#SocialCafe 3.21 Chat Transcript

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Tools (Wrap-Up) #SocialCafe #TBW

Tools (Wrap-Up) #SocialCafe #TBW

Topic: Tools (Wrap-Up). Hosts: Deborah @SocialWebCafe and Da Vinci @TheBlogWorkshop

  1. --- Please visit these wonderful services (sponsored/affiliates)! ---

  2. --------------- The Chat: ---------------
  3. Class is important! It is starting in 10 min. MT @Brianna_Vela: @socialwebcafe I am sorry I did not join the #socialcafe! I was in class!
  4. Join the #SocialCafe & #TBW twitter chat! in 5 mins! #Blogging/Social Media Tools! Tonight's chat "Tools Wrapup" #bloggers 9pm EST
  5. @ChatSalad And thank you so much for getting the #socialcafe in the url after all. You rock! :) hugs, Deborah
  6. RT @socialwebcafe @ChatSalad And thank you so much for getting the #socialcafe in the url after all. You rock! :) hugs, Deborah
  7. RT @socialwebcafe Our topic #SocialCafe #TBW Chat hour: Blogging & Social Media Tools (Wrap-Up) #chattingNow #TBW
  8. #SocialCafe #Tbw Well no more bowling league so I'm here. I got a new client this week : ) and you….???
  9. @PinkMama68 The bowling sounded fun, too. New client? Woohoo! Hopefully more $ & more relaxation for u? #SocialCafe #TBW
  10. @MoppetMissy Right back at you! Missed the TUES chats with you wonderful ladies! #SocialCafe
  11. Us, too RT @PinkMama68: @MoppetMissy Right back at you! Missed the TUES chats with you wonderful ladies! #SocialCafe
  12. So what are we talking about tonight- social tools wrap up? #SocialCafe
  13. Q1 What have you learned and/or implemented during this #SocialCafe #TBW series on tools? #SocialCafe #TBW
  14. Yep! RT @PinkMama68: So what are we talking about tonight- social tools wrap up? #SocialCafe
  15. I'm happy to be back but my kids had a blast bowling- they got a free ball/bag out of it too! #SocialCafe #TBW
  16. RT @socialwebcafe Q1 What have you learned and/or implemented during this #SocialCafe #TBW series on tools? #SocialCafe #TBW
  17. Last week: Blogging & Social Media Tools: Twitter Chat Tools #SocialCafe #TBW
  18. @socialwebcafe A1. Unfortunately I haven't been part of the whole series...can't wait to see what I missed! #TBW #SocialCafe
  19. Scheduling has been a big game changer this past month- Using @buffer @CoSchedule (not sure if we talked about that one) #SocialCafe #TBW
  20. A1: The importance of using tools, like for example @buffer that can help u be more organized and efficient #SocialCafe #tbw
  21. @PinkMama68 Cool! We haven't talked about @CoSchedule (Should I add it to our next list? :) ) #SocialCafe #TBW
  22. #ChattingNow - #SocialCafe & #TBW twitter chat! #Blogging/Social Media Tools! Tonight's topic "Twitter Tools Wrap up" Join us :)
  23. YES!!! @socialwebcafe @PinkMama68 Cool! We haven't talked about @CoSchedule (Should I add it to our next list? :) ) #SocialCafe #TBW
  24. Good 4 u! MT @MoppetMissy: A1: The importance of using tools, like @buffer that can help u be more organized and efficient #SocialCafe #tbw
  25. A1. I've been working really hard to see how we can systemize more actions, so I can be more interactive with followers #SocialCafe #TBW
  26. MT @TheBlogWorkshop: A1. I've been working really hard to see how we can systemize more actions... interactive #SocialCafe #TBW
  27. @PinkMama68 yes, I agree @buffer is useful. Yet to hear of @CoSchedule but it sure sounds useful :) #SocialCafe
  28. @MoppetMissy It is a wordpress plugin that has made my life easier- it costs after trial but so worth it and not much! #SocialCafe
  29. @PinkMama68 Yeah it can be tough but it takes some work to find what works for you lol #SocialCafe #TBW
  30. @PinkMama68 cool, thanks for sharing, so glad to hear about new tools. :) #SocialCafe #tbw
  31. MT @PinkMama68 @MoppetMissy It is a wordpress plugin that has made my life easier- it costs after trial but so worth it... #SocialCafe
  32. Q2 What resources have you found helpful? What resources are you still looking to find? #SocialCafe #TBW
  33. Q2 What resources have you found helpful? What resources are you still looking to find? #SocialCafe #TBW
  34. A2 The vast amount of info I've learned from you guys has been amazing but I still need to work on organization #SocialCafe #TBW
  35. A2 The vast amount of info I've learned from you guys has been amazing but I still need to work on organization #SocialCafe #TBW
  36. A2: I've found @evernote to be useful, I love being organized, and collecting everything in one place for later. #SocialCafe #tbw
  37. A2: I've found @evernote to be useful, I love being organized, and collecting everything in one place for later. #SocialCafe #tbw
  38. @TheBlogWorkshop Oooh.. can you give us a sales pitch, Da Vinci? What makes @Vocus a great deal for biz? #SocialCafe #TBW
  39. @socialwebcafe A2. Looking to find a great program to schedule tweets & promote my posts #SocialCafe #TBW
  40. We're #ChattingNow - #SocialCafe & #TBW twitter chat! #Blogging/Social Media Tools! Tonight's topic "Twitter Tools Wrap up" Join us :)
  41. We're #ChattingNow - #SocialCafe & #TBW twitter chat! #Blogging/Social Media Tools! Tonight's topic "Twitter Tools Wrap up" Join us :)
  42. We're #ChattingNow - #SocialCafe & #TBW twitter chat! #Blogging/Social Media Tools! Tonight's topic "Twitter Tools Wrap up" Join us :)
  43. @PinkMama68 I wonder if we ever feel we have "arrived" when it comes to being organized... always room to grow #SocialCafe #TBW
  44. RT LOL @socialwebcafe I wonder if we ever feel we have "arrived" when it comes to being organized... always room to grow #SocialCafe #TBW
  45. Now that I'm working on my @PocketSousChef cookbook I had to look into more sales/marketing avenues, @Vocus has a ton! #SocialCafe #TBW
  46. Maybe we can do a "dig deeper" RT @PinkMama68: @MoppetMissy I need to learn about Evernote- I missed that chat! #tbw #SocialCafe
  47. RT LOL @socialwebcafe I wonder if we ever feel we have "arrived" when it comes to being organized... always room to grow #SocialCafe #TBW
  48. Never late :) Welcome, Stephanie! RT @StephaniePags: Whoops! Late in joining #SocialCafe! Gotta catch up. :) #TBW
  49. With our new @Vocus upgrade we're able to do video press releases, make press pitches, & zone in on buying signals. #SocialCafe #TBW
  50. With our new @Vocus upgrade we're able to do video press releases, make press pitches, & zone in on buying signals. #SocialCafe #TBW
  51. @MoppetMissy and thats what I need. My notebook can do just so much LOL! #Tbw #SocialCafe
  52. @Vocus Always a pleasure! It's great working with you all, can't wait to see how our upgrade helps with @PocketSousChef #SocialCafe #TBW
  53. @StephaniePags We are doing a wrap-up so it is a bit of a #freeforall sharing about what we learned, tips, questions #SocialCafe #TBW
  54. @PinkMama68 yes,I know what u mean, plus you'll save some trees using @evernote instead of pen and paper :P lol #SocialCafe #tbw
  55. YES RT @MoppetMissy yes,I know what u mean, plus you'll save some trees using @evernote instead of pen and paper :P lol #SocialCafe #tbw
  56. YES RT @MoppetMissy yes,I know what u mean, plus you'll save some trees using @evernote instead of pen and paper :P lol #SocialCafe #tbw
  57. Q3 What tools would you like us to include in our next tools series? #SocialCafe #TBW
  58. @PinkMama68 I agree! It's a blessing. The community that learns together can grow together :) #SocialCafe #TBW
  59. RT @TheBlogWorkshop: @PinkMama68 I agree! It's a blessing. The community that learns together can grow together :) #SocialCafe #TBW
  60. RT @TheBlogWorkshop @PinkMama68 I agree! It's a blessing. The community that learns together can grow together :) #SocialCafe #TBW
  61. Q3 What tools would you like us to include in our next tools series? #SocialCafe #TBW
  62. RT @TheBlogWorkshop Q3 What tools would you like us to include in our next tools series? #SocialCafe #TBW
  63. A4: Maybe some tips or tools for more efficiently using Goggle plus? #SocialCafe #tbw
  64. RT @PinkMama68 RT @TheBlogWorkshop Q3 What tools would you like us to include in our next tools series? #SocialCafe #TBW
  65. Added Thnx! RT @MoppetMissy: A4: Maybe some tips or tools for more efficiently using Goggle plus? #SocialCafe #tbw
  66. Oh yes I agree Newsletter tools- Even though I do one every week (wink at Da Vinci-ty) #TBW #Socialcafe
  67. @socialwebcafe @MoppetMissy Nice one...I'm having issues incorporating Google Plus in my repertoire #TBW #SocialCafe
  68. @socialwebcafe @MoppetMissy Nice one...I'm having issues incorporating Google Plus in my repertoire #TBW #SocialCafe
  69. @socialwebcafe @MoppetMissy Nice one...I'm having issues incorporating Google Plus in my repertoire #TBW #SocialCafe
  70. A3 I'm not sure what you have already discussed, but I'd love a chat on research tools for web analytics. #SocialCafe
  71. A3 I'm not sure what you have already discussed, but I'd love a chat on research tools for web analytics. #SocialCafe
  72. @StephaniePags Thanks for the input :), We're always open to suggestions! It helps us bring more information to you. #SocialCafe #TBW
  73. @StephaniePags I like that one, Stephanie! I think a whole series on that one might be in order #SocialCafe #TBW
  74. RT @StephaniePags A3 I'm not sure what you have already discussed, but I'd love a chat on research tools for web analytics. #SocialCafe
  75. RT @PinkMama68 Oh yes I agree Newsletter tools- Even though I do one every week (wink at Da Vinci-ty) #TBW #Socialcafe
  76. A3 Hmm...maybe also a discussion on how to effectively measure social media strategies from one source (not multiple places). #SocialCafe
  77. RT @TheBlogWorkshop @PinkMama68 I agree! It's a blessing. The community that learns together can grow together :) #SocialCafe #TBW
  78. #ChattingNow - #SocialCafe & #TBW twitter chat! #Blogging/Social Media Tools! Tonight's topic "Twitter Tools Wrap up" Join in :)
  79. Q4 Have any tips, articles, posts, pins you want to share? (Doesn’t have to relate to tools.) #ShamelessPlug #SocialCafe #TBW
  80. Q4 Have any tips, articles, posts, pins you want to share? (Doesn’t have to relate to tools.) #ShamelessPlug #SocialCafe #TBW
  81. Q4 Have any tips, articles, posts, pins you want to share? (Doesn’t have to relate to tools.) #ShamelessPlug #SocialCafe #TBW
  82. RT @TheBlogWorkshop Have any tips, articles, posts, pins you want to share? Doesn’t have to relate to tools.#ShamelessPlug #SocialCafe #TBW
  83. I started the #shamelessPlug idea with another chat I used to host and it is a fun way to brag about all you are doing :) #SocialCafe #TBW
  84. RT @TheBlogWorkshop Have any tips, articles, posts, pins you want to share? Doesn’t have to relate to tools.#ShamelessPlug #SocialCafe #TBW
  85. RT @TheBlogWorkshop Have any tips, articles, posts, pins you want to share? Doesn’t have to relate to tools.#ShamelessPlug #SocialCafe #TBW
  86. @TheBlogWorkshop Yeah, I know my suggestion is a bit broad! I will try to think of how to narrow down. :) #SocialCafe
  87. @StephaniePags I've been testing some analytics, free options * Also, it is our line of work @ IMN :) @TheBlogWorkshop #SocialCafe #TBW
  88. @StephaniePags great! Looking forward to chatting with in the future chat (s) #SocialCafe #tbw
  89. @StephaniePags Ah, I didn't mean you need to narrow it down LOL... I meant we can probably narrow it down to a few :) #SocialCafe #TBW
  90. @StephaniePags great! Looking forward to chatting with you in the future chat (s) #SocialCafe #tbw
  91. @StephaniePags Likewise :) it's always a blast... good people, good fun and good learning! #SocialCafe #TBW
  92. @StephaniePags Actually, it is Internet Marketing Ninjas out of NY #SocialCafe #TBW I "loan" my services to them in a day job. :)
  93. Shavonn! RT @ShavonnBrown: @TheBlogWorkshop A1. @IFTTT is like, my favorite thing now!! #socialcafe #tbw // Yeah IFTTT is so cool!
  94. @TheBlogWorkshop so happy for you! Wish I lived close by so I could taste your good food! #SocialCafe
  95. @PinkMama68 Aww thank you for the love! #SocialCafe #TBW - Who knows maybe we can meet when I tour :)
  96. Gr8 idea! RT @TheBlogWorkshop: @PinkMama68 Aww thank you for the love! #SocialCafe #TBW - Who knows maybe we can meet when I tour :)
  97. I'm starting a new blog (Pam's Blogging Buzz) it's not all set up and only one post so far but I'll share when done. #tbw #SocialCafe
  98. I'm starting a new blog (Pam's Blogging Buzz) it's not all set up and only one post so far but I'll share when done. #tbw #SocialCafe
  99. I'm starting a new blog (Pam's Blogging Buzz) it's not all set up and only one post so far but I'll share when done. #tbw #SocialCafe
  100. Missed the #SocialCafe ? Stay tuned for Tweets letting your know the archive/summary is ready. #TBW
  101. Missed the #SocialCafe ? Stay tuned for Tweets letting your know the archive/summary is ready. #TBW
  102. Missed the #SocialCafe ? Stay tuned for Tweets letting your know the archive/summary is ready. #TBW
  103. Cool! RT @PinkMama68: I'm starting a new blog (Pam's Blogging Buzz) it's not all set up ...but I'll share when done. #tbw #SocialCafe
  104. MT @PinkMama68 I'm starting a new blog (Pam's Blogging Buzz) it's not all set up... but I'll share when done. #tbw #SocialCafe
  105. Yeah excited to learn about this! RT @thirtymommy RT @socialwebcafe: Next week: Our series on #SEO starts! #SocialCafe #TBW
  106. RT @socialwebcafe Missed the #SocialCafe ? Stay tuned for Tweets letting your know the archive/summary is ready. #TBW
  107. Thank u for joining us for #SocialCafe #TBW Twitter Chat. Feel free to keep chatting, just wanted to let you know we appreciate u!
  108. Thank u for joining us for #SocialCafe #TBW Twitter Chat. Feel free to keep chatting, just wanted to let you know we appreciate u!
  109. @PinkMama68 And, it changes so frequently, or more so than one would think.. #SocialCafe #TBW re: #SEO
  110. Thank you all for another fabulous #SocialCafe #TBW chat! See you next week :)
  111. YEP! RT @socialwebcafe @PinkMama68 And, it changes so frequently, or more so than one would think.. #SocialCafe #TBW re: #SEO
  112. @ShavonnBrown hey loved your bio on the blog, it was creative and made me giggle. ;) (wine-lover? lol) #SocialCafe

Link to Complete Summary.
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