Do Laws Affect Me As A Blogger? (Summary) #SocialCafe 2.29

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#SocialCafe Chat Topic: Do Laws Affect Me As A Blogger?

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Resources Mentioned In Chat/Show as tweeted by the (former) @glitteryglossy profile user.
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  1. Why should I be concerned about legal issues, as a blogger?

So many awesome answers to this question! More than what fits in the summary, so you will have to view the slideshow, above, ok?

  1. What legal issues should I be concerned about as a blogger?

More great answers to this one. Kimberly mentioned some great points on being careful "what you say." Also, it is not like you can take back what has been said. Even taking a post down does not necessarily remove its "forever imprint" on the 'net. Crista also continued along the thought of "info" that shouldn't be there when talking about the private data that seem rampant on the 'net. Both are very good points.

  1. Where can I find out more information about legal issues for bloggers?

James recommends a book that will tell you what you need to know (check out his tweet, below), and, there is The Blog Workshop coming up, which covers this topic.

  1. What are my actions steps, as a result of what I have learned tonight?

A great resource, tweeted by @ToddInKC, to help us familiarize ourselves with an overview of the laws that affect us, is shown in his tweet below. Action starts with that first step, even if it is to work through copyrighting your content.

Final Thoughts and Action Steps

Oh, we love kudos. Thank you soooooo much. #SocialCafe and #TBW are all about you, the tweet chatters and tweeps. Gotta love it when people find value, even in 10 min, like Marisa (see tweet, below). And, for those of you who would like some reminding, be sure to sign up to receive an email notification on Tuesdays, to let you know about the chat.

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