More Mysteries of the Pay-Per-Click World (Summary) #SocialCafe 2.36

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#SocialCafe Chat Topic: More Mysteries of the Pay-Per-Click World

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Resources Mentioned In Chat/Show

Working with PPC for Your Benefit
Three Ways To Expand Your Business Through PPC

Using PPC Case Studies
O2 – Analyse A Real PPC Campaign

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The Mysteries of the Pay-Per-Click World #SocialCafe 2.35

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PPC Through the World of Social Media 1: Facebook #SocialCafe 2.37

  1. What is your experience with PPC advertising with search engines (i.e. Adwords; Bing)?

What are we learning? We are learning that understanding PPC is a learning process, eh?

  1. What challenges do you face with setting up your search PPC campaign(s)?

Choosing the right keywords and choosing the right videos (in YouTube PPC) are important strategies.

  1. What successes have you experienced with search PPC?

It is important to track what you are doing, no matter which PPC you use. You need to ensure there is an ROI (return on investment).

  1. After this chat, which search PPC methods do you think you will try?

Remember important strategies like reaching your audience and understanding them. That will help when you move on to PPC.

Final Thoughts and Action Steps

Many tips and strategies that we can implement in our PPC strategy. Thanks, all!

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