Blogging: Platforms and Plugins (Summary) #SocialCafe 2.15
#SocialCafe Chat Topic: Blogging: Platforms and Plugins
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- Do you prefer self-hosted blogging or platform-hosted blogging?
It seems, from those participating in the chat this evening, that the self-hosted Wordpress blogging platform is quite popular. The stats from a year ago seem to agree with that, as well.
Granted, this was 1yr ago, but WP self-hosted 39%.Interestingly, "custom" 2nd at #TBW #SocialCafe
— Deborah (@socialwebcafe) April 10, 2013
@theblogworkshop Self Hosted all the way. #SocialCafe #TBW— Tamara W (@tamarawilson) April 10, 2013 | A1.I started out blogging on a platform hosted blog but once I saw the limitations I had to make a switch #SocialCafe #TBW— Da Vinci (@YourLifeAfter25) April 10, 2013 |
- What blogging platform appeals to you most and why?
The chat continues to favor that Wordpress platform.
A2 I like Wordpress.I have used drupal and that is good, but Wordpress is very universal. #SocialCafe #TBW— Deborah (@socialwebcafe) April 10, 2013 | @socialwebcafe I like Wordpress, well haven't tried any of the other self hosted ones. #TBW #SocialCafe— Tamara W (@tamarawilson) April 10, 2013 |
- What plugins do you have issue with and why?
The plugin issues relate more to whether they work and work well. As Tamara Wilson so eloquently pointed out, if it doesn't work, she replaces it.
@tamarawilson LOL, I like your style... that's about how I work! "If it's broke, replace it" #SocialCafe #TBW— Da Vinci (@YourLifeAfter25) April 10, 2013 | A3 The improperly coded ones because they don't play well with others (Did I mention I'm also a programmer?) #SocialCafe #TBW— Deborah (@socialwebcafe) April 10, 2013 |
- What plugins do you consider essential for your blog?
There are many plugins that may be considered essential. The consensus seems to be those that include SEO, social sharing, mobile site, maintenance, spam control, and Google Sitemaps.
A4. Other essential plugins are Google XML Sitemaps and if you can't build a mobile site, GET a mobile plugin!#SocialCafe #TBW— The Blog Workshop (@TheBlogWorkshop) April 10, 2013 | @theblogworkshop I'm a big fan of the raw html plugin. I hate when Wordpress changes the html on me. #tbw #socialcafe— Dan R Morris (@DanRMorris) April 10, 2013 |
Final Thoughts and Action Steps
There is so much love shared at these #SocialCafe and #TBW Twitter Chats. Be sure to join us next week, as we answer the question, "What Are Some Ways I Can Further My Blogging Education?"
@socialwebcafe @danrmorris LOL we love your Geekyness!#SocialCafe #TBW— The Blog Workshop (@TheBlogWorkshop) April 10, 2013 | @theblogworkshop @socialwebcafeIt was great to meet you this evening. #SocialCafe— Tamara W (@tamarawilson) April 10, 2013 |
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