#SocialCafe Mission Statement (and Walk Down History Lane)

#SocialCafe, as one of the longest-running traditional Twitter Chats, exists for the global community – a place where the community can come, join together, learn from each other (and experts), feel comfortable being themselves (and ask questions), and grow as individuals and as a community.

The core values of #SocialCafe includes positivity and encouragement of others. We lead by the example of being trendsetters instead of trend followers but, most importantly, being there for each other as a caring community, proving it by action rather than just words.

SWC logo banner

#SocialCafe exists to be there for the global community, having started in 2012 and having continued as one of the longest-running traditional Twitter Chats. We were the sole pioneers of the concept of the LIVE interactive web simultaneously running at the same time as the Twitter Chat (BEFORE Facebook Live and Zoom and Twitter Spaces!). We actually invented the simultaneous process and ran it on the SocialWebCafe.TV servers (hosted it ourselves!). Other Twitter Chats caught on and followed suit with similar ideas after #SocialCafe started it, such as Madalyn Sklar and the #GGChat “After Chat” on Facebook.

#SocialCafe is a place where the community can come, join together, learn from each other (and experts), feel comfortable being themselves (and ask questions). It is also where they can grow as individuals and as a community.

This resonates with the founders (Deborah and Michael) and stakeholders personally (individually) as well as collectively. We, as an organization, strive to continue that daily.

One of the first slogans was …Because the Web Should be Fun… and even as unlikely as that slogan seems, it has stuck and continues to be one of the slogans for #SocialCafe.

Deborah, host of SWC

We may have had different changes throughout the past 15 years… with different co-hosts having joined Deborah (founder) at different times, but throughout the existence of #SocialCafe, our core values have remained the same – to be a place that is comfortable for all people, where all people are always welcome.

Even Deborah’s hair colors have changed, going through the gamut of natural flavors to even the colorful phases and synthetic hair!

Schwarzkopf Banner

Pioneers in a Brave New World!

Synchronizing LiveStreaming and Twitter Chats!

This was something new. It was a concept that Deborah came up with, and then she just went for it and decided that it was possible. No one else was doing it, and since Deborah and her husband had already tackled the task of running a hosting company (and saving an Exchange Server that Microsoft said could not be saved), why not also host a video service on the server, synchronized with a traditional Twitter Chat at the same time! What did it matter if no one else was doing it? What did it matter if no one else had done it?!

And, this was before Mastodon, as well!

Holidays @ #SocialCafe

#SocialCafe does not close its doors, not even for holidays.

There are times when the LIVEStream has not been feasible because of wireless issues in the canyons or mountains. This may be rare, but it is possible. However, the attitude of the entertainer (remember, that is Deborah, #SocialCafe’s founder, as well as her husband, and their background)… the attitude of the entertainer is that the “show must go on…” (even if that sentence does end in a preposition – inside joke LOL).

Seriously, though. #SocialCafe exists to be there for the community, and even Michael and Deborah’s family knew that and understood that and supported the idea that 30-60 minutes was not too much to spend to be there for another human being. So, even on Christmas (or whatever holiday is celebrated), #SocialCafe is “open,” and even if no one shows up, tweets are sent out with the idea that if you need a shoulder to cry on or simply another human being to spend time with on the holiday, that there is someone there for you.

Da Vinci Joins the Team

At one point, the vivacious Da Vinci joined the team near the beginning, right after Deborah launched #SocialCafe. She added her hashtag #TBW (stood for “The Blog Workshop”) and helped with a re-design of the logo, adding a creative flair while still maintaining the core values of the community.

DaVinci Joins the Team

We were fortunate that we had a wonderful team, including talented family members and those who had a sense of humor. Deborah and Michael’s daughter, Chaela, crafted a mascot for #SocialCafe, which is still used in some of the graphics and logos today.

#SocialCafe Bird

Da Vinci’s sense of humor was like none other. When the family pet decided to take a trip after one of the chats and was unable to find the family home, the entire family went on a search for “Stuie,” the Chihuahua. Da Vinci lended her help through her virtual support from Atlanta, Georgia, to Los Angeles. Fortunately, via a concerted effort, Stuie was found. As a result, even that night, Da Vinci “translated” Stuie’s thoughts into a video. This is just another way that even back then, #SocialCafe was living out its mission and intent in its mission statement, helping everyone to feel comfortable but also pulling together when the greater, global #SocialCafe family, was in need. We will share that video of Da Vinci expressing that when it is located. 😀

Mission: Helping Others; Helping the Community

Part of #SocialCafe’s mission has always been to help others, whether that meant connecting people, training people during the chats, LIVE Interactive Web/Show (Podcast), bringing in experts to help train people, or encouraging our community to share and learn from each other. The idea was to grow and to be there for one another through that growth, through the thick and thin.

Interesting Note: One of Deborah E’s first published songs was called “Thick and Thin” back in 1989. She was the lyricist, and it was published in Hollywood under the Publishing Company’s name.

Coaching Madalyn Sklar in Sound, Lighting, and Video Presentation Skills

Madalyn is a dear friend and an awesome business strategist. It was a joy to teach her about video presentations. Michael (Deborah’s husband and partner of 30 years, also a sound engineer and videographer) spent time with Madalyn on various sessions ten to fifteen years ago, teaching her about sound and lighting for videos. Madalyn often credits Michael & Deborah with helping her to get started in video. And, Deborah noticed, just the other day, that she still recommends one of the gadgets that Michael taught her about – the Icicle. It is a USB “gadget” that enables the connection of a traditional studio microphone to a laptop. Before that, Madalyn did not know how to do that, and because of Michael’s training, Madalyn is now able to teach others how to do the same. THIS is what #SocialCafe enjoys bringing to the world… teaching coaches so they, too, can teach their communities and in this case, Madalyn has been able to reach her #TwitterSmarter (and now #LearnWithMadalyn) community and her musician and audio communities with the message and training provided to her from Michael & Deborah, way back in 2012, and even before that!

Serving as Ann Smarty’s Community Manager and Behind-the-Scenes “Ace” for Twitter Chats and Video Shows

Back in 2012, Deborah approached Ann Smarty and expressed that she needed to start a Twitter Chat. Ann’s response was, “A what?”

Through some conversation, Deborah was able to convince Ann that a Twitter Chat would benefit Ann’s brand at the time, MyBlogGuest. From there, Deborah was brought on board as Ann’s Community Manager and handled all things Video and Podcast, for Ann’s brand. The rest, as they say, is history. But, Deborah served as Ann’s secret weapon when it came to Twitter Chats until Ann and Sana could learn the trade and apply it themselves. 🙂

Helping Stacie Walker Overcome Her Fear of Appearing on Camera and Becoming a SuperStar Herself!

Stacie Walker is a successful entrepreneur in her own right. At one time, she was afraid to appear on camera. Thanks to the careful nurturing of the community and, specifically, the camera time, slowly and surely, with the time that Deborah spent with her, Stacie was able to overcome her fear and attributed that to Deborah working with her. Now, Stacie is able to work with other women, coaching them beyond their fear of being on camera!

Brought to New York to Start and Head Up Video Department for Global Marketing Leader Internet Marketing Ninjas

Based on the success of the #SocialCafe community, Deborah caught the attention of the widely-successful and internationally-known Internet Marketing Ninjas. She was hired to come start the Video Department for them at their offices in New York. The intent was to “put them on the map” like she had with so many other clients!

When she arrived, it was determined that they needed her skills to clean up a bit of the training and organization as it related to project management, and she agreed to help in that regard, behind the scenes. So, the Video Department was put on the back burner, and it did not make its way off the map after all. But, everyone was trained in project management! 🙂

Next Chapter: Returning to Her Roots and Launching/Re-Launching the (Seven) Podcasts

Coming full circle, #SocialCafe has had a chance to return to its roots. Deborah has had a chance to finish all but her dissertation in her doctorate in psychology (ABD).

This includes so many new aspects of the community, and we have only just begun, to quote one of Deborah’s favorite Carpenters’ songs! But, don’t take our word for it, go visit some of the other pages and check out the videos and posts and come introduce yourself (in the comments section on this site) and let’s get to know each other in the community, shall we?

We DO have some fun things planned for you!

The Community is What Matters

Do you know what matters the most? It always comes back to the community.

People have asked me why I continue to “do” #SocialCafe. They will say things like, “You cannot be getting rich off of this, can you?”

What they do not seem to realize is that it has never been about the money.

Oh, don’t get me wrong. We DO need to make some money, and you will see some offers for memberships and things like that, but that is to “keep the lights on” and to pay bills. But, we are not here to talk about that.

The community is what matters to me. That is why it is things like the below that really touch my heart, the unsolicited testimonials. When people give you heartfelt testimonials, and you were not even asking for testimonials, and they say such kind things? Well, that is priceless. THAT is what answers the question. And it is for the community that I get up each morning and continue to desire to serve this wonderful #SocialCafe community.

Final Mission Statement (Also at Top of this Page)

#SocialCafe, as one of the longest-running traditional Twitter Chats, exists for the global community – a place where the community can come, join together, learn from each other (and experts), feel comfortable being themselves (and ask questions), and grow as individuals and as a community.

The core values of #SocialCafe includes positivity and encouragement of others. We lead by the example of being trendsetters instead of trend followers but, most importantly, being there for each other as a caring community, proving it by action rather than just words.