#SocialCafe 1.7 Chat Transcript

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#B2CTweet Retweeting and EasyRetweet

#B2CTweet Retweeting and EasyRetweet

Q&A discussion and chat about retweeting and the @easy_retweet service. Hosts: @Growmap @SocialwebCafe, co-founders of @B2CTweet

  1. --------------- Featuring: ---------------
  2. --------------- Your Hosts ---------------
  3. --------------- The Chat: ---------------
  4. Welcome to another #B2CTweet Chat, at our normal 3pm EDT slot every Wednesday.
  5. If you are following along on the #B2CTweet questions, you can find them here:  http://b2ct.me/OuKvtN N
  6. I hope anyone seeing this tweet fly by pops in because retweets and replies on Twitter do NOT work the way you THINK they do! #b2ctweet
  7. Did you know that if you click REPLY that ONLY that person will see your tweet unless someone looks at 1 or your profile pages? #b2ctweet
  8. So if you want to maximize tweet or RT reach do NOT click reply or mention and start tweets with anything BUT usernames! #b2ctweet
  9. Yes, but putting a . at the beginning of tweets does NOT work if you clicked reply as we found out last week! @socialwebcafe #b2ctweet
  10. True. Always want to get the newbies involved and help them MT @GrowMap: A1 but some new Twitter users may not @b2ctweet #b2ctweet
  11. A1: A manual retweet is proceeded by "RT @username" & can be edited. It is shared with your followers like a tweet you composed. #B2CTweet
  12. That is another reason I love @commun_it and others do, too - because you can easily edit retweets. #b2ctweet
  13. No one I have noticed uses MT - but maybe I just haven't paid attention to that. #b2ctweet
  14. Brad @bigfeetmktg Is there only one Twitter app or do you recommend a specific one for RTing? #b2ctweet
  15. I have the @hootsuite app, too. I find myself using the Official Twitter app more. It even let's you manage multiple accts easily. #B2CTweet
  16. A2 I feel like I am able to "see" results better with the manual RT. It creates opportunities for further engagement. #b2ctweet
  17. @bigfeetmktg I use @hootsuite, as well. I like the option, even on my #iPhone, to manual RT or *normal* RT #b2ctweet
  18. Ok so the iPhone Twitter app you like is the official Twitter app? @bigfeetmktg #b2ctweet
  19. @GrowMap @socialwebcafe Glad to be here :) Can you guys tell me what today's topic is? Thanks:) #b2ctweet
  20. The Twitter App notifies me whenever anyone retweets or favorites my tweets. Those are easy to miss. It's why I mainly RT manually #B2CTweet
  21. And enter to win credits and Enstine's cool new plugin for monetizing blogs from @Easy_retweet  http://www.b2ctweet.com/b2ctweet-5/ cob2ctweetet-5/ #b2ctweet
  22. RT @GrowMap: Ok so the iPhone Twitter app you like is the official Twitter app? @bigfeetmktg // yes #B2CTweet
  23. Everyone on #b2ctweet chat today will want to enter to win free Retweets and a WP plugin  http://www.b2ctweet.com/b2ctweet-5/ cob2ctweetet-5/ #b2ctweet
  24. @Blognetworking We are talking about RT during our 3p chat and then, specifically, @Easy_retweet during the 4p party/giveaway #b2ctweet
  25. TY RT @GrowMap: Deb wrote another post about @commun_it you may want to check out later, too  http://smbcontest.com/commun-it-turns-twitter-into-a-true-relationship-tool/ m/cbigfeetmktgrnb2ctweetr-into-a-true-relationship-tool/ @bigfeetmktg #b2ctweet
  26. Enstine's new plugin makes it easy to add call to actions, ads or offers into your blog. #Giveaway  http://b2ct.me/OuKvtN N Ileanee b2ctweett
  27. FYI @hootsuite has been THE top solution for managing Twitter accounts for YEARS now >> Comparisons  http://growmap.com/managing-multiple-twitter-accounts/ anb2ctweetltiple-twitter-accounts/ #b2ctweet
  28. Another reason to take time to interact is to increase productivity and accomplish more by sharing tips #b2ctweet
  29. RT @GrowMap: FYI @hootsuite has been THE top solution for managing Twitter accounts for YEARS now ... //Facebook & LinkedIn, too. #B2CTweet
  30. RT @GrowMap: Another reason to take time to interact is to increase productivity and accomplish more by sharing tips #b2ctweet
  31. RT @GrowMap: Another reason to take time to interact is to increase productivity and accomplish more by sharing tips #b2ctweet
  32. @GrowMap Agree, Gail. Interaction is the key (sometimes, networking can be more powerful than content and marketing combined). #b2ctweet
  33. @GrowMap I have to admit that I like @TweetDeck for micro-minute scheduling. @hootsuite has 5 min incr. But, I'm weird :) #b2ctweet
  34. RT @GrowMap: Another reason to take time to interact is to increase productivity and accomplish more by sharing tips #b2ctweet
  35. Hello @ENTEGREAT I hope you'll join us - all are welcome to throw out comments, tips, questions. #b2ctweet
  36. LOL that is weird Deb @socialwebcafe You want your tweets to the minute. 5 minutes not close enough? hahaha #b2ctweet
  37. Brian Clark @copyblogger says our social media networks are "Content Delivery Systems". You need multiple RTs for it to work well. #B2CTweet
  38. @GrowMap I know. I seriously AM weird. I have to agree with you. LOL #b2ctweet
  39. Serious marketers and bloggers know that one tweet is not enough, but many are afraid to schedule more #b2ctweet
  40. Twitter may filter out duplicate tweets so key to success is unique tweets and/or sending them to specific people. #b2ctweet
  41. Like that MT @bigfeetmktg: Brian Clark @copyblogger says our social media networks are "Content Delivery Systems." #B2CTweet
  42. @socialwebcafe @GrowMap That is weird, Deborah ;) Getting too paranoid about scheduling and timing tweets? ;) #b2cTweet
  43. Top recommendation I've seen is to schedule at least 3 unique tweets about the same thing per 24 hours #b2ctweet
  44. RT @GrowMap: I wonder if tools like @Topsy count MTs as RTs ? I hope they'll let us know. #b2ctweet
  45. A4 Even shy people can "network" by using @Easy_retweet to request retweets - no chance of rejection :-) #b2ctweet
  46. Get started by using @Easy_retweet and @commun_it to open doors and "meet" people who are friendly and interested in you. #b2ctweet
  47. As you get busier you will find out that YOU have to reach out & stay in touch because everyone is so very busy. #b2ctweet
  48. @GrowMap Very good point, about shy people using @Easy_retweet Great way for newbies to get their "feet wet." #b2ctweet
  49. RT @GrowMap: As you get busier you will find out that YOU have to reach out & stay in touch because everyone is so very busy. #b2ctweet
  50. RT @GrowMap: As you get busier you will find out that YOU have to reach out & stay in touch because everyone is so very busy. #b2ctweet
  51. And, @Easy_retweet as well as @commun_it are great tools to "point and click." In many ways, they do part of the thinking for u #b2ctweet
  52. @GrowMap What I do is just restrict most of the networking to a group of bloggers (for others I don't spend much time). #b2ctweet
  53. RT @GrowMap: Key to success: we have to reach out to those most likely to be interested so they "see" us w/o us being annoying. #b2ctweet
  54. Hi Kahla @misswrightdaily Welcome to Twitter chat. Feel free to comment, offer ideas, ask questions. All are welcome. #b2ctweet
  55. Yes eventually we realize it is relationships of depth that make a difference instead of zillions of followers @Blognetworking #b2ctweet
  56. @Blognetworking Jeevan in "restricting" do you mean Twitter Lists? Like, so you only "see" certain tweets in the stream? #b2ctweet
  57. @socialwebcafe No, I mean I focus on networking with just a certain number of bloggers :) #b2ctweet
  58. Next week, on #B2CTweet, we will talk about Twitter etiquette and ethics. Wed 3p EDT
  59. @socialwebcafe Same goes for commenting and marketing. Occasionally, I do go out and network with others. But, mostly these guys. #b2ctweet
  60. Thanks @socialwebcafe & @GrowMap for another #b2ctweet. Learned something new, yet again. See ya next week!
  61. Missed the #B2CTweet chat? Stay tuned for Tweets letting your know the #B2CTweet archive/summary is ready.
  62. Thank you so much, @GrowMap for helping us with your #Twitter expertise in the #B2CTweet chat today.
  63. Thank you @Brad_Harmon for your valuable insights. We appreciate you! #b2ctweet
  64. Did you enter to win Brad? Deb loves that plugin and the retweets are worth having @Brad_Harmon  http://b2ct.me/OuKvtN N b2ctweett
  65. If you are following along on the #B2CTweet questions, you can find them here:  http://b2ct.me/OuKvtN N
  66. Deb @socialwebcafe Can you share with us how you use that plugin on  http://B2CTweet.com - why you love it? #bb2ctweet
  67. Sure @GrowMap Even though I am a coder, the @Easy_retweet cash donator plugin saves me time, especially with #PayPal buttons #b2ctweet
  68. Can you stay for the party Jeevan? @Blognetworking Going to share how to write better tweets and retweet requests #b2ctweet
  69. I no longer have to login to #PayPal and manually design anything because it is built-in That way, it is easy to add more buttons #b2ctweet
  70. How do I write a tweet so compelling others will want to RT me? #b2ctweet
  71. I really need to install plugin on GrowMap & remove PayPal buttons that disappear when I use visual editor  http://b2ct.me/OuKvtN N b2ctweett
  72. A1 The best way to know how to write great tweets is to look at BAD TWEETS! #b2ctweet
  73. A1 Any tweet that is only a link = I'm not clicking on that - and you shouldn't either! #b2ctweet
  74. Absolutely! MT @GrowMap: Any1 ..manually putting PayPal buttons .. will appreciate this plugin:  http://b2ct.me/OuKvtN N giveawayy b2ctweett
  75. A1 If a tweet contains a link there should be a good idea WHAT that link goes to IN the tweet! #b2ctweet
  76. RT @GrowMap: A1 The best way to know how to write great tweets is to look at BAD TWEETS! #b2ctweet
  77. A1 Tweets should contain a call to action in them - tell the viewer what you wish they would do with that tweet #b2ctweet
  78. A1 Tweets need to be interesting to get clicks and RTs - they have to SAY something compelling #b2ctweet
  79. RT @GrowMap: A1 Tweets need to be interesting to get clicks and RTs - they have to SAY something compelling #b2ctweet
  80. Example of a good tweet by David Fuhrmann ?44@davidfuhrmann Quick advice for #PublicSpeaking  http://bit.ly/LCq8HF  #b2ctweet
  81. Good because you know just what that tweet is about and whether you care about what is at that link #b2ctweet
  82. RT @GrowMap: RT @b2ctweet: Q1 How do I write a tweet so compelling others will want to RT me? #b2ctweet
  83. Example of a weak tweet: Franchises  http://goo.gl/x5B9b Franchises what? No clue so no click #bb2ctweet
  84. RT @GrowMap: Example of a weak tweet: Franchises  http://goo.gl/x5B9b Franchises what? No clue so no click #bb2ctweet
  85. BAD tweets: "Surprisingly, web hosting can in fact give assistance with your debts" WHAT? Spammer #b2ctweet
  86. @GrowMap Seriously? web hosting = assistance with debts ?? I would hope that common sense comes into play! #b2ctweet
  87. Q2 How do I get more retweets for my retweet requests? #B2CTweet
  88. WEAK RT request: If you haven't LIKE my facebook fan page. Thanks - Strangers unlikely to do that #b2ctweet
  89. A2 To get more Retweets, write compelling tweets that will interest many people. #b2ctweet
  90. A2 When using @Easy_retweet look at existing bids to see how many to offer for your RTs = more RTs for same number of credits #b2ctweet
  91. RT @b2ctweet: Q2 How do I get more retweets for my retweet requests? #B2CTweet
  92. I look at how many credits are bid on the first page and decide where I want my request to be and bid accordingly @socialwebcafe #b2ctweet
  93. Yeah, I wouldn't click. RT @GrowMap: WEAK RT request: If you havent LIKE my facebook fan page. Thanks - Strangers unlikely to do #b2ctweet
  94. You know, @GrowMap There is a lot of flexibility in @Easy_retweet #cashdonator plugin, allowing affiliate links, banners, PayPal #b2ctweet
  95. RT @GrowMap: Bidding a penny more instead of even numbers on anything - including AdWords = advantage + more for your money #b2ctweet
  96. A3 It does NOT usually work to ask for follows or Facebook likes in a retweet request #b2ctweet
  97. Good point! RT @GrowMap: A3 It does NOT usually work to ask for follows or Facebook likes in a retweet request #b2ctweet
  98. A3 Spammy sounding tweets are going to get less tweets and RTs #b2ctweet
  99. A3 Requesting retweets for objectionable content would make me avoid any future requests you enter into sites like @Easy_retweet #b2ctweet
  100. RT @GrowMap: Serious marketers and bloggers know that one tweet is not enough, but many are afraid to schedule more #b2ctweet
  101. A3 I also tend not to click on links with the "egg" profile pic. I don't follow, either. #b2ctweet
  102. A3 Sometimes, getting RTs may be as simple as asking... "Please RT" (Works a lot on me, anyway :) ) #b2ctweet
  103. A3 Some sites will delete any Twitter profile that does not update their Avatar from the egg. If you don't know how ask anyone #b2ctweet
  104. A4 The best way to find out is to see what tweets get retweeted. If they have a link in them use @Topsy #b2ctweet
  105. @GrowMap that's not true - any user who is also friends with the user @mention'd will see that tweet in their stream. #b2ctweet
  106. RT @GrowMap: A3 Spammy sounding tweets are going to get less tweets and RTs #b2ctweet
  107. RT @GrowMap: Bidding a penny more instead of even numbers on anything - including AdWords = advantage + more for your money #b2ctweet
  108. IF you follow both of them - but replies don't show for anyone else on Twitter @kellyhclay #b2ctweet
  109. You could see bids on Overture / Yahoo and sometimes 20+ all bidding $0.50 so bid $0.51 & you outbid them all @dragonblogger #b2ctweet
  110. RT @GrowMap: Serious marketers and bloggers know that one tweet is not enough, but many are afraid to schedule more #b2ctweet
  111. Used to work that way but have you tested lately to see if you can see all replies? @kellyhclay #b2ctweet
  112. Same thing happens in AdWords @dragonblogger Most bid even amounts so bid a penny or two higher and you have the advantage #b2ctweet
  113. Main point we were making is that if you click reply even if you edit the tweet so username is not first = reply @kellyhclay #b2ctweet
  114. Many are adding a period or words before the username thinking that makes tweets visible to all but it doesn't @kellyhclay #b2ctweet
  115. Next week, on #B2CTweet chat, we will talk about Twitter etiquette and ethics. Wed 3p EDT
  116. RT @b2ctweet: Next week, on #B2CTweet chat, we will talk about Twitter etiquette and ethics. Wed 3p EDT
  117. Missed the #B2CTweet chat? Stay tuned for Tweets letting your know the #B2CTweet archive/summary is ready.
  118. Congratulations Jeevan @Blognetworking I know you will make good use of that plugin and @Easy_retweet credits #b2ctweet

Link to Complete Summary.
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