Here's #ggchat triva: @DeborahE used to host and co-host with me. She came up with our signature #ShamelessPlug. Such a great idea we use!
— Madalyn Sklar (@MadalynSklar) December 12, 2014
Yes #ShamelessPlug is a great one! @MadalynSklar @DeborahE #ggchat
— She Rocks The Planet (@SheRocksPlanet) December 12, 2014
Thank you for the #shamelessplug @DeborahE almost every twitter chat has copied you, including mine…where do I send the check? #ggchat
— Music Marketing Mind (@MusicMarketMind) December 12, 2014
The Tweet that Start It All
Here's a #shamelessplug Gail (@GrowMap) is an awesome partner in our twitter chat biz! And, @madalynsklar started it all! hugs! #ggchat
— Deborah E (@DeborahE) August 10, 2012