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--- Please visit these wonderful services (sponsored/affiliates)! --- --------------- The Chat: --------------- Excited for the twitter chat to start. 27 minutes and counting. Brilliant for anyone interested in promoting their blog online. , : marketing, branding, social media, blogging. 9pm ET Mod: MT Excited for the twitter chat to start. Brilliant for anyone interested in promoting their blog online. Welcome to the Chat at our weekly Tues 6pm PDT / 9p EDT slot. Hi my name is Carly and I am a student in with Glad you 'MT'd - didn't know what it meant. Google + you taught me something new. Thanks :) Hiya Carly, welcome the chat! Who's ready to talk about ? Our topic Chat hour: Vine Video Thanks! It's my first chat hi welcome the chat! Glad to have you here! Hi there! Thanks for joining us tonight Thanks for all the warm welcomes! Glad you are here, u picked a really great week to join, we r talking about vidoes Confession: U know how what happens in Vegas stays there? I got mixed up & left my brain there! so this video is live and in conjunction with the chat? I love vine videos..they tend to be hilarious! Hi I'm Allison and I'm a student in at The Ohio State University and am hoping to learn a lot tonight! lol i know, me too! I can't stop watching them. lol Oh, I love newbies. I get so "academic" that it's refreshing to have real questions. I tip my hat to u Welcome Allison! Ask questions, too and we will answer them :) Hi, Allison, welcome to the chat. U ready to chat and learn about videos? It's crazy how many views the awesome vine videos get! Hi Joanne! I love how you include your link. More of us need to do that. Great idea! I always do! Gotta get it out there! some deducing and I figured it out. I was watching an old web cafe video, ready to chat vine Did Instagram introduce the video component before vine came out? is vine available for android yet? Frustrating that I'd have to use my ipad only :( I won't be able to join this time either :) Good luck with the chat I never even considered that it only worked on apple products! afterwards, for sure! Vine wasn't a great success. video on instagram was. is such an easy & fun way to leverage your web presence I can see how people were backed off at much can you do with 6 seconds? So, here is the plan: I create a video from the twitter chat, with "extras" Ex: Hi Pam, welcome to the chat! Oh, oops on me! We will start the accompanying hangouts in Nov ;) I haven't tried downloading it for android in a while, but availability may have changed. Q1 In what ways has Vine helped your 6 second videos go viral? I disagree. Vine was definitely a success and what prompted IG to add video . How can someone use Vine to best promote their business or brand? Good point! MT I can see how people were backed much can you do with 6 seconds? Q1 In what ways has Vine helped your 6 second videos go viral? it's such a huge trend now..everyone is talking about "that funny vine" they even post it on FB! A1 Honestly, as much as I am into video and that is my life, I don't use Vine as much. it was a success but not in the way they anticipated it. Many things I've read indicate it was a bust! Hi! Us comm kids are ready to learn a few things about vine ! Maybe I should make one first.. I don't use vine much either..I'm more into IG but I've only uploaded one video vs hundreds of pictures personally, I like it. I promise ;) A1: has helped videos go viral ,i think b/c ppl have short attention span, of about go figure 6 seconds. lol I need to utilize Vine more than just doing videos of the kids. I totally agree! Sometimes the 15 seconds IG offers is too long I've noticed a lot of health and fitness professionals taking advantages of video apps to educate their followers Are there any brands who are known for their vining? Not surprising companies hopped on the trend i dnt mean to insult anyone but sometime ppl have the attention span of a goldfish, which wrks to advantage I agree I definitely am one of those people! If they can get the point across in 6 seconds why do the same in 15? Hi Max. Welcome :) They r fun to make (she says as she has x number to her name) I think I have seen more brands using IG than Vine hi, welcome to the chat! glad to have u here I even checked Fiverr to see if people are offering to make vines. They only seem to offer sharing How are brands taking advantage of vine to showcase their products/services? Where I see the value in Vine is embedding as "Post Image" Like, dripping spaghetti sauce for recipe Q2 What Vine methods are you using to distribute your mini-videos effectively? From what I've seen more people tend to use vine vs brands... but with the addition of video to IG there was a migration Yeah I know what u mean about on FB, there are everywhere! IG video definitely stunted the growth of Vine in my humble opinion Pam - so glad to see you ;) So, link to vine of your kids? I've noticed a lot of vine video sharing via FB..that non vine users can view them! Q2 What Vine methods are you using to distribute your mini-videos effectively? A2 I love using the embeds from the video. Great way to replace images with videos. so true I got vine and didnt use it IG video came out a week later! is still a great resource and still gets a lot of viral play which is why we included it today :) A2 I would like to get more into doing Product Review Videos and Vine could be one platform I use for that! Found this article online talking about the reasoning behind why bought A2: Really I haven't distributed any of my own , but i use twitter to share other ppl's vines A2. Social Social Social! We definitely use them in blog posts, twitter is BIG for Vine I need to post vine videos into my blog posts! cool! I wasn't aware twitter owns vine! Maybe you could offer this on Fiverr, Deborah? I know i feel so cool, when i post videos in twitter. People just flock to these vidoes It's the battle of the networks Twitter/Vine vs FB/IG ;) so silly yet clearly popular! You can do anything with For those of u weird as me: I recorded this off an IG: (Featuring: Da Vinci & Stuie!) I wonder which one will ultimately win.. I've seen this one before! Love it, can't get this song out of my head, whenever i see gummy worm. lol ": Welcome Eric :) " // Hey! Good idea! Welcome Eric - the one who introduced me to Fiverr and his awesome services :) I think that the FB/IG combo is the more dominant in the social media world Smart when people want to see more humor/entertainment and leas promotions/products How has the availability of 15 sec instagram videos affected your usage of Vine? I prefer watching vine videos over IG videos they are more to the point Everyone I know uses IG so I have not made any vine videos almost forgot to mention my "crazy idea" Crazy bcuz time involved for me! Let me know if u want free Udemy course on vid! FB/IG is more prominent but as we all know social makes a shift with a blink lol Q3 How has the availability of 15 sec instagram videos affected your usage of Vine? I like that IG allows to go to 7+ sec, but one doesn't have to... keep it short  A3. since IG adds more time I use it more. I do a lot of event intros on IG for - So, on free video course, I'm offering (if u want it) to compile tips for video & marketing only if u want it free :) A3 Oh wow! Affected! Also, instagram allows pre-produced vids. Alot of people i know watch , though 6 second is a bit short even for me. I like to watch Vine compilations on Youtube The advantage Vine has is they're easily played on twitter where as IG always requires you to click the link MT So, on video course, I'm offering (if u want it) to compile tips for video & marketing :) MT The adv Vine has is they're easily played on twitter where as IG always requires you to click the link Vine + Twitter works because their users tend to process information for speed. Perfect marriage When using your Social profiles it's ALWAYS important to recognize their user types so you can be more effect :) tell me more about the free video course! If you want the free course, let me know here: (It's also a way for me to know who to invite) I watch Vine more than IG. Social Web Cafe TV: Marketing Momentum w/Charles & Deborah: new episode Thu Video on IG and Vine is intimidating. Where should newbies even start? Everything has it's time & place. IG users are slightly different that Vine too A3: I don't personally watch vids on instagram often, mostly i just watch a lot of short videos... Newbies should probably just get familiar with the apps before creating their own videos Q4 What changes will you be making toward helping mini-vids go viral after this chat? LOL IG is Facebook, Facebook buys everything to knockoff or integrate or delete... like Google ;) Wow had no idea uses really want to check it out now! Thanks for a great time and all the info! Must be heading out a little early tonight! Great tips, become familiar, then think about your content you provide & try doing quick snippets. A4: I'll actually start doing vids in 2014. I don't want to, but I'll just have to get comfortable. LOL Don't be afraid to see what's popular in your niche and then make it your own :) Hey thanks, Carly, for all of the info and for allowing us to get to know you :) Have fun! Sounds good, if that's working for you best stick to it but I would try adding a few videos on IG here & there Moving pictures is harder to control than stills. But sometimes you do have to challenge yourself. Ah, that explains A LOT, then. LOL Q4 What changes will you be making toward helping mini-vids go viral after this chat? Hey there. How r u? So, what can we do to help? Do u have to do person vids? (i.e. presentation...) A4 I'm going to learn how to have fun instead of having everything planned ;) At the end of the day we all know having tons of social profiles can be intimidating. Find what works best for you! thanks for the advice. It's pretty daunting! So very true! I will do that! the process not the advice itself :) No kidding! Took like 3 hr to vid a vid (Vine of IG) ... for 6 seconds! haha! glad that I am not alone with making things last longer than they should! Webinars, yes. My yacking thru slides, then Q&A. Gotta get comfy with video. Blech LOL Amen, girl! Social advice: Claim ur name, but then use the profiles that work for u (not all of them) likewise, since we have so much structure on other things we tend to just have fun with IG A4: Take note on how the pros out there r going viral, and stay current, with what the viewing audience want Oh, ye of great faith! LOL Thanks! Nah, my addicted-to-quality gets me in trouble constantly! How do you think a brand like Sephora benefits from Vine? Yeah, a little less structure sounds good and Vine seems to have that quality. patience young grasshopper ;) we're all growing and learning day by day! examples of different make up. products. usage. . Image is at the heart of products and helps to capture image within a very short time span. Hey if you want to practice, set up a 15 minuter w/us and we can chat on vid. Good question! 1) consumer engagement & 2) good marriage w/impulse buying (like we women do w/makeup) It seems does to well b/c the know how appeal to youth & many audiences at same time: I guess I never thought of 6 sec as "enough" to cover a task, but it works! (ok, where is my iphone...) A hoot, eh? Love it vine on flirting So, how many of u will be creating vines and using them in articles (instead of images)? Next week we we will continue our video series: Instagram! And, if u want training (free for u all), "vote" by commenting at Another awesome chat guys! Thanks for joining us. Next week we'll be discussing IG Videos :) Missed the ? Stay tuned for Tweets letting your know the archive/summary is ready. Thank u for joining us for Twitter Chat. Feel free to keep chatting, just wanted to let you know we appreciate u! Thank u for joining us for Twitter Chat. We appreciate you too! Really enjoyed my first live Twitter chat! Aww I'm glad u had a great time chatting =) Thanks, :) It is something I look 4ward to every week-Hope to see u again, too (but no pressure, of course!) Just "voted" on your FB pg :-) Oh, that would be awesome. THX! LOL! If you say so, then it must be true, Sensei! LOL Thanks! Thanks Deborah:) Blogging: Platforms and Plugins (Summary) - Took My Internet? * Marketing Momentum w/Charles & Deborah - To Maintain Your Online Presence When Your Community Manager Goes On Vacation via 5 Easy Ways to Find Great KeyWords For You To Rank | Social Web Cafe by via You Need Email Marketing In This Tech Decade | Social Web Cafe by via Sorry I missed but I was at an event. If you have a transcript or Storify recap, I'll check it out. Tweeting For Aspiring Artists-Tips From Social Media Experts - On Keepin’ On * Marketing Momentum w/Charles & Deborah - & Wirecasting * Marketing Momentum w/Charles & Deborah - Steps In Which A QR Code True To Its Name Can Fetch You The Quick Response You Desire! - Paradox of "Less is More" * Marketing Momentum w/Charles & Deborah -