LinkedIn Efficiency & Effectiveness #SocialCafe 6.32

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#SocialCafe Chat Topic: LinkedIn Efficiency & Effectiveness

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LinkedIn for the #SocialCafe Community (only Deb shared a link this week!)
Deborah Anderson on LinkedIn

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  1. How often do you use LinkedIn and would you consider it one of you main social platforms?

Some of us really rely on LinkedIn and some of us see areas for improvement on using LinkedIn.

  1. Do you have plans to use LinkedIn more frequently? If not, what stands in the way?

It looks like more usage of LinkedIn is on our minds, but we battle with time availability. Possibly that means we need effective and efficient use of LinkedIn, but then isn't that basically always the case?

  1. What features of LinkedIn are appealing? What needs improvement?

Hey Con - are you saying there are so few good features left on LinkedIn? If that is the case, it sounds like we love LinkedIn but possibly we would like it to retain itself and stop changing because possibly those changes are not our favorite (to quote the way my aunt words her "dislikes" lol).

  1. Any tips or strategies you care to share as we wrap up this discussion on LinkedIn?

I like how Con calls it the "only game in town." And, yes, it serves as a great way to get your resume out there. As Con points out, since you have to do it anyway, it makes sense to use LinkedIn for it. Now, how's that for a tip - get that resume updated on LinkedIn (if you haven't already done so or it needs updating ;) ).

Final Thoughts and Action Steps

As Akathma says, it would seem that my (Deborah) technique of weekly recommendations would pay off well. She is right. It does work well and it feels good to do something nice for someone else ;)

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