Cartooning & Whiteboarding (Summary) #SocialCafe 2.48

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Why do I share that? Because it is doable and I did it almost accidentally!

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#SocialCafe Chat Topic: Cartooning & Whiteboarding

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Video Series Wrap-Up #SocialCafe 2.49

  1. In what ways are you using cartoon or whiteboard videos (or plan to) in your video marketing?

We are slowly easing our way into it...

  1. What are your biggest struggles with creating cartoon video content?

It appears that our biggest struggles (other than getting out and doing it) relates to getting used to the tools that create them.

  1. What tools have you found helpful with your cartoon and whiteboard video content production/promotion?

Sparkol gets some positive reviews. Also, we are going to check with friends and associates to see what tools they use.

  1. What changes will you be making toward inclusion of whiteboard or cartoon videos in your marketing plan?

We will be making time and inserting creativity. That is what we will be doing with our videos :)

Final Thoughts and Action Steps

Don't forget to take in some tutorials! And, we will see you next week, here at #SocialCafe.

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