Hybrid or Segmentized Format (8 of 8) #SocialCafe 12.39

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#SocialCafe Chat Topic: Hybrid or Segmentized Format (8 of 8)

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  1. What is a “Hybrid” format when it comes to podcasting? What about a “Segmentized” podcast?

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  1. Let’s pause for a moment... Who would you like to invite to this chat about the “hybrid” podcast format? :)

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  1. What are some examples of the “hybrid” podcast format usage/application? Who are your favorite podcasters or podcasts that use the “hybrid” podcast format? How about “segmentized?”

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  1. What are some pros and/or cons of using the “hybrid” format, in your opinion?

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  1. What is our #september26 #SocialCafe #ShamelessPlug? Don’t forget to include #ShamelessPlug in your tweet... Promote yourself; Celebrate those wins! Advertise your product(s) or service(s)

Final Thoughts and Action Steps

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