Infographics: What Are They & How Can I Use Them? #SocialCafe 2.18

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#SocialCafe Chat Topic: Infographics: What Are They & How Can I Use Them?

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Resources Mentioned In Chat/Show

Understanding Types of Infographics
5 Unbeatable Types of Infographic + Free Tools to Create Them shared by @seosmarty

Looking at a Specific Infographic
The Guest Article Quality Assurance - Flowchart shared by @seosmarty

Examples of Infographics to Inspire You
11 Beautiful Examples of Infographics shared by @ToddInKC

Required Tools of the Trade
10 Tools for Creating Infographics and Visualizations shared by @seosmarty

A Step-By-Step How-To for Infographics
How To: Create and Promote Infographics #MyBlogGuest shared by @seosmarty

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What Are QR Codes (and how can I benefit from using them)? #SocialCafe 2.17

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Are You Pinterested? Using Pinterest Effectively #SocialCafe 2.19

  1. What is your experience with infographics?

We have varying experience with infographics, but a common interest in the topic, as well as tips to share.

  1. What are some effective ways you’ve seen infographics used?

There are more creative uses than could be mentioned in the chat, let alone in the summary. (Hint: Check out the slideshow, above, to get more ideas). Here are a few, to start you thinking.

  1. What are some helpful tools and resources for creating infographics?

One of the ways to get the creative juices flowing would be to pull out that white board and start drawing your concept. Then, like @danrmorris, hire a graphic designer to make it into an infographic. Some other articles and tips are below.

  1. Please share some of your favorite inforgraphics.

Now, for the fun part where we share our own infographics, our favorite infographics, and our Pinterest boards full of infographics.

Show and Tell Infographics and Pinterest Boards

Final Thoughts and Action Steps

More Resources Mentioned in the Chat

Social Web Cafe TV - don't miss an episode (next: Dan Morris talks Pinterest).
The Blog Workshop - get your ticket for The Blog Workshop. - publish infographics, free.
Viral Content Buzz - share and be shared on Pinterest.
Social Web Cafe Podcast.
MyBlogGuest Podcast.

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