Going Viral With Video #SocialCafe #TBW Twitter SubscribeWould you like to receive the Social Web Cafe newsletter that includes emails on Tuesdays to remind you of the #SocialCafe #TBW Twitter C...
--- Please visit these wonderful services (sponsored/affiliates)! --- --------------- The Chat: --------------- Welcome to the Chat at our weekly Tues 6pm PDT / 9p EDT slot. Our topic Chat hour: Video Marketing Embed this slideshare in an article on YOUR blog. Free! Grab code here: http://ht.ly/q3Z8v Who's ready to talk !!! I'm excited about this one because multimedia is the wave of the now and future ;) We're discussing "Going Viral With Video": Use hashtags to Join the Chat now! :) Thanks, Eric :) RT RT : Our topic Chat hour: Video Marketing Q1 What is your biggest struggle with video content? Q1 What is your biggest struggle with video content? How are you all doing tonight? hi, welcome the chat! glad to have you here! RT Q1 What is your biggest struggle with video content? Great to be here. Thank you:) sure thing :) We still need to get you on that interview, Stacie - empowering women :) I'm doing great, thanks for asking, How Are you doing? A1 I would say that creating constant valuable content in a short period of time can be a challenge A1 I would say that creating constant valuable content in a short period of time can be a challenge A1 I would say that creating constant valuable content in a short period of time can be a challenge Hey Missy. Good to c u :) Absolutely! I left you a message on G+ Hi Stacie! Thanks for joining us tonight :) I'm looking forward to it:) I know it's going to be great A1 Enough time to finish it! (I do a lot of videos and always want to do more!) A1 Enough time to finish it! (I do a lot of videos and always want to do more!) A1: coming up with new, quality, original content, that appeals to my audience A1: coming up with new, quality, original content, that appeals to my audience RT A1 I would say that creating constant valuable content in a short period of time can be a challenge I need to review the chat from last week RT Last week we talked about email marketing http://sw.bcafe.co/7Y can't wait to see what's going on in tonight. A1. Another challenge is keeping videos interactive, engaging AND short enough for people not to lose interest lol I'm doing great! I appreciate the warm welcome:) I'm faboulous, glad to see you on our chat tonight Hi Mark! Thanks for joining us tonight I agree Da Vinci. Long can be high quality, but end up boring the viewer Just to recap "Q1 What is your biggest struggle with video content? " Hey Mark. Welcome! RT can't wait to see what's going on in tonight. Good point - RT I agree Da Vinci. Long can be high quality, but end up boring the viewer Hi Mark, glad to have you here chatting with us tonight! Yeah it's important to keep the balance there.. sometimes it helps to do more segments My focus in the next months is short videos 3-5 min. A good way to do it is link to the long version Q1 - I haven't created my own video content. That's why I'm here to learn from you all. I should have put A! I haven't created my own video content yet. That's why I'm here to learn from you all. Video Tip#1 Think outside the box: Video content doesn't have to be camera & person... Video Tip#1 Think outside the box: Video content doesn't have to be camera & person... Great tip! That's what we've started doing also Love this Twitter Chat series all about video! Love this Twitter Chat series all about video! Love this Twitter Chat series all about video! Awesome! What kind of videos are you looking to do? Alternative? RT Video Tip#1 Think outside the box: Video content doesn't have to be camera & person... I would love to create vlog posts in addition to written content on my blog and podcasts RT I would love to create vlog posts in addition to written content on my blog and podcasts I would say don't be afraid to learn and try things like green screen, voice overs, etc RT RT : Love this Twitter Chat series all about video! Video Tip#1.1 Video can be slideshow. Mac Powerpoint has built-in. Also, Fiverr has people offering for $5 RT Video Tip#1 Think outside the box: Video content doesn't have to be camera & person... I'm not afraid to do video. I just haven't used it yet. I'm an open minded gal:) Great idea Marisa! With things like Insta-vids, vine, etc you can always do quick clips too RT Video Tip#1.1 Video can be slideshow. Mac Powerpoint has built-in. Also, Fiverr has ppl offering for $5 RT I'm not afraid to do video. I just haven't used it yet. I'm an open minded gal:) RT RT Video Tip#1 Think outside the box: Video content doesn't have to be camera & person... Video Tip#1.2 If u r awesome at writing articles, u can "write" in a powerpoint, add stock images, & create video (See 1.1) Great!!! - RT Video Tip#1.1 Video can be slideshow. Mac Powerpoint has built-in. Also, Fiverr...for $5 Q2 What methods are you using to distribute video content? We do a lot of instagram videos at events and then tie them in on posts Coming to this tweet chat is an excellent way to get real time education on how to use video content RT We do a lot of instagram videos at events and then tie them in on posts A2 I am doing it somewhat manually, but OneLoad is a great option. A2 I am doing it somewhat manually, but OneLoad is a great option. Video Tip#1.3 Want fun branding for your vid? Grab a pic, find cartoonist on fiverr & add as "bumpers" to vid I never even thought of that. Thanks so much for sharing:) Q2 What methods are you using to distribute video content? LIke :) RT Coming to this tweet chat is an excellent way to get real time education on how to use video Video Tip#1.4 More visual than writing? Use images as "slides" for a video Video Tip#1.4 More visual than writing? Use images as "slides" for a video Video Tip#1.4 More visual than writing? Use images as "slides" for a video A2. Important, if you make the money from video monetization then you should be sure to not distribute where u lose $$$ RT Q2 What methods are you using to distribute video content? RT Video Tip#1.3 Want fun branding for ur vid? Grab a pic, find cartoonist on fiverr add as "bumpers" to vid Video Tip#2 Use parts from everywhere (i.e. combine vine vids, Tweets, hangouts) Video Tip#2 Use parts from everywhere (i.e. combine vine vids, Tweets, hangouts) A2. You also want to consider the protection of your content & how viral you want it to go... RT Video Tip#1.3 Want fun branding for your vid? Grab a pic, find cartoonist on fiverr... Ohh! Instagram videos at events - that's a great idea! Expand from YouTube - RT Video Tip#2 Use parts from everywhere (i.e. combine vine vids, Tweets, hangouts) It's a fun, easy, & fast way to grab video & connect your social Yes! RT Coming to this tweet chat is an excellent way to get real time education on how to use video ” A2. I love using because they allow you to control where your video can be embedded, distribution, etc RT A2. I love using b/c they allow u to control where ur video can be embedded, distribution, etc Video Tip#2.2 Think of everything as potential "part" for a video seems user friendly. Thanks - RT A2. I love using ... Yup Vimeo is awesome. A lot of the stuff on there is pretty high-quality Consider making trailers for your longer videos to grab peoples attention and drive traffic back to your site , is quite user friendly & cost effective too :) Glad you checked it out! Let us know how you like it Exactly! RT : Expand from YouTube - RT Video Tip#2 Use parts from everywhere Do you recommend Vimeo over Youtube? Q3 What is your experience with online videos? Youtube? Vimeo? Vine? Instagram? RT Consider making trailers for your longer videos...and drive traffic back to your site RT Consider making trailers for ur longer videos to grab peoples attention & drive traffic back to ur site Chat With Us! :) We're discussing "Going Viral With Video": Use hashtags Chat With Us! :) We're discussing "Going Viral With Video": Use hashtags RT Q3 What is your experience with online videos? Youtube? Vimeo? Vine? Instagram? Depends, to keep videos private for a community etc I recommend Vimeo... for monetization/standard Youtube Q3 What is your experience with online videos? Youtube? Vimeo? Vine? Instagram? A3 Even though I have not yet implemented them in my marketing plan. They come in handy when I don't feel like reading. A3 I am very interested in Mixbits over Vine A3: I like the all, But lately I've seen a lot of people posting vine videos, guess it's the new hip thing! ;) Heeeey! I'm a bit intimidated by video so I NEED this chat in my life! ": Hi Tiffany :) ” Nice to chat with you:) - RT Hi Tiffany :) Yes, and for the post, even the mini-vids are handy, in place of what would be the graphic. Yes, and for the post, even the mini-vids are handy, in place of what would be the graphic. learning so much here at this discussion Yes, it was sooo good! LOL ;-) Short, sweet - RT A3: ...Lately I've seen a lot of people posting vine videos, guess it's the new hip thing!;) I've not used any yet ": Q3 What is your experience with online videos? Youtube? Vimeo? Vine? Instagram? ” Hi, Tiffany, so glad you could join us for the chat! Goody :) RT learning so much here at this discussion Think about how you interact with video and use that to improve your videos, video ad placements, etc Yeah, I like the collaboration element. Very cool! RT A3 I am very interested in Mixbits over Vine Same here. I enjoy the real time engagement - RT learning so much here at this discussion Same here. I enjoy the real time engagement - RT learning so much here at this discussion A3 I use ‘em all. A lot of YouTube. Vimeo is great for quality. I use Instagram more than Vine. A3 I use ‘em all. A lot of YouTube. Vimeo is great for quality. I use Instagram more than Vine. Another great video idea are doing Q&A responses for readers :) Yup Vine videos r like everywhere, which makes sense since I guess ppl have short attention spans. lol You came to the right place then! :) Time to stretch your comfort zone a bit. The valuable advice here will guide you in the right direction Awesome! What kind of videos will you be making and what's your goal with them? That will help you decide Likewise! ": Nice to chat with you:) - RT Hi Tiffany :) ” Likewise! ": Nice to chat with you:) - RT Hi Tiffany :) ” Glad to be here! Learning so much! ": Hi, Tiffany, so glad you could join us for the chat!” I agree. Too much distraction with all of the technology available. Lol! RT I agree. Too much distraction with all of the technology available. Lol! Question. Vine streams are so short. How would you implement them? What content would you share? Video Tip#3 Plan some buzz. U need viral, but it helps to get it out there so people can find it. No regrets - RT RT : Chat With Us! :) discussing "Going Viral With Video": Use hashtags yup too much distraction. which makes the idea of making a teaser for ur longer videos a great idea Video Tip#3.1 Check out buzz platforms like @socialbuzclub Social Web Cafe TV: Marketing Momentum w/Charles & Deborah: new episode Thu Video Tip#3.1 Check out buzz platforms like @socialbuzclub RT Video Tip#3 Plan some buzz. U need viral, but it helps to get it out there so people can find it. You can still use them for a quick intro or fun way to capture something. So an image with pizzaz Overdue! ": Time to stretch your comfort zone a bit. The valuable advice here will guide you ” RT You came to the right place then! :) Video Tip#3.2 Join networking groups on Skype, G+, Facebook, LinkedIn Q4 What are you hoping to learn during this video series on ? As a newbie where do I start? " :) ” Want to go Viral with Video Content? Join Twitter Chat now - Just use hashtags Video Tip#3.4 (Advanced) Post video to FB *PAGE* & then respond in FB networking group "AS PAGE) - directs back to ur page Q4 What are you hoping to learn during this video series on ? RT Q4 What are you hoping to learn during this video series on ? What type of videos do you want to make? and what laptop do you have? :) A4. I hope to reduce my learning curve when it comes to implementing video to reach my audience. A4 the best platform to start with ": Q4 What are you hoping to learn during this video series on ?” All are welcome ;) RT Want to go Viral with Video Content? Join Twitter Chat now - Just use hashtags Video Tip#3.4 (Advanced...continued) Do the same with G+ Helps with traffic, social signals, SEO, branding... A4: How to promote and make a video that memorable, & engaging with the possibility of going viral I would start with a slideshow, or, maybe a "seed" video... Don' be discouraged, everything you make will not go viral. Make quality content and people will pay attention RT A4. I hope to reduce my learning curve when it comes to implementing video to reach my audience. A "seed video" would be one u have permission to use & u can play with it in youtube editing/annotations short how-tos and q&a. Lenovo laptop but in the market for a new one. A4 Even more about video... can never know too much, eh? So true! RT Don' be discouraged, everything u make will not go viral. Make quality content ... MT Don' be discouraged, everything u make won't go viral. Make quality content & people will pay attention Macs are great for video... I would consider that :) For quick Q&A you could do instagram I have an idea, if it helps. I can make a seed video (and tutorial video) for u (& all here) or even vine, or you could make more in depth how tos & use youtube for that, howcast, etc. We must strive for improvement, not perfection when it comes to planning video content to go viral what types of video do you recommend YouTube for? Video is a learning process & you'll always learn something new. Take it 1 step at a time Awesome! RT @socialwebcafeI have an idea, if it helps. I can make a seed video (and tutorial video) for u (& all here) For short videos Vine and Instagram are very easy to use :) Missed the ? Stay tuned for Tweets letting your know the archive/summary is ready. see you then and thanks for the tips! RT Thanks so much Twitter Chat. It's been great. Chat with you next time. I appreciate your awesome tips. Will see you around on I appreciate your awesome tips. Will see you around on Thanks for your input. What a great example you are setting for others. Thanks for your input. What a great example you are setting for others. Hopefully, we can chat next week about interview:) Thanks for being a jewel!!! Did we just attend two chats in a row? Lol!!! RT Hopefully, we can chat next week about interview:) Thanks for being a jewel!!! Are you attending the next chat? :) Enjoyed the chat with you:) The next chat, next week? Next week? Yup, I'll be there Looking forward to it! Thank you for encouraging me! ": It's been great. Chat with you next time. ” RT RT : I appreciate your awesome tips. Will see you around on Mine too. I've been connecting with a lot lately. She is aweosme We can definitely tweet one another between events:) Great! - RT The next chat, next week? Next week? Yup, I'll be there Great. What I have learned is that we can do it alone:) Plus, I enjoy meeting like-minded individual Awesome! I look forward next week's chat! Yes it is - RT : Ohh! Instagram videos at events...a great idea!