PPC Through the World of Social Media 1: Facebook (Summary) #SocialCafe 2.37

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#SocialCafe Chat Topic: PPC Through the World of Social Media 1: Facebook

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Resources Mentioned In Chat/Show

A/B Testing
How to Split-Test Your Facebook Ads to Maximize Conversions

Target the Advertising
Facebook Custom Audiences: Target Facebook Ads by Email List

Maximizing Your PPC ROI
PPC: 5 Facebook Ad Tips to Maximize Your Facebook Campaigns

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  1. What is your experience with Facebook advertising?

Some of us have tried Facebook advertising and some of us have not. Like Mary said, we should ensure our PPC ads are as tarted as possible, for a more positive outcome.

  1. What challenges do you face with setting up Facebook ad campaign(s)?

Split-testing is a great way to figure out which ad is doing the best.

  1. Which Facebook ad options have provided the most success?

In Facebook, we have an opportunity to create custom audiences. That means that we can really target our ads effectively.

  1. After this chat, which Facebook ad methods (if any) do you think you will try?

Facebook allows us to do what we need to do with PPC advertising.

Final Thoughts and Action Steps

We learned a lot about Facebook PPC Advertising, but there is still much to learn and Facebook seems to be continually improving!

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