Creating a “Hire Me” page #SocialCafe 1.5

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#SocialCafe Chat Topic: Creating a “Hire Me” Page

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Resources Mentioned In Chat/Show

Growmap: The “Why” of the Hire Me Page
Why Your Blog Should Have a Hire Me Tab

“Hire Me Page” Example
Cavalier Web Design Hire Me

Growmap: The “How”
Freelancers: How to Get More Freelance Work

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  1. What is a Hire Me page and why do I want it?

Wondering why you should bother with a Hire Me page? Check out this article:
Why Your Blog Should Have A Hire Me Page.

  1. What are examples of good Hire Me pages?

Great examples of Hire Me pages can be found here:

  1. What steps have I taken or should I take to set up a Hire Me page?

The following #HowTo Tips are based on:
Ivan Walsh's article on GrowMap: Guide to Setting Up your Hire Me Page.

  1. What else can I do to add to my Hire Me page?

Some brilliant ideas from our Twitter Chat participants! Check out what Enstine Muki says, below, about using your Hire Me page and CommentLuv Premium. Great idea!

Still stuck on what you can offer today? Check out this article: What to Offer On Your Hire Me Page.

Final Thoughts and Action Steps

Some great ideas to get you going on your Hire Me page. And, if you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to pop them in the comments.

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