What Do We Think of G+/YouTube Changes? (Summary) #SocialCafe 2.28

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#SocialCafe Chat Topic: What Do We Think of G+/YouTube Changes?

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Resources Mentioned In Chat/Show

Wordpress Plugin
G+ Interactive Posts (WP plugin)

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  1. What are the G+ changes that have affected you?

There are a few G+ changes out there that we have experienced, including the quite large cover, layout/navigational changes, as well as look and feel. But, we are resourceful and adapting.

  1. What are the YouTube changes that have affected you?

Google added a cool YouTube channel trailer feature, as well as layout changes. Some of it is quite sleek, but may take us a bit to get used to, with change.

  1. How have these changes helped your brand?

Interestingly, it is not uncommon for us to feel the need/desire to use G+ and YouTube more than we have in the past. Even for those of us "veterans," this is inspiring us to do more.

  1. In what ways do you plan to use these changes to maximize your social presence?

Consistent with the last question, it is a matter of utilizing it. Some suggestions would be to start utilizing the interactive buttons. Check out the link for a Wordpress plugin, in the resources listing.

Final Thoughts and Action Steps

Always there for you, and looking forward to the next chat, next week.

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