#SocialCafe 3.30 Chat Transcript

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Images That Inspire Retweeting and Favoriting #SocialCafe

Images That Inspire Retweeting and Favoriting #SocialCafe

Topic: Images That Inspire Retweeting and Favoriting. Hosts: Deborah @SocialWebCafe and Guest Host Gail Gardner @GrowMap

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  2. --------------- The Chat: ---------------
  3. STARTING IN 5 Minutes: #SocialCafe Twitter chat talking about using Twitter images to increase clicks, retweets and followers. #smm
  4. RT @GrowMap 2 Minutes till: #SocialCafe Twitter chat talking about using Twitter images to increase clicks, retweets and followers. #smm
  5. RT @GrowMap 2 Minutes till: #SocialCafe Twitter chat talking about using Twitter images to increase clicks, retweets and followers. #smm
  6. Welcome to the #SocialCafe Chat at our weekly Tues 9p EDT slot.
  7. @GrowMap Gail - you are awesome at the Tweeted images! Would love to have u share ur tips :) #SocialCafe
  8. T @GrowMap: High everyone #SocialCafe If u aren't using images on Twitter you are missing the huge benefits. Start by just retweeting them!
  9. Hi everyone #SocialCafe If you aren't using images on Twitter you are missing the huge benefits. Start by just retweeting them!
  10. I got so excited about what Gail (@GrowMap) said, I bumped the "R" off my RT! Gotta hear what she say! It's that good! #SocialCafe
  11. RT @GrowMap Hi everyone #SocialCafe If you aren't using images on Twitter you are missing the huge benefits. Start by just retweeting them!
  12. @GrowMap U know.. I kept thinking photoshop, creative images.. so simple to RT! #SocialCafe
  13. If you don't follow 50k people, either click #Discover and retweet those OR #SocialCafe
  14. Choose people in your niche with large numbers of followers & retweet images from their stream. Example:  https://twitter.com/GrowMap/media  #SocialCafe
  15. Scroll through my feed at  https://twitter.com/GrowMap/media  & you'll see tons of images because I retweet them regularly & create my own. #SocialCafe
  16. Promote your own content with custom images and the odds of getting retweeted go up astronomically #SocialCafe
  17. RT @GrowMap Promote your own content with custom images and the odds of getting retweeted go up astronomically #SocialCafe
  18. RT @GrowMap Promote your own content with custom images and the odds of getting retweeted go up astronomically #SocialCafe
  19. RT @GrowMap Promote your own content with custom images and the odds of getting retweeted go up astronomically #SocialCafe
  20. Optimum size for Twitter images is 880x440 #SocialCafe Then reduce the same image to the width that fits your blog (560-640 are common)
  21. To see where you could use improvement on ur own media, visit  http://twitter.com  / username / media without the spaces. #SocialCafe
  22. Using images on Twitter to increase visibility, followers, retweets and clicks #SocialCafe @GnosisArts @socialwebcafe
  23. Using images on Twitter to increase visibility, followers, retweets and clicks #SocialCafe @GnosisArts @socialwebcafe
  24. RT @GrowMap: Using images on Twitter to increase visibility, followers, retweets and clicks #SocialCafe @GnosisArts @socialwebcafe
  25. If you don't use the right size your images will be cut off top or bottom or both. See  https://twitter.com/GrowMap/media  for examples #SocialCafe
  26. A1 Any image that grabs attention can work - especially if it is the right size and doesn't get cut off top or bottom #SocialCafe
  27. @GrowMap Yeah, I was just looking at my own and they need some improvement :) #SocialCafe
  28. A2: I retweet a lot of other people's images also, like @socialwebcafe said I like to tweet the pics of my recent pins #socialcafe
  29. A1 Share images from your blog, Pinterest, posts you publish on other sites like LinkedIn; any image twice as wide as it is tall #SocialCafe
  30. Retweeting others' images is great, Marisa @MoppetMissy That gets YOU more retweets and followers #SocialCafe @socialwebcafe
  31. Retweeting others' images is great, Marisa @MoppetMissy That gets YOU more retweets and followers #SocialCafe @socialwebcafe
  32. When you want content to get special attention, create a custom image and pin that tweet to the top of your Twitter account #SocialCafe
  33. RT @GrowMap: Retweeting others' images is great, Marisa @MoppetMissy That gets YOU more retweets and followers #SocialCafe @socialwebcafe
  34. You can only pin one image; when you pin another it replaces the existing #SocialCafe
  35. RT @Bprep4 RT @GrowMap: Using images on Twitter to increase visibility, followers, retweets & clicks #SocialCafe @GnosisArts @socialwebcafe
  36. Q2 What images have you found to be favorited and retweeted? Is there a type of image that is more successful? #SocialCafe
  37. RT @GnosisArts: .@socialwebcafe YW! What's the topic for tonight's #socialcafe ? <-- Hey there! How are u? It is Twitter images :)
  38. You can also share videos and slideshares which appear in Twitter streams similar to images #SocialCafe
  39. A2 The more attention-grabbing they are, the more they get noticed. #SocialCafe
  40. When you're doing something that doesn't take full attention, scroll through a busy Twitter stream and retweet pretty pictures #SocialCafe
  41. When you're doing something that doesn't take full attention, scroll through a busy Twitter stream and retweet pretty pictures #SocialCafe
  42. When you're doing something that doesn't take full attention, scroll through a busy Twitter stream and retweet pretty pictures #SocialCafe
  43. When you're doing something that doesn't take full attention, scroll through a busy Twitter stream and retweet pretty pictures #SocialCafe
  44. @GnosisArts busy as ever. Any projects you want to share? U are soooo creative/innovative ;) #socialcafe
  45. @GrowMap That seems like it would be even faster than pinterest. Is Twitter your preference over pinterest? #SocialCafe
  46. A2 Landscapes, cute animals, humor, quotes are the most popular for retweeting #SocialCafe Doesn't seem to matter if not your niche.
  47. @GrowMap Nice thing about videos and slideshares is you don't have to worry about sizing.. it is auto-fitting #SocialCafe
  48. #SocialCafe when someone has a good quote I make an image and retweet w/their info--get good RT and make a mention
  49. A2: High quality images: the prettier, brighter, more professional and eye-catching an image is the more attention it gets #socialcafe
  50. A2: High quality images: the prettier, brighter, more professional and eye-catching an image is the more attention it gets #socialcafe
  51. I'm on Twitter more, and retweeting images IS faster than repinning - but both are valuable #SocialCafe @socialwebcafe
  52. I'm on Twitter more, and retweeting images IS faster than repinning - but both are valuable #SocialCafe @socialwebcafe
  53. RT @socialwebcafe @GrowMap Nice thing about videos and slideshares is you don't have to worry about sizing.. it is auto-fitting #SocialCafe
  54. @focus7daily heeey Lisa, welcome! I liked your idea about making a photo for their quote. Creative idea #socialcafe
  55. #socialcafe, Q2, lately I've seen a lot of News RT. I think it's good for people to stay informed.
  56. Yes! Good point. ;) RT @wallace_bethany: #socialcafe, Q2, lately I've seen a lot of News RT. I think it's good for people to stay informed.
  57. Promote upcoming events by creating an image with the date and time on it to pin to your Twitter profile #SocialCafe
  58. Promote upcoming events by creating an image with the date and time on it to pin to your Twitter profile #SocialCafe
  59. @staciewalker heeey Stacie, missed you. We are chatting about #twitter image tonight #socialcafe
  60. RT @GrowMap Promote upcoming events by creating an image with the date and time on it to pin to your Twitter profile #SocialCafe
  61. Then after the event, edit your post to add the video, change the title and image and repin the recording #SocialCafe
  62. Great idea! RT @GrowMap Promote upcoming events by creating an image w/ the date and time on it to pin to your Twitter profile #SocialCafe
  63. RT @MoppetMissy @focus7daily heeey Lisa, welcome! I liked your idea about making a photo for their quote. Creative idea #socialcafe
  64. @GrowMap I LOVE Canva. It's a girls best friend to express creativity #TBW #SocialCafe
  65. @focus7daily Great idea! (And, hi Lisa ;) ).. I do that on one of my domains that is all quotes. It is fun, isn't it? #SocialCafe
  66. Why you should retweet images (and where to find a lot of them to choose from) #SocialCafe @staciewalker @socialwebcafe
  67. Yup I've found this to be very true! RT @GrowMap Retweeting breaking news is likely to get a lot of retweets #SocialCafe @wallace_bethany
  68. Tweetchat won't load properly so I switched to tweet deck #socialcafe
  69. @lrp0wers Yeah - I've had that. I've found myself using TweetDeck all the time now.. #SocialCafe
  70. drum roll.. I know @GrowMap has a tip on this :) RT @wallace_bethany: RT Q3 What size images is the best size for Twitter? #SocialCafe
  71. They may have changed something 2 days ago. I couldn't get twchat to work tonight @lrp0wers #SocialCafe
  72. A3 The optimum size image for Twitter is 880x440 #SocialCafe (or variations that are twice as wide as they are tall)
  73. A3 The optimum size image for Twitter is 880x440 #SocialCafe (or variations that are twice as wide as they are tall)
  74. RT @GrowMap: A3 The optimum size image for Twitter is 880x440 #SocialCafe (or variations that are twice as wide as they are tall)
  75. Twitter says it is 880x440 @wallace_bethany Square images or other sizes get cut off top and bottom. #SocialCafe
  76. @staciewalker I was just thinking of putting one together and I thought.. surely one exists! ***Thanks*** #SocialCafe
  77. RT @GrowMap A3 The optimum size image for Twitter is 880x440 #SocialCafe (or variations that are twice as wide as they are tall) #socialcafe
  78. You can scroll through the images at Scroll thru  https://twitter.com/GrowMap/media  and see examples of images cut off #SocialCafe @wallace_bethany
  79. @GrowMap @wallace_bethany So the key would be to at least ensure it is twice as wide as tall, eh? #SocialCafe
  80. @socialwebcafe Oh yes. There are guides that are plentiful in my social media circles :) #TBW #socialcafe
  81. I am very new to Twitter. I haven't posted a lot of images but they always get my attention over normal tweets. #socialcafe
  82. RT @lrp0wers I am very new to Twitter. I haven't posted a lot of images but they always get my attention over normal tweets. #socialcafe
  83. RT @lrp0wers I am very new to Twitter. I haven't posted a lot of images but they always get my attention over normal tweets. #socialcafe
  84. I have 52.8k followers and those who tweet images are VERY likely to get retweeted as I scroll thru looking for them #SocialCafe @lrp0wers
  85. RT @GrowMap I have 52.8k followers and those who tweet images are VERY likely to get retweeted ... #SocialCafe @lrp0wers
  86. Optimize your tweet to have room for image, link, hashtag and compelling text to get more clicks @lrp0wers #SocialCafe
  87. RT @GrowMap Color does matter @focus7daily Sunsets and colorful landscapes are super popular. Some colors more appealing to RT #socialcafe
  88. When you upload an image it does use some of the characters; I haven't paid attention to how many @lrp0wers #SocialCafe
  89. When you upload an image it does use some of the characters; I haven't paid attention to how many @lrp0wers #SocialCafe
  90. @wallace_bethany Like pics of something illegal. What happens on the Internet stays on the Internet. #SocialCafe
  91. We can test a theory if everyone retweets the slideshare @socialwebcafe shared it may stay open at least for some period of time #SocialCafe
  92. A4 new ppl viewing ur twitter profile will scroll thru old photos rather than old tweets. Make the photos capture what ur about #SocialCafe
  93. A4 new ppl viewing ur twitter profile will scroll thru old photos rather than old tweets. Make the photos capture what ur about #SocialCafe
  94. Ok - was testing with @SlideShare using slideshare and hootsuite to see if I could get 'em in the media tab on Twitter.. nada.. #SocialCafe
  95. @socialchurchpro Hi Rachel! Good point about scrolling through the images.. I do, too. #SocialCafe
  96. A4: I just like to mention that you all can edit your twitter pics by cropping and adding a filter before posting #socialcafe
  97. A4: I just like to mention that you all can edit your twitter pics by cropping and adding a filter before posting #socialcafe
  98. @GrowMap I manage my work's FB and trying to also learn Twitter. I'm learning the same posts do not crossover. #SocialCafe
  99. RT @GrowMap: Optimize your tweet to have room for image, link, hashtag and compelling text to get more clicks @lrp0wers #SocialCafe
  100. Next week we will be resuming the weekly #SocialCafe Hangouts that we pioneered year(s) ago :) Ping me for more info Skype: socialwebcafe
  101. Next week we will be resuming the weekly #SocialCafe Hangouts that we pioneered year(s) ago :) Ping me for more info Skype: socialwebcafe
  102. Next week we will be resuming the weekly #SocialCafe Hangouts that we pioneered year(s) ago :) Ping me for more info Skype: socialwebcafe
  103. @GrowMap @staciewalker Photos you'll regret #socailcafe Inappropriate or something that could have a bad effect on someone else. #SocialCafe
  104. @GrowMap @EstherThePig yup caught my attention for sure, just had to scroll through their feed a retweet a pig pic #socialcafe
  105. Be aware that some of us prefer not to see certain types of photos. Tweeting them will get you blocked or unfollowed. #SocialCafe
  106. @GnosisArts @GrowMap great tip, I do this like all the time during Tv commercials lol #socialcafe
  107. True @wallace_bethany The same can be said for language...clean it up or lose much of your audience & possibly future job opps #SocialCafe
  108. Next week: More with our “Images” series! #SocialCafe #TBW --> Bring your questions!
  109. Facebook next week ;) RT @socialwebcafe: Next week: More with our “Images” series! #SocialCafe --> Bring your questions!
  110. Facebook next week ;) RT @socialwebcafe: Next week: More with our “Images” series! #SocialCafe --> Bring your questions!
  111. @socialchurchpro heey Rachel, welcome, so glad to have you join the the conversation tonight! ;) #socialcafe
  112. Missed the #SocialCafe ? Stay tuned for Tweets letting your know the archive/summary is ready. #TBW
  113. Missed the #SocialCafe ? Stay tuned for Tweets letting your know the archive/summary is ready. #TBW
  114. Missed the #SocialCafe ? Stay tuned for Tweets letting your know the archive/summary is ready. #TBW
  115. Missed the #SocialCafe ? Stay tuned for Tweets letting your know the archive/summary is ready. #TBW
  116. RT @socialwebcafe Next week: More with our “Images” series! #SocialCafe #TBW --> Bring your questions!
  117. RT @socialwebcafe Next week: More with our “Images” series! #SocialCafe #TBW --> Bring your questions!
  118. Thank u for joining us for #SocialCafe #TBW Twitter Chat. Feel free to keep chatting, just wanted to let you know we appreciate u!
  119. RT @GrowMap Color does matter @focus7daily Sunsets and colorful landscapes are super popular. Some colors more appealing to RT #socialcafe
  120. Be sure to create collaborations of bloggers who promote each other's content. Watch for their photos to RT #SocialCafe
  121. RT @GrowMap Be sure to create collaborations of bloggers who promote each other's content. Watch for their photos to RT #socialcafe
  122. Always a great place to learn and make new friends:) RT @lrp0wers @socialwebcafe I will love to continue this chat next week! #socialcafe
  123. Thank you, Bethany. So great to have you with us. :) RT @wallace_bethany: #socialcafe This was a fun chat, I learned a lot.
  124. Thank you, Bethany. So great to have you with us. :) RT @wallace_bethany: #socialcafe This was a fun chat, I learned a lot.
  125. Sure thing, Lisa. Thanks for joining us ;) RT @focus7daily: #SocialCafe thanks for the info and your time :)
  126. And, love to have you back with us next week, Lindy :) RT @lrp0wers: @socialwebcafe I will love to continue this chat next week! #socialcafe
  127. There is a lot of offensive trash on Twitter. I usually see if when someone I follow retweets obscene photos @WordSherbert #SocialCafe
  128. In the next 60days, google will shutdown orkut. BackupData from Orkut Before it Shuts down -  http://ln.is/techcribng.com/FYwG0  #socialcafe
  129. Promote upcoming #events by creating an #image with the date and time on it to pin to your @twitter profile #SocialCafe

Link to Complete Summary.
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