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, : marketing, branding, social media, blogging. 9pm ET Mod: Almost time for another & twitter chat! Starts in 5 mins /Social Media Tools! Tonight's chat "Tweetdeck" Looking forward to the chat tonight! Me, too :) RT : Looking forward to the chat tonight! Welcome to the Chat at our weekly Tues 9p EST slot. Welcome to the Chat at our weekly Tues 9p EST slot. We're Chatting Now! Join us for our & twitter chat! /Social Media Tools! Tonight's chat "Tweetdeck" Hey Hey Bloggy friends!! , Hey Hey Bloggy friends!! , Our topic Chat hour: Blogging & Social Media Tools: Tweetdeck Yay! I'm super excited too :) Tuesdays are always fun! Our topic Chat hour: Blogging & Social Media Tools: Tweetdeck I'm fabulous!! Scored some sweet shoes for 5 bucks today :D , I love it. Do you have any pics? Hi Deb! :) *hugs and love* great minds think alike :D RT : Oooooh! Pics? great minds think alike :D RT : Oooooh! Pics? Tonight: Blogging & Social Media Tools: Tweetdeck Q1 How Familiar Are You With The Tweetdeck Platform? Tonight: & Social Media Tools: Tweetdeck We've used Tweetdeck in the past but the interface seemed a bit lackluster and Hootsuite / SproutSocial came into play Q1 How Familiar Are You With The Tweetdeck Platform? Q1 How Familiar Are You With The Tweetdeck Platform? I hear ya. My favorite is but, I like because it is quick and light for twitter chats I hear ya. My favorite is but, I like because it is quick and light for twitter chats I hear ya. My favorite is but, I like because it is quick and light for twitter chats Interesting, which one did you end up sticking with? A. Tweet deck is what I use for all the twitter chats i participate in , vs RT : Interesting, which one did you end up sticking with? How long have you been using it? A1 - Used Twitter for roughly 6-7 months and had set it up customized with all of our personal preferences A1 - Used Twitter for roughly 6-7 months and had set it up customized with all of our personal preferences Hey Hey Pam! Thanks for joining us tonight :) Hey Hey Pam! Thanks for joining us tonight :) Never used Tweetdeck or Hootsuite.... Am I missing out? Both! I like the interface for info but for reports Both! I like the interface for info but for reports Both! I like the interface for info but for reports A1. I know most love Tweetdeck, but it's really not for us. GREAT tool but for the way my brain works, not right for me. A1. I know most love Tweetdeck, but it's really not for us. GREAT tool but for the way my brain works, not right for me. Yeah. I used to use and it started hanging so switched to for chats Yeah. I used to use and it started hanging so switched to for chats You definitely want to give a whirl if you haven't and manage multiple platforms. I love it because it makes staying up to date with my lists / sponsors super easy too , I love it because it makes staying up to date with my lists / sponsors super easy too , It's good for separating your tweets, lists, etc in an organized manner. Also if you have multiple accts Depends on your goals. Both r great for social media management I prefer for smm & 4 chats I started doing chats like that... i found it so hard to keep up! , Also, if you do a lot of twitter parties/chats, it's a nice tool to use :) TweetDeck provides more features but only for Twitter. Depends on how you like to see your info though "different" would be a better way to put it. TD interface less cluttered. Hootsuite has more options MT : I love it.. makes staying up to date with my lists / sponsors super easy too , MT : I love it.. makes staying up to date with my lists / sponsors super easy too , I’m using right now on my phone since my child has comp Pam - good to see you! :D Yes, I love , too. I'm a novice user of both, using them mostly for the same reason. Is there a main difference between the two? Hi Pat. I find that does more. But, does a lot and is streamlined and quick Hi Pat. I find that does more. But, does a lot and is streamlined and quick it's different, I think Hootsuite is a bit more complex than most, but it does have more options LOL Funny, I prefer Twitter too! I either do that or tweetchat or a combo Hi there! Thanks for joining us :) I'd say there is definitely a learning curve to hootsuite compared to tweetdeck , I'd say there is definitely a learning curve to hootsuite compared to tweetdeck , I'd say there is definitely a learning curve to hootsuite compared to tweetdeck , Awesome, why do you use both? :) Thank you! First of many. Ah, we'll have more tools to try in the next few weeks too :) You can try them out and see which you like best Awesome! We're here every tuesday :) And you came at a great time. We're beginning our "Tools" series Awesome! We're here every tuesday :) And you came at a great time. We're beginning our "Tools" series :) MT ": Another & twitter chat now! /Social Media Tools! Tonight's chat "Tweetdeck" " Thanks. I may try TD next time. :) No reason just different work. RT : Awesome, why do you use both? :) No reason just different work. RT : Awesome, why do you use both? :) Hey Lisa! Always great to have you on :) I'll have to try for . Thanks, Deborah. Makes loads of sense to me. We use quite a few combo tools :) RT : Thanks for the mentions! RT : Thanks for the mentions! RT : Thanks. I may try TD next time. :) Thanks. There's always a good topic and lively discussion. :) Thanks. There's always a good topic and lively discussion. :) :) Are you using Tweetdeck or have you tried it before? I upload tweets to but there is a 15 min wait time. doesn't have that. Schedule a minute later I upload tweets to but there is a 15 min wait time. doesn't have that. Schedule a minute later Here's a Q for - What tools provide good reporting features for Social Media? is the best we've seen so far! Q2 What features do you find to be most desirable on Tweetdeck? A2 I like the minute by minute scheduling Q2 What features do you find to be most desirable on Tweetdeck? Q2 What features do you find to be most desirable on Tweetdeck? I tried it, but didn't quite figure it out. I tried hootsuite. I got a new laptop & need to download both. I agree that has awesome reporting. I am trying out and liking it I agree that has awesome reporting. I am trying out and liking it Seems cleaner, eh? RT : A2) very customized columns. From what I've seen, more so than hootsuite Seems cleaner, eh? RT : A2) very customized columns. From what I've seen, more so than hootsuite I think that's one of the best perks of Tweetdeck! Thanks for the lead! Will have to check it out! Thanks for the lead! Will have to check it out! Q3 What cons have you found with using the Tweetdeck platform? Q3 What cons have you found with using the Tweetdeck platform? I like that I can search for a term or hashtag and turn it into a column. And its clean/easy to navigate. I like that I can search for a term or hashtag and turn it into a column. And its clean/easy to navigate. Q3 What cons have you found with using the Tweetdeck platform? sure thing. I am still streamlining the use, but I like the price of :) Deborah, does it allow you to make lists for different social media accounts? &/or A3. I don't really have any for what I use it for. A3. I don't really have any for what I use it for. A1. More customization and cleaner A1. More customization and cleaner A3 Previously it would hang.. very smooth since update A3 Previously it would hang.. very smooth since update From the new update, I've seen it looks much smoother and cleaner! RT : From the new update, I've seen it looks much smoother and cleaner! Another analytics tool to check out is - ties a bunch of analytics in one Another analytics tool to check out is - ties a bunch of analytics in one Q4 How has Tweetdeck helped streamline your social media strategy? Q4 How has Tweetdeck helped streamline your social media strategy? Q4 How has Tweetdeck helped streamline your social media strategy? A4 It has actually been more dependable than other favorite tools. A3 - It would hang often and I'd have to force quit / restart it. Before turning alerts off, the noise was also drivign me nuts Q4 I use it to schedule tweets for a company. 30 minutes for 4 days worth of work lol RT ? Q4 I use it to schedule tweets for a company. 30 minutes for 4 days worth of work lol RT ? You are chock-full of good info! Thanks so much! You are chock-full of good info! Thanks so much! Do you still use it for your new(er) gig? Is it worth taking? ": Udemy Course about Maximizing Your Facebook Advertising " Oh, good point. I use the web-based tweet deck & don't have the sounds. Yeah, the app used to be noisy. Oh, good point. I use the web-based tweet deck & don't have the sounds. Yeah, the app used to be noisy. TY :) RT : You are chock-full of good info! Thanks so much! No I use hootsuite for them even got them using it now lol RT : Do you still use it for your new(er) gig? No I use hootsuite for them even got them using it now lol RT : Do you still use it for your new(er) gig? I think so, but biased. It was put together by my friend Charles and the method actually works. Hey y'all. Sorry I'm late. Belinda - great to see you :) RT : Hey y'all. Sorry I'm late. No worries, anyone who isn't familiar with , we'll be covering it NEXT week so be sure to join us then too :) Hi Belinda! Good to see you again, thanks for joining our chat :)... better late than never! MT : anyone who isn't familiar with , .. covering it NEXT week so be sure to join us then too :) MT : anyone who isn't familiar with , .. covering it NEXT week so be sure to join us then too :) MT : anyone who isn't familiar with , .. covering it NEXT week so be sure to join us then too :) RT anyone who isn't familiar with , we'll be covering it NEXT week so be sure to join us then too What’s up for next week look at me rushing but the kids are staring at me lol they want dinner...where is my cook Keepin busy - you? What's up in Belinda world? RT : Thanks, Deb. What's up? Mine's giving me the same look. Mine's giving me the same look. As you know, we lost my Dad last Thurs. They delayed the services re my bday last Sat. LOL!!! Did I mention I'm working on my cookbook? :) LOL!!! Did I mention I'm working on my cookbook? :) RT : LOL!!! Did I mention I'm working on my cookbook? :) We're covering next week though :) They only ran a notice in the paper a few days ago. I used FB to get details out sooner 2 his thousands of fans. I'm so sorry. hugs. & happy bday Looking forward to next week's chat as well Looking forward to next week's chat as well Da Vinci - we need to interview you about your cookbook for Social Web Cafe interviews! Da Vinci - we need to interview you about your cookbook for Social Web Cafe interviews! I'm so sorry to hear that and happy belated bday. :) RT : Looking forward to next week's chat as well RT Da Vinci - we need to interview you about your cookbook for Social Web Cafe interviews! Of course! I'll be quite happy to do one :) I'm super excited. Pushing for a release in stores early 2015 Unfortunately, there's nothing social media can do to help me get my new glasses any faster. Missed the Chat? Stay tuned for Tweets letting your know the archive/summary is ready. Next week: Social Media Management w/ Next week: Social Media Management w/ Missed the Chat? Stay tuned for Tweets letting your know the archive/summary is ready. Missed the Chat? Stay tuned for Tweets letting your know the archive/summary is ready. RT Missed the Chat? Stay tuned for Tweets letting your know the archive/summary is ready. RT Missed the Chat? Stay tuned for Tweets letting your know the archive/summary is ready. RT Next week: Social Media Management w/ Aww! So much LOVE!!! Yes, of course I'll sign it :) Maybe we can meet at at book signing too :) Next week: Social Media Management w/ My sister used Facebook to share a limited collection of pics w family and friends. Thank u for joining us for Twitter Chat. Feel free to keep chatting, just wanted to let you know we appreciate u! social media is a great way to share, even with wonderful memories of loved ones She also changed her FB icon to a pic of Dad. Thank you all for wonderful ! We appreciate your support and love hearing stories of your growth :). Join us again Tuesday! I shared some poetry inspired by his 2005 trip to Tanzania. Great answer. :) I'll check it out. The VFD shared a pic of the wreath they hung w his name. Mainly, his FB wall became a place for everyone to gather online and ck details. I like that families are leaving deceased members' FB accts open. Except that at first, someone was checking one of his devices and his face came up on IM. weird Thanks and and participants for a good Wow. RT : The VFD shared a pic of the wreath they hung w his name. YVW RT : Thanks and and participants for a good