Engaging the Encouragement Available to Us #SocialCafe 8.24

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#SocialCafe Chat Topic: Engaging the Encouragement Available to Us

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Resources Mentioned In Chat/Show

Encouraging Book (Geared Toward Women by ok for you Men, Too!)
Girl, Stop Apologizing! by Rachel Hollis (affiliate link)

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View the full #SocialCafe Chat Transcript

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  1. What is encouragement? How would you define it?

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  1. Would you say that you have an adequate level of encouragement in your life (personal & business)? Is there room for improvement?

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  1. What are ways that you encourage others (or think about encouraging others)?

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  1. What are your successes in the area of encouragement?

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  1. What are your challenges in the area of encouragement?

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  1. What are your sources of encouragement?

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  1. What other questions do you have about encouragement?

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  1. Ok, now it is time to brag about what you do well! Your #ShamelessPlug is ..

Final Thoughts and Action Steps

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