that we can be in 2013, shall we?

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#SocialCafe Twitter Chat Announcement

This SocialWebCafe Twitter Event is about Planning For Success.

Planning%20For%20Success%20%23SocialCafe%202.2 w/ %40SocialWebCafe %28Summary%29 %23SocialCafe

Sage Leader Courses for Entrepreneurs by Deborah E and Team
This event sponsored, in part, by our courses at Sage Leader where we offer courses for Entrepreneurs. We recommend our courses because we love you, as entrepreneurs and want to be there for you! DM me (Deborah) on Twitter to ask if there are any free courses available (limited time availability)...!

About this Topic/Event

Carla Wynn is going to provide some ideas on how we can aim for that success in 2013. Come, share your own success tips and pick up some ideas for your plan this year.

A great time to chat and learn.

Twitter Event Details

  • Date:   01/09/2013
  • Time:   6:00 pm PST/PDT (9:00 pm EST/EDT).
  • Hashtag:   #SocialCafe

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Twitter Event Questions

    1. How does your brand affect the success of your online business?
    1. What is the secret to getting more Yeses than Nos when making offers?
    1. How did you get started?
    1. How does social media PR relate to Branding?

Format: Q&A

For more information on the formats of Twitter Events and what we recommend as tools to join in the fun, please visit Twitter Event Instruction.

Have questions? Leave them in the comments or send a regular tweet to Deborah @SocialWebCafe.

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