How to Host a Twitter Chat – Part 2 #SocialCafe 7.39

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#SocialCafe Chat Topic: How to Host a Twitter Chat - Part 2

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How to Host a Twitter Chat - Part 1 #SocialCafe 7.38

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Social Buzz Club and Intro to Influencers #SocialCafe 7.40

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  1. Do you believe that Twitter Chats should have a method or process? Why or why not?

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  1. Do you have a method to how you put together your Twitter Chat? Or, how do you approach the chat?

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  1. How much time does it take you to prepare for a weekly Twitter Chat?

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  1. If you had to break your preparation into pie pieces, what percentages would you assign each piece (i.e. 50% prep / 50% promotion)?

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  1. Where did you learn your method or process for Twitter Chats?

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  1. Have you passed along your method or process for Twitter Chats? If so, where or to whom?

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  1. What changes (if any) would you like to make in your process or method for Twitter Chats?

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  1. Do you have any tips to share? What about questions?

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  1. Ok, now it is time to brag about what you do well! Your #ShamelessPlug is ...

Final Thoughts and Action Steps

Twitter stats for this #SocialCafe event:

#SocialCafe Twitter Stats

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