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Blog Commenting and CommentLuv Giveaway Party (Summary) #SocialCafe 1.4
#SocialCafe Chat Topic: Blog Commenting and CommentLuv Giveaway Party
View the announcement for this #SocialCafe Chat..
- Why Is Blog Commenting So Important?
Blog commenting helps to build engagement and community, as well as the availability to share diverse perspectives (and get ideas for another post!).
- How Do I Comment and Respond Efficiently?
Sometimes it is tricky to find that balance that works, as far as efficiency, but there are tools available and helpful resources. One example given, below, is Google Reader, as well as Google Alerts.
- What Are Helpful Tools for Commenting?
There are several tools available. One of our favorite tools is CommentLuv Premium. Check out all the cool things that are said about CLP in the slideshow.
- What Commenting Systems Are Available?
There are many different commenting systems available, and some may be used in combination with each other.
Final Thoughts and Action Steps
And, again, #B2CTweet recommends CommentLuv Premium. After all, if it is good enough for B2CTweet, you know we think it is good enough for you.
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