What Is So Special About Twitter’s [New & Improved] TweetDeck? #SocialCafe 12.22

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#SocialCafe Chat Topic: What Is So Special About Twitter's [New & Improved] TweetDeck?

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  1. How familiar are you with Twitter’s TweetDeck tool? For example... Never heard of it... VERY familiar... used to use it... so-so-familiarity ... do not care to comment...

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  1. Let’s pause for a moment... Who would you like to invite to this chat, to discuss #TweetDeck? Any friends or associates? :)

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  1. What do you like (or dislike) about #TweetDeck? ... or wish you knew about #TweetDeck?

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  1. What would help when it comes to using a tool like #TweetDeck? Like, better understanding of the tool? More time with it?

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  1. What is our #may30 #SocialCafe #ShamelessPlug? Don’t forget to include #ShamelessPlug in your tweet... Promote yourself; Celebrate those wins! Advertise your product(s) or service(s)

Final Thoughts and Action Steps

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