Tools (Wrap-Up) #SocialCafe #TBW Twitter SubscribeWould you like to receive the Social Web Cafe newsletter that includes emails on Tuesdays to remind you of the #SocialCafe #TBW Twitter C...
--- Please visit these wonderful services (sponsored/affiliates)! --- --------------- The Chat: --------------- Yay! RT : Tweet you soon! TY :) RT : , : marketing, branding, social media, blogging. 9pm ET Mod: Class is important! It is starting in 10 min. MT : I am sorry I did not join the ! I was in class! Join the & twitter chat! in 5 mins! /Social Media Tools! Tonight's chat "Tools Wrapup" 9pm EST And thank you so much for getting the in the url after all. You rock! :) hugs, Deborah RT And thank you so much for getting the in the url after all. You rock! :) hugs, Deborah Welcome to the Chat at our weekly Tues 9p EDT slot. Our topic Chat hour: Blogging & Social Media Tools (Wrap-Up) Our topic Chat hour: Blogging & Social Media Tools (Wrap-Up) RT Our topic Chat hour: Blogging & Social Media Tools (Wrap-Up) Hey Pam! How are you this week? RT Our topic Chat hour: Blogging & Social Media Tools (Wrap-Up) Well no more bowling league so I'm here. I got a new client this week : ) and you….??? Hey Pam! :) Happy to see u! Scherrie! Good to see you :) The bowling sounded fun, too. New client? Woohoo! Hopefully more $ & more relaxation for u? Right back at you! Missed the TUES chats with you wonderful ladies! heeey Scherrie! Welcome :) Us, too RT : Right back at you! Missed the TUES chats with you wonderful ladies! Tonight: Blogging & Social Media Tools (Wrap-Up) So what are we talking about tonight- social tools wrap up? aww, so glad to have u join tonight, missed u Q1 What have you learned and/or implemented during this series on tools? Yep! RT : So what are we talking about tonight- social tools wrap up? I'm happy to be back but my kids had a blast bowling- they got a free ball/bag out of it too! RT Q1 What have you learned and/or implemented during this series on tools? Last week: Blogging & Social Media Tools: Twitter Chat Tools A1. Unfortunately I haven't been part of the whole series...can't wait to see what I missed! Whooo hooo! Congrats :) Always great to see you! Scheduling has been a big game changer this past month- Using (not sure if we talked about that one) A1 How to use my tools more effectively A1: Have really implemented every day now! Thanks to you guys! A1: The importance of using tools, like for example that can help u be more organized and efficient I put the list together just to bring you up to speed :D RT I put the list together just to bring you up to speed :D Cool! We haven't talked about (Should I add it to our next list? :) ) - & twitter chat! /Social Media Tools! Tonight's topic "Twitter Tools Wrap up" Join us :) YES!!! Cool! We haven't talked about (Should I add it to our next list? :) ) Good 4 u! MT : A1: The importance of using tools, like that can help u be more organized and efficient Added to the list. Thanks, Pam! A1. I've been working really hard to see how we can systemize more actions, so I can be more interactive with followers MT : A1. I've been working really hard to see how we can systemize more actions... interactive yes, I agree is useful. Yet to hear of but it sure sounds useful :) That is very important too! I need to work on that. It is a wordpress plugin that has made my life easier- it costs after trial but so worth it and not much! Yeah it can be tough but it takes some work to find what works for you lol cool, thanks for sharing, so glad to hear about new tools. :) I was going to try to wait until after the chat, but I am curious (blush) MT It is a wordpress plugin that has made my life easier- it costs after trial but so worth it... Q2 What resources have you found helpful? What resources are you still looking to find? A2 I found Tweet Archivist during this 10 weeks :) A2 I found Tweet Archivist during this 10 weeks :) Q2 What resources have you found helpful? What resources are you still looking to find? A2. We upgraded our suite, really exciting! It gives us more capabilities for & - A2. We upgraded our suite, really exciting! It gives us more capabilities for & - A2 The vast amount of info I've learned from you guys has been amazing but I still need to work on organization A2 The vast amount of info I've learned from you guys has been amazing but I still need to work on organization A2: I've found to be useful, I love being organized, and collecting everything in one place for later. A2: I've found to be useful, I love being organized, and collecting everything in one place for later. Oooh.. can you give us a sales pitch, Da Vinci? What makes a great deal for biz? I need to learn about Evernote- I missed that chat! A2. Looking to find a great program to schedule tweets & promote my posts We're - & twitter chat! /Social Media Tools! Tonight's topic "Twitter Tools Wrap up" Join us :) We're - & twitter chat! /Social Media Tools! Tonight's topic "Twitter Tools Wrap up" Join us :) We're - & twitter chat! /Social Media Tools! Tonight's topic "Twitter Tools Wrap up" Join us :) I wonder if we ever feel we have "arrived" when it comes to being organized... always room to grow Have you tried to promote posts? Great community, too. RT LOL I wonder if we ever feel we have "arrived" when it comes to being organized... always room to grow Now that I'm working on my cookbook I had to look into more sales/marketing avenues, has a ton! aww so sad to hear that, is a great tool for organization You guys are so amazing at giving us shout outs on Twitter. Thank you! You guys are so amazing at giving us shout outs on Twitter. Thank you! Whoops! Late in joining ! Gotta catch up. :) Maybe we can do a "dig deeper" RT : I need to learn about Evernote- I missed that chat! RT LOL I wonder if we ever feel we have "arrived" when it comes to being organized... always room to grow Hi Stephanie, so happy to have u join tonight Never late :) Welcome, Stephanie! RT : Whoops! Late in joining ! Gotta catch up. :) With our new upgrade we're able to do video press releases, make press pitches, & zone in on buying signals. With our new upgrade we're able to do video press releases, make press pitches, & zone in on buying signals. and thats what I need. My notebook can do just so much LOL! Hi there! Better late than never :) thanks for joining us Sure thing :) And, it was started by some dear friends and re: Sure thing :) And, it was started by some dear friends and re: Always a pleasure! It's great working with you all, can't wait to see how our upgrade helps with We are doing a wrap-up so it is a bit of a sharing about what we learned, tips, questions I love how we are all growing! Yay! RT : I love how we are all growing! Yay! RT : I love how we are all growing! yes,I know what u mean, plus you'll save some trees using instead of pen and paper :P lol YES RT yes,I know what u mean, plus you'll save some trees using instead of pen and paper :P lol YES RT yes,I know what u mean, plus you'll save some trees using instead of pen and paper :P lol me too, awesome to see how far we all have come. Q3 What tools would you like us to include in our next tools series? I agree! It's a blessing. The community that learns together can grow together :) RT : I agree! It's a blessing. The community that learns together can grow together :) RT I agree! It's a blessing. The community that learns together can grow together :) Q3 What tools would you like us to include in our next tools series? RT Q3 What tools would you like us to include in our next tools series? A3. Tools to help build a list serve/newsletter A3. Tools to help build a list serve/newsletter Oooh... good idea, Scherrie! I'll add that.. A4: Maybe some tips or tools for more efficiently using Goggle plus? RT RT Q3 What tools would you like us to include in our next tools series? Added Thnx! RT : A4: Maybe some tips or tools for more efficiently using Goggle plus? A3 Hmmm.. what tools will make the list? A3. Would love some tools to create/update my media kit too! You are full of great ideas, Scherrie :) added Oh yes I agree Newsletter tools- Even though I do one every week (wink at Da Vinci-ty) always use help on that! RT : More on monetization? Nice one...I'm having issues incorporating Google Plus in my repertoire Nice one...I'm having issues incorporating Google Plus in my repertoire Nice one...I'm having issues incorporating Google Plus in my repertoire Oh I like that one too! RT More on monetization? Oh I like that one too! RT More on monetization? A3 I'm not sure what you have already discussed, but I'd love a chat on research tools for web analytics. A3 I'm not sure what you have already discussed, but I'd love a chat on research tools for web analytics. cool idea! thanks for sharing Stephanie! :) Thanks for the input :), We're always open to suggestions! It helps us bring more information to you. I like that one, Stephanie! I think a whole series on that one might be in order RT A3 I'm not sure what you have already discussed, but I'd love a chat on research tools for web analytics. RT Oh yes I agree Newsletter tools- Even though I do one every week (wink at Da Vinci-ty) A3 Hmm...maybe also a discussion on how to effectively measure social media strategies from one source (not multiple places). RT I agree! It's a blessing. The community that learns together can grow together :) - & twitter chat! /Social Media Tools! Tonight's topic "Twitter Tools Wrap up" Join in :) Q4 Have any tips, articles, posts, pins you want to share? (Doesn’t have to relate to tools.) Q4 Have any tips, articles, posts, pins you want to share? (Doesn’t have to relate to tools.) Thanks! I can't wait to see this chat when it happens! Q4 Have any tips, articles, posts, pins you want to share? (Doesn’t have to relate to tools.) RT Have any tips, articles, posts, pins you want to share? Doesn’t have to relate to tools. I started the idea with another chat I used to host and it is a fun way to brag about all you are doing :) RT Have any tips, articles, posts, pins you want to share? Doesn’t have to relate to tools. RT Have any tips, articles, posts, pins you want to share? Doesn’t have to relate to tools. Yeah, I know my suggestion is a bit broad! I will try to think of how to narrow down. :) A4 How many of you received the top pinner email? I've been testing some analytics, free options * Also, it is our line of work @ IMN :) Hey ALL I'm doing my book cover photo shoot on June 7th! SUPER EXCITED :) Hey ALL I'm doing my book cover photo shoot on June 7th! SUPER EXCITED :) great! Looking forward to chatting with in the future chat (s) Yay! Yes, you called it right, Pam :) Ah, I didn't mean you need to narrow it down LOL... I meant we can probably narrow it down to a few :) RT Hey ALL I'm doing my book cover photo shoot on June 7th! SUPER EXCITED great! Looking forward to chatting with you in the future chat (s) Heh! No problem. Look forward to chatting again! :) Thank you! I'll see you at a future chat! A1. is like, my favorite thing now!! A1. is like, my favorite thing now!! Likewise :) it's always a blast... good people, good fun and good learning! Actually, it is Internet Marketing Ninjas out of NY I "loan" my services to them in a day job. :) Hey hun! Was wondering where you were :) Shavonn! RT : A1. is like, my favorite thing now!! // Yeah IFTTT is so cool! so happy for you! Wish I lived close by so I could taste your good food! Hey Shavonn! Glad you mentioned it a favorite of mine too :) A2. Something that will get me writing. LOL RT A1. is like, my favorite thing now!! Luv'n the rhyme :) Glad u joined us.. We should have a Retreat! A3. Stuff around getting started on an article, developing ideas, etc. A3. Stuff around getting started on an article, developing ideas, etc. TY, Lisa ;) RT : Good idea, Deborah. :) Like brainstorming tools? Aww thank you for the love! - Who knows maybe we can meet when I tour :) Gr8 idea! RT : Aww thank you for the love! - Who knows maybe we can meet when I tour :) That would be so much FuN! LOL! RT We should have a Retreat! That would be so much FuN! LOL! RT We should have a Retreat! I love that they added as a channel!! :) Cool! RT : I love that they added as a channel!! :) Cool! RT : I love that they added as a channel!! :) Next week: Our series on starts! Next week: Our series on starts! I'm starting a new blog (Pam's Blogging Buzz) it's not all set up and only one post so far but I'll share when done. I'm starting a new blog (Pam's Blogging Buzz) it's not all set up and only one post so far but I'll share when done. I'm starting a new blog (Pam's Blogging Buzz) it's not all set up and only one post so far but I'll share when done. Missed the ? Stay tuned for Tweets letting your know the archive/summary is ready. Missed the ? Stay tuned for Tweets letting your know the archive/summary is ready. Missed the ? Stay tuned for Tweets letting your know the archive/summary is ready. Cool! RT : I'm starting a new blog (Pam's Blogging Buzz) it's not all set up ...but I'll share when done. YES! SEO always learn so much! MT I'm starting a new blog (Pam's Blogging Buzz) it's not all set up... but I'll share when done. Great! I'll definitely try to make it! Yeah excited to learn about this! RT RT : Next week: Our series on starts! RT Missed the ? Stay tuned for Tweets letting your know the archive/summary is ready. Thank u for joining us for Twitter Chat. Feel free to keep chatting, just wanted to let you know we appreciate u! Thank u for joining us for Twitter Chat. Feel free to keep chatting, just wanted to let you know we appreciate u! And, it changes so frequently, or more so than one would think.. re: Yay :) RT : Great! I'll definitely try to make it! Thank you all for another fabulous chat! See you next week :) YEP! RT And, it changes so frequently, or more so than one would think.. re: hey loved your bio on the blog, it was creative and made me giggle. ;) (wine-lover? lol) Bye Everyone and thank you and for everything you do! Ah, ty :) RT : Bye Everyone and thank you and for everything you do!