Images That Inspire Pinning #SocialCafe HomeTake your hangouts to the next level with Download the cheatsheets used by and then, when you are ready... Twitter SubscribeWould you like to receive the Social Web Cafe newsletter that includes emails on Tuesdays to remind you of the #SocialCafe #TBW Twitter C...
--- Please visit these wonderful services (sponsored/affiliates)! --- --------------- The Chat: --------------- Welcome to the Chat at our weekly Tues 9p EDT slot. RT Welcome to the Chat at our weekly Tues 9p EDT slot. Our topic Chat hour: Images That Inspire Pinning Bonjour de la Louisianne, social chers! RT Our topic Chat hour: Images That Inspire Pinning RT Our topic Chat hour: Images That Inspire Pinning RT Our topic Chat hour: Images That Inspire Pinning RT RT Our topic Chat hour: Images That Inspire Pinning You're up there pretty cllcafe bonjour Belinda! Welcome! Now that's dedicatiolcafeubcafe Tonight: Images That Inspire Pinning Tonight: Images That Inspire Pinning Q1 What types of images do you use for Pinterest? RT Q1 What types of images do you use for Pinterest? A1. What do you mean? lol Author pics & cover art for writing blog, Flickr or guest provided pics for food blog. A1 Author pics & cover art for writing blog, Flickr or guest provided pics for food blog. A1 The images from my blog post(s)... A1 Tall, wide images that cover a page are said to be best on Pinterest, but I use my blog size about 560x300 FOOD PICKS those make me hungry! Especially those desserts shares! RT : A1 Tall, wide images that cover a page are said to be best on Pinterest, but I use my blog size about 560x300 A3: I don't use Pinterest very effectively. It's more like an entertaining tool so I wouldn't know the sizge. #socialcafe A3: I think it is 90x90 for a profile and 180x180 for background A3 It seems that images that are 736 pixels wide do well. RT A3: I think it is 90x90 for a profile and 180x180 for background RT A3 It seems that images that are 736 pixels wide do well. Get yourself on some group boards and start promoting! FleurdeB I wouldn't even know where to begin! There's so much osocialcafe Pinterest is a key element of my promotion strategy. You're welcome, BelurdeB I do what Ibcafe I have years of resources to draw lCafe FleurdeB I know that when using Pinterest in business or for marketing purposes it is a great tool! I'm looking forward to +H.N. James shooting my ingredients, recipe steps and finished products for my cookblcafe I tried taking my own in the beginning, but they didn't turn out wlcafe Q4 What tips would you like to share regarding Pinterest images (and other tips)? What gets me about Pinterest re food is that some are just pics & don't indicate in the text that there's not a recsocialcafe RT Q4 What tips would you like to share regarding Pinterest images (and other tips)? I looove the well-done gardening and recipe pics on Pinterest. A4: Be sure to tag people, add and cool and interesting descriptions and create albums for the pictures you post A4: Be sure to tag people, add and cool and interesting descriptions and create albums for the pictures you post A4 Include multiple pics per post, so you can "spin" & re-market that post socialcafe RT A4: Be sure to tag people, add , interesting descriptions and create albums for the pictures. A4: Images with links to actual websites is great for business! Yes, some links may not be the best, but they best for brands! A4: Images with links to actual websites is great for business! Yes, some links may not be the best, but they best for brands! A4: I'm big on hashtags and multiple truly relevant boards, especially group boards that give my post more elcafe A4: I'm big on hashtags and multiple truly relevant boards, especially group boards that give my post more elcafe Where do you guys stand on professional boards vs personal boards for branding? We should find a way to share access to group boards. I'm on many, some I started others I got invitelurdeB We should find a way to share access to group boards. I&apoapos;m on many, some I started others I got invitelurdeB RT We should find a way to share access to group boards. I'm on many, some I started others I got invitedlcafe Sounds great to me! DM me on that, pls. RT Where do you guys stand on professional boards vs personal boards for branding? RT A4: I'm big on hashtags and multiple truly relevant boards, especially group boards that give my post more elcafe Best way is to connect on Skype My username is growmap thanks for suggesting such a great idea Gail! There are some advantages to using Pinterest business account instead of personal if you're branulCafe RT There are some advantages to using Pinterest business account instead of personal if you're brandlcafe Next week: More with our “ImagessocialCafe #TBW --> Bring your questions! RT Next week: More with our “ImagessocialCafe #TBW --> Bring your questions! Missed the ? Stay tuned for Tweets letting your know the archive/summary is ready. I don't Skype. Email's bettesocialcafe RT RT Next week: More with our “ImagessocialCafe #TBW --> Bring your questions! Thank u for joining us for Twitter Chat. Feel free to keep chatting, just wanted to let you know we appreciate u! Thanks for the input to everyone on tonight! RT Missed the ? Stay tuned for Tweets letting your know the archive/summary is ready. Thanks everyone for another informative ! heeey Elizabeth, so glad to have you join. You are right, Pinterest is great for marketing, and business.