Blog/Site Security 3 * Discovering (Summary) #SocialCafe 3.8

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#SocialCafe Chat Topic: Blog/Site Security 3 * Discovering

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This Week's Security Software

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Blog/Site Security 2 * Discovering VaultPress #SocialCafe 3.7

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Blog/Site Security 4 * Blog/Site Backups #SocialCafe 3.9

  1. How familiar are you with the platform?

It might be new to us, but we are checking it out now!

  1. What features would be most desirable in a platform like

Very similar to what we viewed as important with the other security topics, we like reliability and dependability.

  1. What features would you like added to a product like

The sales pitch and list of features for Sucuri must be pretty good because we do not necessarily have questions right now. However, we aim to do our due diligence in research.

  1. How has this inspired you in your blog security endeavors?

Glad to see we are going to make some improvements ;)

Final Thoughts and Action Steps

Good things to come, eh?

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