Tools 2 * Hootsuite #SocialCafe #TBW Twitter SubscribeWould you like to receive the Social Web Cafe newsletter that includes emails on Tuesdays to remind you of the #SocialCafe #TBW Twitter C...
--- Please visit these wonderful services (sponsored/affiliates)! --- --------------- The Chat: --------------- Welcome to the Chat at our weekly Tues 9p EDT slot. First time participating in the chat, UNT student from We're Chatting Now! Join us for our & twitter chat! /Social Media Tools! Tonight's chat "" Welcome! RT : First time participating in the chat, UNT student from Yay! Thanks for joining us :) Q1 How Familiar Are You With The HootSuite Platform? We used quite a lot before but now that we work with we've moved more of our social there We used quite a lot before but now that we work with we've moved more of our social there A1 I use it pretty much every day. I love it! A1 I use it pretty much every day. I love it! Perfect! I hope you'll be able to gain more information from our weekly chats that will help :) Thanks for being with us! Thanks for being with us! Hi!!! Hope you had a great day! It's a pleasure! We've seen great results for & we're looking forward to moving up our plan soon Aww thank you! Same to you! How's the gig going? Yeah, Vocus! I've been thinking about checking out your services again.. Good evening everyone! Sorry we're late to the chat tonight what're we talking about tonight?! Hey - Welcome! No such thing as late ;) RT : Hey everyone, sorry we're late to the chat tonight Hey - Welcome! No such thing as late ;) RT : Hey everyone, sorry we're late to the chat tonight The chat tonight is Hootsuite :) part of our "tools series" Hey hey! So glad you could join us tonight :) We're discussing ! no worries :) Talking MT : Sorry we're late to the chat tonight what're we talking about Thanks for the warm welcome! Hootsuite rocks! Thanks for the warm welcome! Hootsuite rocks! Q2 What features do you find to be most desirable on HootSuite? Q2 What features do you find to be most desirable on HootSuite? Do you want to share how you use it? Do you want to share how you use it? A2 I actually like that you can upload & schedule tweets A2 I actually like that you can upload & schedule tweets A2: How you can schedule posts on different social platforms! A2 - The best thing about is the ability to set up the streams to provide all convenient information in one screen Q2 What features do you find to be most desirable on HootSuite? Q2 What features do you find to be most desirable on HootSuite? Pretty good- they got the results & impressed but It only lasts for a couple more weeks though. Use it to schedule tweets well in advance and set up streams for important hashtags I think when you do twitter chats or parties having a tool like is great for prescheduling so you can chat MT: RT Use it to schedule tweets well in advance and set up streams for important hashtags MT: RT Use it to schedule tweets well in advance and set up streams for important hashtags What are some cool and useful apps that you use? Q2 I use it for scheduling on different pages/sites. I can copy the tweets I've already did. I'm sure there is more Exactly! RT : A2: How you can schedule posts on different social platforms! Exactly! RT : A2: How you can schedule posts on different social platforms! A2 - I also like the fact I can go to one site (Hootsuite's site), login, and access multiple platforms - HUGE time saver! A2 - I also like the fact I can go to one site (Hootsuite's site), login, and access multiple platforms - HUGE time saver! RT : Use it to schedule tweets well in advance and set up streams for important hashtags A2 It saves so much time managing multiple social accounts and queuing tweets for the day! A2 It saves so much time managing multiple social accounts and queuing tweets for the day! YES!!! Anything that can save time and make life simpler is always a plus RT YES!!! Anything that can save time and make life simpler is always a plus MT : Q2 I use it for scheduling on different pages/sites..copy the tweets I already did. Welcome! Thanks for joining our Chat :) Totally! I love using the Hootlet and the auto-schedule feature. I don't have to think :) Q3 What drawbacks have you found with using the HootSuite platform? Q3 What drawbacks have you found with using the HootSuite platform? Q3 What drawbacks have you found with using the HootSuite platform? mrairbrushhands is my husband- I forgot I have him in Hootsuite! LOL A3: When I schedule my Tweets with an image attached, it will not show up on my Twitter page, but instead just a link. A3: When I schedule my Tweets with an image attached, it will not show up on my Twitter page, but instead just a link. Q3 What drawbacks have you found with using the HootSuite platform? A3 - 's reporting is not very appealing << Comparatively does an excellent job when it comes to this Really? I had thought mine worked. I'll have to go try it again. Thanks for pointing out Really? I had thought mine worked. I'll have to go try it again. Thanks for pointing out Is there any way to fix this issue? This is a big negative for us! RT Is there any way to fix this issue? This is a big negative for us! Yeah, analytics can make a person drool.. wanting it :) Yeah, analytics can make a person drool.. wanting it :) Sometimes I post to other sites (in my account) that I don't want to by mistake. Like- MrAirBrushHands LOL It doesn't work properly for us either and with the importance of visual info, its a huge P.I.T.A I'm glad you can delete tweets now.. Yeah, I have accidentally done that with , too. A3. I think sometimes Hootsuite can be overwhelming for someone new to the platform As far as we understand, you can't add a personal Google+ profile to either, only a Google+ page As far as we understand, you can't add a personal Google+ profile to either, only a Google+ page A3 The 15 min needed to schedule a tweet Also, the fact that you can sometimes accidentally post to the wrong account without realizing. A3 - I also don't like that I can mass schedule updates but can't mass edit them in Hootsuite A3 - I also don't like that I can mass schedule updates but can't mass edit them in Hootsuite thanks Pam, I have had a great week . How has your week been? Yep - bugs me when I do that. Easy to do (unfortunately) with True! I've done it many times LOL Oh, I found that 1. The grills, right? That showed for me in Twitter. I might b missing something or wrong 1 Is it just a glitch with the site functionality? I hoped it wasn't just me! Q4 How has HootSuite helped streamline your social media strategy Q4 How has HootSuite helped streamline your social media strategy Q4 How has HootSuite helped streamline your social media strategy Busy but good! Feeling blessed these days! Busy but good! Feeling blessed these days! That's when I manually post to Twitter. The March 20th one is the one that shows up when I use Hootsuite. Fortunately, it is forgivable :D Q4 How has HootSuite helped streamline your social media strategy A4 - With Hootsuite, we've been able to schedule several updates ahead of time while still keeping up with live updates A4: With its easiness by scheduling posts across practically all social media platforms. It's a great time-saver. Hmm.. When I do it with , I get the image. U r using the "attach image" right? That’s one of the reasons I use exclusively now - uploading pics is a breeze. That’s one of the reasons I use exclusively now - uploading pics is a breeze. Yeah, it's one feature we hope to see added in the future RT That’s one of the reasons I use exclusively now - uploading pics is a breeze. Might need to try that, thanks! Kavita! Hi sweetie! I was just thinking of you this morning. Seriously! Q4 With the auto scheduling I can spend 30 minutes and get a weeks worth of tweets up. Helps w/productivity MT : Q4 With auto scheduling I can spend 30 minutes & get a weeks worth of tweets up. Helps w/productivity MT : Q4 With auto scheduling I can spend 30 minutes & get a weeks worth of tweets up. Helps w/productivity Pam, do you use the upload feature (csv upload)? You can also attach pics to G+ posts - can’t do that w/HT. And you don’t have to sched on 5s. A4 Being able to schedule posts to multiple profiles A4 Being able to schedule posts to multiple profiles Yeah we use too! It's super easy to use! Oooh, Kavita, we need to feature you for the Buffer Twitter Chat :) They have free and paid versions. Free lets you “buffer” 10 posts on each network. They have free and paid versions. Free lets you “buffer” 10 posts on each network. No….LOL! Maybe I should look into that! Might make my life easier huh! Oh, it's great! Might be a pain to create the first one, but then you can reuse the Excel template.. I sound like a commercial! & guaranteed, will reply w/in 15 min - another reason I love. But, even with 10 posts (free), u get those visuals out there! Good deal. Is that the bulk schedule? I have FREE ver. so I'm unable to do that. more clients than I upgrade. Is that the bulk schedule? I have FREE ver. so I'm unable to do that. more clients than I upgrade. I use BUFFER everyday for my blog posts. RT But, even with 10 posts (free), u get those visuals out there! Good deal. Oh, so sorry, Pam. I thought that was avail in free. Shame on me! I've had pro so long I forget (blush) RT But, even with 10 posts (free), u get those visuals out there! Good deal. is it 10 per week or how does that work exactly? RT Yeah we use too! It's super easy to use! RT Yeah we use too! It's super easy to use! RT RT : A4 Being able to schedule posts to multiple profiles MT : Q4 With auto scheduling I can spend 30 minutes & get a weeks worth of tweets up. Helps w/productivity #… RT You can also attach pics to G+ posts - can’t do that w/HT. And you don’t have to sched on 5s. RT That’s one of the reasons I use exclusively now - uploading pics is a breeze. … It's okay I won't hold it against you LOL with your pro version LOL! Someday : ) Learning about on ! Another great tool for multiple profiles. Learning about on ! Another great tool for multiple profiles. RT Learning about on ! Another great tool for multiple profiles. RT Hmm.. When I do it with , I get the image. U r using the "attach image" right? RT A4: With its easiness by scheduling posts across practically all social media platforms. It's a great time-saver. ohh that is good to know. Tnx for sharing Belinda RT A4 - W/Hootsuite, we've been able 2 schedule sev updates ahead of time while still keeping up w/live updates RT RT : Q4 How has HootSuite helped streamline your social media strategy Yes, it's attach image but still shows up as a URL as opposed to an image What are we talking about next week? I wonder if it is a pro vs free thing. It actually works for me... 10 at any time, per social network. Next week: - the relationship Twitter Tool! Next week: - the relationship Twitter Tool! Next week: - the relationship Twitter Tool! RT I'm glad you can delete tweets now.. Yeah, I have accidentally done that with , too. #… RT Also, the fact that you can sometimes accidentally post to the wrong account without realizing. MT A4 W/Hootsuite, scheduling several updates ahead of time while still keeping up w/ live updates RT A3 Scrolling left/right through my lists sometimes causes my browser to go to the previous page. Can the folks over at weigh in and confirm please? RT RT : Yeah, analytics can make a person drool.. wanting it :) RT A3. I think sometimes Hootsuite can be overwhelming for someone new to the platform RT As far as we understand, you can't add a personal Google+ profile to either, only a Google+ page Well, my hour is up everyone. Thanks for a great chat and great insight! I will try to fix the image problem with RT A3: When I schedule my Tweets w image attached, it will not show up on my Twitter page, but just a link. In about 4-5 weeks, we will be covering :) In about 4-5 weeks, we will be covering :) RT It doesn't work properly for us either and with the importance of visual info, its a huge P.I.T.A Thanks, Blair. Have a good one ;) Missed the ? Stay tuned for Tweets letting your know the archive/summary is ready. Sorry to be late. I got hung up in an erotic fantasy I'm working on. Sounds awesome! See you there! RT Next week: - the relationship Twitter Tool! Thank u for joining us for Twitter Chat. Feel free to keep chatting, just wanted to let you know we appreciate u! RT A2 It saves so much time managing multiple social accounts and queuing tweets for the day! You have a paid right? You may be on to something! RT RT : Q3 What drawbacks have you found with using the HootSuite platform? 's reporting is not very appealing << Comparatively does an excellent job when it comes to this RT Totally! I love using the Hootlet and the auto-schedule feature. I don't have to think :) I think this is an old account. I believe they use now. RT MT : Q2 I use it for scheduling on different pages/sites..copy the tweets I already did. RT RT YES!!! Anything that can save time and make life simpler is always a plus RT Use it to schedule tweets well in advance and set up streams for important hashtags Thanks for the great and knowledgeable chat everyone! Looking forward to next time No worries. We are happy you could stop by and join us for a few. RT RT Learning about on ! Another great tool for multiple profiles. Which I kept doing all night wrong account! LOL Thanks for another awesome tweet chat! See you next week # Good morning sunshine. I will be on the chat tonight. I have missed you. Have a good day:)