Viral Content Bee by Ann Smarty (Summary) #SocialCafe 1.13

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#SocialCafe Chat Topic: Viral Content Bee by Ann Smarty

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  1. What is Viral Content Bee?

A new social media sharing platform has come to town. It is called, And, it is free! There is so much more to VCB than that. Check out the highlights, below, and thumb through the slideshow to find out about our chat today, discussing VCB.

  1. Why do I need another sharing platform?

Ann Smarty describes it well, in her tweet here:

#Q2 Viral Content Buzz is ALL about quality. we pre-moderate everything and accept only *real* social profiles #socialcafe

— Ann Smarty (@seosmarty) October 31, 2012

  1. What makes Viral Content Bee different and unique?

There are three key issues that may make VCB different from other social media sharing platforms:

  • weighted credit system, rewarding more credits to those who have more influence, while still helping the newbies into the program.
  • non-obligatory sharing of articles YOU want to share.
  • quality articles (moderated by a human being).

  1. How do I use Viral Content Bee most effectively?

The best tip that can be given is to go do it. Or, as Donna Anderson says, "Get in there and share!"

Final Thoughts and Action Steps

Still have questions about Check out the video, below, and here from Gerald Weber. Also, sign up for free, and get a front row ticket to new and upcoming changes in this well-researched social sharing platform. See you there!

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