Prep for Revisiting the Little Bits #SocialCafe 8.26
#SocialCafe Chat Topic: Prep for Revisiting the Little Bits
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By approaching life with a little bits approach it allows us to handle life a little bit at a time and accomplish our goals. This is well-represented in the quote shown in the below graphic:
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Digging Deeper into Those Little Bits #SocialCafe 8.27
View the full #SocialCafe Chat Transcript
- What does the phrase “little bits” mean to you?
You know what is really cool? Each time we revisit the topic of the little bits approach to life and success, we come up with even more refined (and defined!) ways of describing it. Even in our tweets, we learn from each other, bit by bit (or tweet by tweet).
A1: Little bits are those small increments of progress and action.#SocialCafe— Kathryn Lang (@Kathrynclang) June 26, 2019 | A1 “Little bits” means a bite-sized approach to getting things done >> #success #SocialCafe— Deborah (@socialwebcafe) June 26, 2019 |
- Has the view (or implementation) of little bits changed as you journey through 2019? How so?
The nice thing about little bits (or about our ability to make decisions for ourselves, for that matter) is that we do not have to commit to one approach 100% of the time or forever. As Tom mentions, sometimes there are cases where a more thorough (bigger) approach is needed. Then, again, even with house cleaning one could decide to approach it with a little bit approach, couldn’t they?
A2 I don’t think the view has changed but mostly because “little bits” has been my approach to life for many decades already (even if I may not have used that term ;) ) #SocialCafe— Deborah (@socialwebcafe) June 26, 2019 | A2) Sometimes. Other times the need calls for a wholesale house cleaning. #SocialCafe— Tom Reid (@_TomGReid) June 26, 2019 |
- What are some ways you want to improve on having “little bits” work for you?
A3) From my vision I carve out my current mission. Then I set goals to achieve that vision. From there I break down everything into do-able tasks which I then prioritize. Each item I can cross off that list is my "little bits" of progress. #SocialCafe— Tom Reid (@_TomGReid) June 26, 2019 | A3 I can always use more organization, logging, tracking, and identification of areas for improvement... #SocialCafe— Deborah (@socialwebcafe) June 26, 2019 |
- How do you think the development of habits can help you with those little bits and future personal & business success?
A4: Practicing little bits will build better habits and the habits will help you practice the little bits. | A4 I think one can take a view of habits that defines it as little bits, or as I read this week, “mini habits.” | I look forward to more discussion on mini habits next week during #SocialCafe— Deborah (@socialwebcafe) June 26, 2019 |
- What tools or resources can help us in the pursuit of efficiency with little bits and success-building habits?
Exactly my point. The steps you take are on YOUR journey. Let everyone else chose their path and the size of their steps. Which reminds me - I still need to get 1800 in before midnight. #SocialCafe— Tom Reid (@_TomGReid) June 26, 2019 | A5) I think it is important to have a vision and goals designed to make you see progress toward them. You can track them any way you choose, but pen and paper work just fine. #SocialCafe— Tom Reid (@_TomGReid) June 26, 2019 |
- What tips do we have to offer on this topic?
A6 Defining the helpful habits and the not-so-helpful (possibly wasteful) habits | Finding what coincides with the little bits approach to success #SocialCafe— Deborah (@socialwebcafe) June 26, 2019 | A6: Be okay with little bits of progress because progress gets you closer.#SocialCafe— Kathryn Lang (@Kathrynclang) June 26, 2019 |
- How about any questions? (Or do we already know it all? lol)
Hey Tom - if this happens to be a question for me, then I am pleased to give credit to a talented artist (and dear friend!) named Liliana Graham. She developed the concept and painted it. We have the full-size painting in our home ;) #SocialCafe— Deborah (@socialwebcafe) July 2, 2019 | When I catch up on sleep :) #SocialCafe— Deborah (@socialwebcafe) June 26, 2019 |
- Ok, now it is time to brag about what you do well! Your #ShamelessPlug is ..
Sounds like a great plan ! @Kathrynclang #SocialCafe— Deborah (@socialwebcafe) June 26, 2019 | I've got none. Once I understood the context it all made sense. #SocialCafe— Tom Reid (@_TomGReid) June 26, 2019 |
Final Thoughts and Action Steps
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#SocialCafe Twitter Chat Announcement
This SocialWebCafe Twitter Event is about Prep for Revisiting the Little Bits.

Twitter Event Details
- Date: 06/25/2019
- Time: 6:00 pm PST/PDT (9:00 pm EST/EDT).
- Hashtag: #SocialCafe
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Twitter Event Questions
- What does the phrase “little bits” mean to you?
- Has the view (or implementation) of little bits changed as you journey through 2019? How so?
- What are some ways you want to improve on having “little bits” work for you?
- How do you think the development of habits can help you with those little bits and future personal & business success?
- What tools or resources can help us in the pursuit of efficiency with little bits and success-building habits?
- What tips do we have to offer on this topic?
- How about any questions? (Or do we already know it all? lol)
- Ok, now it is time to brag about what you do well! Your #ShamelessPlug is ..
Format: Q&A
For more information on the formats of Twitter Events and what we recommend as tools to join in the fun, please visit Twitter Event Instruction.
Have questions? Leave them in the comments or send a regular tweet to Deborah @SocialWebCafe.
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