Let’s Talk Twitter Chats and Parties (Summary) #SocialCafe 2.50

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#SocialCafe Chat Topic: Let’s Talk Twitter Chats and Parties

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#SocialCafe #TBW Twitter Party (w/ prizes)! #SocialCafe 2.51

  1. What is your experience with Twitter Chats and/or Parties? (hint: you are on a chat ;) )

Well, there is definitely some support here for #SocialCafe. Thanks, all! We appreciate you soooo much!

  1. How are you using Twitter Chats or Parties in your business? (Even as a participant.)

Yes, true, we host #SocialCafe. I also like the input that the content needs to be credible and helpful in gaining in knowledge. Good point!

  1. What obstacles are you facing in using Twitter Chats or Parties (or preventing you from hosting one)?

Very true, there are a lot of administrative aspects and those can be challenging, even cause burn-out! Personally, I am weird, I thrive on those very things, but I am sure I am in the minority on that.. lol

  1. What tips or tricks have you found successful in hosting or participating in Twitter Chats or Parties?

We have learned a few tips and one of the ones that sticks out, is the aspect of planning. Very important!

  1. What changes (if any) will you be making in your Twitter Party plans in the future?

As a continuation of the last question, we have found that developing things like checklists may be helpful too :) Maybe I will put together something available to you all, along those lines. No promises, but I'm percolating ;)

Final Thoughts and Action Steps

Great feedback and love to have you all! We have such a warm #SocialCafe community and couldn't do it without you, because it is all about YOU!

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