Images That Inspire Facebook Likes #SocialCafe #TBW HomeTake your hangouts to the next level with Download the cheatsheets used by and then, when you are ready... Twitter SubscribeWould you like to receive the Social Web Cafe newsletter that includes emails on Tuesdays to remind you of the #SocialCafe #TBW Twitter C...
--- Please visit these wonderful services (sponsored/affiliates)! --- --------------- The Chat: --------------- Chat starts 9p EDT -- in 10 min @jlegalresearch Chat starts 9p EDT -- in 10 min Chat starts 9p EDT -- in 10 min @joannenyc5 Chat starts 9p EDT -- in 10 min Chat starts 9p EDT -- in 10 min Chat starts 9p EDT -- in 10 min Chat starts 9p EDT -- in 10 min Chat starts 9p EDT -- in 10 min Chat starts 9p EDT -- in 10 min Chat starts 9p EDT -- in 10 min Chat starts 9p EDT -- in 10 min Chat starts 9p EDT -- in 10 min cool! what's the topic tonilcafe Welcome to the Chat at our weekly Tues 9p EDT slot. Welcome to the Chat at our weekly Tues 9p EDT slot. Welcome to the Chat at our weekly Tues 9p EDT slot. Hey Lydia! How are you doing? Topic: Facebook images Hey Lydia! How are you doing? Topic: Facebook images Hey Lydia! Welcome how are you this evening? hey Marisa! I’m great - how are things witialcafe likewise, things are doing great for me thanks for asking Our topic Chat hour: Images That Inspire Facebook Likes Our topic Chat hour: Images That Inspire Facebook Likes RT : Hey Lydia! How are you doing? Topic: Facebook images I just realized you were in Dallas. I was in your area last week! heeey Da Vinci! How are u doing? RT Our topic Chat hour: Images That Inspire Facebook Likes I'm well just got back from an event! Glad I made it in time for tonight's chat LOL... How SocialCafe Q1 What types of images do you use for Facebook? Q1 What types of images do you use for Facebook? Q1 What types of images do you use for Facebook? ohhh interesting! Hiya I'm Bunmi A7r1o I'm new on the chat and it's 2am ing #socialcafe A1 Are we talking about to share in streams or headers or both? A1: I use images that I think ppl will share - quotes, funny images, tips Wow - 2am. Welcome! So glad to have you join us ;) Both :) RT : A1 Are we talking about to share in streams or headers or both? A1: Anything that I find interesting to look at or something that I feel my audience would enjoy and then place a "likesocialcafe A1 I tend to use the same as I do for blog posts. A1. From what I've seen, Facebook is definitely a place that you want to continue a conversion with pictulCafe Hey Shavonn! How r u? RT : hey! A1 What gets shared most on Facebook are cute photos and funny videos A1 What gets shared most on Facebook are cute photos and funny videos heeey welcome! Glad to have you join A1. When we're doing blog post links I try to use a different image for each for Facebook to keep it dynalCafe A1 For my philanthropy group, our Instagram photos of us being active, having fun A1 For my philanthropy group, our Instagram photos of us being active, having fun Tonight: Images That Inspire Facebook Likes Tonight: Images That Inspire Facebook Likes thank you :) how are you ? Hey Da Vinci! RT : Hey Hey Everyone! // Hey Hey Da Vinci! RT : Hey Hey Everyone! // Hey Agreed! And fun mini quiz images Yes! For sure I've noticed the same thing, anything super cute or humorous gets a lot of attentlcafe RT A1 What gets shared most on Facebook are cute photos and funny videos Welcome Gail! How r u? RT Welcome Gail! How r u? RT RT : A1 For my philanthropy group, our Instagram photos of us being active, having fun btw thank you all for your awesome shares last week! RT : A1: I use images that I think ppl will share - quotes, funny images, tips RT : A1: I use images that I think ppl will share - quotes, funny images, tips Thank you! Definitely gonna check them out :) I have a bunch of cool things in store for Almost always around :-) Had a great marketing chat this morning at Almost always around :-) Had a great marketing chat this morning at Almost always around :-) Had a great marketing chat this morning at Note: If you plan to run any paid promotions for your posts, make sure that no more than 20% of image includes text. Note: If you plan to run any paid promotions for your posts, make sure that no more than 20% of image includes text. Note: If you plan to run any paid promotions for your posts, make sure that no more than 20% of image includes text. Note: If you plan to run any paid promotions for your posts, make sure that no more than 20% of image includes text. Q2 What images have you found to be LIKEd and inspire comments? Is there a type of image that is more successful? Q2 What images have you found to be LIKEd and inspire comments? Is there a type of image that is more successful? Q2 What images have you found to be LIKEd and inspire comments? Is there a type of image that is more successful? RT : A1 What gets shared most on Facebook are cute photos and funny videos A2: The quotes that I post that are funny or inspirational tend to do best RT : A1. From what I've seen, Facebook is definitely a place that you want to continue a conversion with lCafe A2 Quote images tend to do well. A2 Quote images tend to do well. I think it all depends on your target audience I think it all depends on your target audience I always love quotes, scenic images, food, funny memes, lol A2. Images from our member socials gatherings. A2: Profile pics for sure. Also anything that is taken at a special event or location that is out of the ordinary A2: Profile pics for sure. Also anything that is taken at a special event or location that is out of the ordinary A2 How-to tips with photos; adorable horse pictures from Draft Horse Friends; compelling quotes & messages as images A2 How-to tips with photos; adorable horse pictures from Draft Horse Friends; compelling quotes & messages as images Yes totally agreed! RT : A2 Quote images tend to do well. Hey y'all, finally here. What's the topicsocialcafe RT Yes totally agreed! RT : A2 Quote images tend to do well. true,! Great point! what is interesting to one, can dull or of little interest to another. It all depends. Hey Lisa! RT : Hi Deborah! :) *waving* RT A2 How-to tips with photos; adorable horse pictures from Draft Horse Friends; compelling quotes & messages as images RT A2: Profile pics for sure. anything that is taken at a special event or location that is out of the ordinary RT RT : I think it all depends on your target audience RT I always love quotes, scenic images, food, funny memes, lol Hey there! How r u, Belinda? RT : Hey y'all, finally here. What's the topicsocialcafe A2. People like personal feeling pics, it's another way to connect with your audience and give them a glimpse of your llCafe RT A2 How-to tips with photos; adorable horse pictures from Draft Horse Friends; compelling quotes & messages as images RT : A1. From what I've seen, Facebook is definitely a place that you want to continue a conversion with lCafe RT A2: The quotes that I post that are funny or inspirational tend to do best RT RT : A1 What gets shared most on Facebook are cute photos and funny videos I’ve also done some caption contests with pics of my kids. Those are fun for ialcafe RT : If you plan to run any paid promotions for your posts, make sure that no more than 20% of image includes text. Ah nice! lol I'm watcg_CBS and on lCafe twitter chat lol heey, hey Belinda, how are you? RT Q2 What images have you found to be LIKEd and inspire comments? RT : Almost always around :-) Had a great marketing chat this morning at Those are great for sure! LOL RT : A1: I use images that I think ppl will share - quotes, funny images, tips RT : A1 For my philanthropy group, our Instagram photos of us being active, having fun love the memes on Fb, I personally love the, Most Interesting Man in the World meme love the memes on Fb, I personally love the, Most Interesting Man in the World meme RT RT : Tonight: Images That Inspire Facebook Likes RT A1. With blog post links I try to use a different image for each for Facebook to keep it dynamic RT A1 Are we talking about to share in streams or headers or both? RT Q1 What types of images do you use for Facebook? RT love the memes on Fb, I personally love the, Most Interesting Man in the World meme Time flew by since last chat. I feel like we just did this a minute ago. lol Q3 What size image is the best size for Facebook? Q3 What size image is the best size for Facebook? RT I’ve also done some caption contests with pics of my kids. Those are fun for ialcafe RT A2. People like personal feeling pics, connect with your audience and give them a glimpse of your life RT A2. People like personal feeling pics, connect with your audience and give them a glimpse of your life Hey there Deborah, howyadoin? Been so busy w blog, country life & current events, last chat feels like 1 min ago. A3: I typically use 300x300. But and some others help you with easy templates! A3: I typically use 300x300. But and some others help you with easy templates! RT : Q3 What size image is the best size for Facebook? A3 Optimum Facebook image sizes; Normal post image: 403 x 504 pixels
Highlighted post image: 843 x 403 pixels A3 Optimum Facebook image sizes; Normal post image: 403 x 504 pixels
Highlighted post image: 843 x 403 pixels A3 Optimum Facebook image sizes; Normal post image: 403 x 504 pixels
Highlighted post image: 843 x 403 pixels Heya DaVinci, whatcha know good? A3 What size image is the best size for Facebook? RT : A3 Optimum Facebook image sizes; Normal post image: 403 x 504 pixels
Highlighted post image: 843 x 403 pixels RT : A3: I typically use 300x300. But and some others help you w/ easy templates! Those do well! &kshop I always love quotes, scenic images, food, funny memes,bclCafe" Hey Lisa, how's your corner of the wolcafe I just started using canva this week :) At 's recommendalCafe RT I just started using canva this week :) At 's recommendalCafe It’s such a great ialcafe Helpful &owMap A3 Optimum Facebook image sizes; Normal post image: 403 x 504 pixels Highlighted post image: 843 x 403 pilCafe" Helpful &owMap A3 Optimum Facebook image sizes; Normal post image: 403 x 504 pixels Highlighted post image: 843 x 403 pilCafe" RT : A3 Optimum Facebook image sizes; Normal post image: 403 x 504 pixels Highlighted post image: 843 x 403 pixels RT : A3 Optimum Facebook image sizes; Normal post image: 403 x 504 pixels Highlighted post image: 843 x 403 pixels Q4 What tips would you like to share regarding Facebook images? Q4 What tips would you like to share regarding Facebook images? RT Q4 What tips would you like to share regarding Facebook images? A4 Def keep it work friendly, colorful and fun, if possible. A4 Def keep it work friendly, colorful and fun, if possible. Definitely! RT : It’s such a great ialcafe A4: Share share, share everything (within reason) to test out what your audience finds appealing, and puts likes on RT Q4 What tips would you like to share regarding Facebook images? RT A4: share everything (within reason) to test out what your audience finds appealing, and puts likes on RT A4: share everything (within reason) to test out what your audience finds appealing, and puts likes on RT RT : A4 Def keep it work friendly, colorful and fun, if possible. RT A4 Keep sharing them :) A simple but true tip! lol I discovered that doesn't work on Internet Explorer. I guess I'll ussocialcafe I discovered that doesn't work on Internet Explorer. I guess I'll ussocialcafe A4 Be sure to follow guest bloggers, so you can tag them in the posts. Mine are eager share beavers! A4 Be sure to follow guest bloggers, so you can tag them in the posts. Mine are eager share beavers! A4 Be sure to follow guest bloggers, so you can tag them in the posts. Mine are eager share beavers! Really? That is interesting! I only use Chrome at the moment. Gave up on IE awhile back. Most interesting man in the world meme, often gets a lot of likes I've not nZl#meme Most interesting man in the world meme, often gets a lot of likes I've not nZl#meme RT A4 Be sure to follow guest bloggers, so you can tag them in the posts. Mine are eager share beavers! A4: Today's guest blogger and I are connected on FB, LIN, Tw, Pin, WP andlcafe A4 contd Plus we're email subscribed to each other's blogs, so we don'tng! #socialcafe RT A4: Today's guest blogger and I are connected on FB, LIN, Tw, Pin, WP andlcafe I like that it offers sizes for the different pics. I'm going to enjoy using thislcafe RT I see the Most Interesting Man in the World meme more on G+ than FB. We def have diff FB crowds. ;-) RT I see the Most Interesting Man in the World meme more on G+ than FB. We def have diff FB crowds. ;-) great idea, Belinda, Life happens so fast lol email is a great way to get updates and keep in the loop Good advice. It needs to be specific to your audience. Facebook analytics have identified my popular posts. yup I see it everywhere! lol Even like you said on G+ LOL always something to consider when sharing Next week: More with our “ImagessocialCafe #TBW --> Bring your questions! Next week: More with our “ImagessocialCafe #TBW --> Bring your questions! What I meant was that we watch all our feeds for each other's promos of our posts & reshare like crazy everywhlcafe RT Next week: More with our “ImagessocialCafe #TBW --> Bring your questions! Missed the ? Stay tuned for Tweets letting your know the archive/summary is ready. RT Missed the ? Stay tuned for Tweets letting your know the archive/summary is ready. T : Next week: More with our “ImagessocialCafe #TBW --> Bring your questions! Thank u for joining us for Twitter Chat. Feel free to keep chatting, just wanted to let you know we appreciate u! Fab chat y'all. It seems my dog can tell time, she just ran in right on the button, ready for suplcafe Thanks for all the great social media information, links, discussion and RTs. Enjoy your week! :-) A4 Share what is relevant to your audience Too funny! RT Fab chat y'all. It seems my dog can tell time, she just ran in right on the button, ready for suplcafe RT A4 Share what is relevant to your audience