Blog Security Wrap-Up (Summary) #SocialCafe 3.10

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#SocialCafe Chat Topic: Blog Security Wrap-Up

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Resources Mentioned In Chat/Show

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Blog/Site Security 4 * Blog/Site Backups #SocialCafe 3.9

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Tools 1 * TweetDeck #SocialCafe 3.11

  1. What have you learned and/or implemented during this #SocialCafe #TBW series on blog security and backups?

That word, "reinforcement," seems to be a popular one. That means that we have done well as a community, in encouraging each other to protect our sites and our content. Yay!

  1. What resources have you found helpful? What resources are you still looking to find?

It appears that we have found many of the resources that we discussed over these past weeks helpful. It isn't like one is more important than another, but a nice balanced approach seems to do the trick.

  1. What questions do you have about blog security and backups?

No questions? Well, we, as the #SocialCafe community, are there for each other. It appears we covered the questions during this series, eh? Kudos to all!

  1. Have any tips, articles, posts, pins you want to share?

Yes, always some tips percolating in our minds. Thanks, @ReSoMe for mentioning feedly. And, we have some more tips and strategies with our tools series coming up next...

Final Thoughts and Action Steps

Hey group - thanks for sharing topic ideas and also for sharing your content so we can read it! Keep it coming!

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