#SocialCafe 3.34 Chat Transcript

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Social Advertising #SocialCafe

Social Advertising #SocialCafe

Topic: Social Advertising. Hosts: Deborah @SocialWebCafe, Da Vinci @TheBlogWorkshop, and guest host Gail @GrowMap

  1. --- Please visit these wonderful services (sponsored/affiliates)! ---

  2. --------------- The Chat: ---------------
  3. Welcome to the #SocialCafe Chat at our weekly Tues 9p EDT slot.
  4. @MoppetMissy Thanks. #socialcafe Is advertising links that promote your products? Paid impressions? Guess I'll find out.
  5. Q1 Do you use social advertising? If so, what have you tried? #SocialCafe
  6. RT @socialwebcafe Q1 Do you use social advertising? If so, what have you tried? #SocialCafe
  7. RT @John_Gravitt: @MoppetMissy Thanks. #socialcafe Is advertising links that promote your products? Paid impressions? Guess I'll find out.
  8. Social advertising is a really broad topic. Do you have a special interest? #SocialCafe @John_Gravitt @MoppetMissy
  9. A1: I don't necessary advertise myself (my posts) but I do advertise for brands. #socialcafe
  10. A1: I don't necessary advertise myself (my posts) but I do advertise for brands. #socialcafe
  11. @GrowMap @John_Gravitt @MoppetMissy It amazes me because I think more of the social people know that but advertisers not as much #SocialCafe
  12. @TheBlogWorkshop not really… Maybe Facebook promotions for the blog or that site that let’s you buy ad spots on other blogs? #SocialCafe
  13. @MoppetMissy Awww thanks! This summer was so busy- I was barley home! I've been upset I've missed you guys! #socialcafe
  14. @TheBlogWorkshop not sure but I have about 1600 likes at the moment Can't pay too much 4 ads as blog doesn't make that much $ #socialcafe
  15. @PinkMama68 I know what u mean, this summer just flew by! Can hardly believe it is almost September already! #socialcafe
  16. Q2 What type of social advertising would you like to know more about? #SocialCafe
  17. Q2 What type of social advertising would you like to know more about? #SocialCafe
  18. @MoppetMissy just Crazy! But I'm ready to get back to blogging/social media #socialcafe
  19. Q2 What type of social advertising would you like to know more about? #SocialCafe
  20. A2. I would love someone from FB to explain their actual advertising algorithms lol #SocialCafe
  21. @TheBlogWorkshop I just think I prefer to focus on twitter and instagram than facebook can't do it all well #SocialCafe
  22. @TheBlogWorkshop I just think I prefer to focus on twitter and instagram than facebook can't do it all well #SocialCafe
  23. RT @sale88guru RT @GrowMap: Social advertising is a really broad topic. Do you have a special interest? #socialcafe
  24. Advertising seems to make sense if you are promoting something that has viral "legs" on its own. #SocialCafe
  25. RT @MoppetMissy A1: Facebook, twitter and the occasional affiliate link... #socialcafe
  26. RT @nycstylecannoli Just facebook but not going to do that anymore Doesn't seem worth it #SocialCafe
  27. Good point! RT @AgentPalmer: A2: Any Social Advertising that works effectively! #SocialCafe
  28. RT @TheBlogWorkshop RT @AgentPalmer: A1: Facebook promotes posts work better than ads but haven't tried other platforms yet. #SocialCafe
  29. RT @YourLifeAfter25 A1. We've used mylikes and had a bit of luck with the newer FB ads format #SocialCafe
  30. RT @TheBlogWorkshop A1. We've done some advertising on Facebook, Twitter, and mylikes #SocialCafe
  31. RT @John_Gravitt Good luck on Facebook? What did you pay for? Did it work? I'm mostly on Twitter and LinkedIn. #SocialCafe
  32. When you're looking to advertise, think about where your target demographic gets social and then put money into that #SocialCafe
  33. When you're looking to advertise, think about where your target demographic gets social and then put money into that #SocialCafe
  34. Will have to do the hangout next time. Camera in the "studio" down the hall. In two chats and grading papers. #SocialCafe
  35. RT @TheBlogWorkshop Q1 Do you use social advertising? If so, what have you tried? #SocialCafe
  36. RT @socialwebcafe Is advertising links that promote your products? Paid impressions? Guess I'll find out. #socialcafe
  37. @nycstylecannoli @TheBlogWorkshop I'm right there with you! Twitter/Instagram/Pinterest FB is just not working for me anymore!#socialcafe
  38. RT @PinkMama68 I'm right there with you! Twitter/Instagram/Pinterest FB is just not working for me anymore!#socialcafe
  39. @PinkMama68 @TheBlogWorkshop some weird people on facebook #SocialCafe but I do have some nice folks I must say Just don't care
  40. RT @TheBlogWorkshop Looking to advertise? Think about where your target demographic gets social and then put money into that #SocialCafe
  41. RT @socialwebcafe Good point! RT @AgentPalmer: A2: Any Social Advertising that works effectively! #SocialCafe
  42. RT @John_Gravitt Advertising seems to make sense if you are promoting something that has viral "legs" on its own. #SocialCafe
  43. RT @TheBlogWorkshop I just think I prefer to focus on twitter and instagram than facebook can't do it all well #SocialCafe
  44. RT @FleurdeB RT @John_Gravitt Advertising seems to make sense if you are promoting something that has viral "legs" on its own. #SocialCafe
  45. RT @TheBlogWorkshop A2. I would love someone from FB to explain their actual advertising algorithms lol #SocialCafe
  46. RT @AgentPalmer It'll all change as they start going after income instead of user experience. #socialcafe
  47. RT @AgentPalmer: It'll all change as they start going after income instead of user experience. #SocialCafe
  48. @FleurdeB @TheBlogWorkshop good idea! I agree I've always be curious to understand facebook's algorithms.... #socialcafe
  49. RT @FleurdeB RT @TheBlogWorkshop A2. I would love someone from FB to explain their actual advertising algorithms lol #SocialCafe
  50. So finally in, but still late. Half asleep ...zzzzz.. #SocialCafe :)
  51. Facebook would like to understand their algorithm too, but they keep changing it so often, it's a roll of the dice anymore. #SocialCafe
  52. Facebook would like to understand their algorithm too, but they keep changing it so often, it's a roll of the dice anymore. #SocialCafe
  53. Facebook would like to understand their algorithm too, but they keep changing it so often, it's a roll of the dice anymore. #SocialCafe
  54. Here is some virtual coffee :) RT @anoopjacob: So finally in, but still late. Half asleep ...zzzzz.. #SocialCafe :)
  55. @anoopjacob haha so glad to have you join even if you are still half- asleep, the effort is appreciated #socialcafe
  56. So long as they leave it alone, long enough for us to figure it out! @socialwebcafe #SocialCafe
  57. So long as they leave it alone, long enough for us to figure it out! @socialwebcafe #SocialCafe
  58. Q3 How would you compare social advertising to other methods of creating buzz? #SocialCafe
  59. Q3 How would you compare social advertising to other methods of creating buzz? #SocialCafe
  60. RT @socialwebcafe Q3 How would you compare social advertising to other methods of creating buzz? #SocialCafe
  61. lol MT @AgentPalmer Facebook would like to understand their algorithm too, but they keep changing it so often.....#SocialCafe
  62. A3 Not having tried it yet, I still think it's good money down the drain when you can create perfectly good buzz w good SM. #socialcafe
  63. A3 Not having tried it yet, I still think it's good money down the drain when you can create perfectly good buzz w good SM. #socialcafe
  64. A3: There is not nor will never be anything more powerful than something that is truly viral. 2nd to that advertising is useful. #SocialCafe
  65. @socialwebcafe A3. social advertising is more effective if you’re establishing real relationships/rapport with your audience #SocialCafe
  66. A3 Ask me again after I've tried each platform at least three times, just to find out. lol #socialcafe
  67. I believe social networking sites should keep changing the algorithms and UIs (in a certain pace).Otherwise, ppl mit get bored. #SocialCafe
  68. RT @ShavonnBrown A3. social advertising is more effective if you’re establishing real relationships/rapport with your audience #SocialCafe
  69. Q3 How would you compare social advertising to other methods of creating buzz? #SocialCafe
  70. Q3. Not usually worth ad spend. #ContentMarketing, #SEO & Community building yield higher ROI & have long term effectiveness. #SocialCafe
  71. RT @AgentPalmer A3: There will never be anything more powerful than something truly viral. 2nd to that advertising is useful. #SocialCafe
  72. @anoopjacob Interesting viewpoint and make sense.. Yeah, I think I would get bored ;) #SocialCafe
  73. A3 I still prefer creating buzz through relationships and engagement. #SocialCafe
  74. RT @andreamfuller1 Q3.#ContentMarketing, #SEO & Community building yield higher ROI & have long term effectiveness. #SocialCafe
  75. RT @socialwebcafe A3 I still prefer creating buzz through relationships and engagement. #SocialCafe
  76. A3: I'd sayI've noticed to be rather effective, just think its also important to create buzz by engaging too not just marketing #socialcafe
  77. A3: I'd sayI've noticed to be rather effective, just think its also important to create buzz by engaging too not just marketing #socialcafe
  78. A3 Best to only advertise when you know what you are selling converts #SocialCafe Building relationships is key @MoppetMissy
  79. A3.(contd..)But there are exceptions.4 the marketing of certain products,it is still better 2 stick with the conventional ads #SocialCafe
  80. Q4 What do you think would work well in social advertising? #SocialCafe
  81. RT @socialwebcafe Q4 What do you think would work well in social advertising? #SocialCafe
  82. @MoppetMissy When Deborah sends you consistent reminders even when I was missing the chats, it is hard to not take an effort #SocialCafe
  83. A4: Engagement, & interaction w/ ur audience; make them love you as a person. Then try to get them to love what are selling #socialcafe
  84. MT @anoopjacob When mod sends you consistent reminders even when you're missing chats, it is hard to not make an effort #SocialCafe
  85. @socialwebcafe A4. Something super-customized to the customer, what they're talking about in-the-moment. AI tools could help. #socialcafe
  86. RT @MoppetMissy A4: Engagement, & interaction w/ ur audience; make them love you as a person. #socialcafe
  87. RT @searchrook A4. Something super-customized to the customer, what they're talking about in-the-moment. AI tools could help. #socialcafe
  88. @socialwebcafe A4. Indiviudally engaging those who are in the position you want to be in. Your exchanges with them... #socialcafe
  89. @socialwebcafe A4. ...will bring you the desired attention as well as provide the opportunity for you to learn from them #socialcafe
  90. RT @ShavonnBrown @socialwebcafe A4. Indiviudally engaging those who are in the position you want to be in. #socialcafe
  91. A4 I have heard that red box around the ad works well :) #SocialCafe
  92. RT @ShavonnBrown A4. ...will bring you the desired attention as well as provide the opportunity for you to learn from them #socialcafe
  93. Q4 What do you think would work well in social advertising? #SocialCafe
  94. A4: Good content. If you lead them to something of substance, they're more likely to come back, paid or otherwise... #SocialCafe
  95. RT @AgentPalmer A4: Good content. If you lead them to something of substance, they're more likely to come back. #socialcafe
  96. RT @FleurdeB RT @AgentPalmer A4: Good content. If you lead them to something of substance, they're more likely to come back. #socialcafe
  97. @FleurdeB It works well. But now crowd-funded projects are too much that I have started been skeptical about its genuinity . #SocialCafe
  98. RT @anoopjacob: @FleurdeB It works well. But now crowd-funded projects are too much that...been skeptical about its genuinity . #SocialCafe
  99. RT @anoopjacob: @FleurdeB It works well. But now crowd-funded projects are too much that...been skeptical about its genuinity . #SocialCafe
  100. @FleurdeB By the way, is there a word called "genuinity" . Apologies if such a word doesn't exist in English :D #SocialCafe
  101. MT @anoopjacob It works well. But now #crowdfunding projects are so frequent that I have become skeptical. #TBW #socialcafe
  102. #SocialCafe bloggers;if you have a fashion, lifestyle or foodie blog let me know if you're interested in the @PocketSousChef group giveaway
  103. @FleurdeB That word too came in my mind. But somehow mind decided to used the other word.Sometime, my mind doesn't listen to me #SocialCafe
  104. @anoopjacob Sarright. I won't have #Ferguson cops issue you a warrant over vocabulary. Their list is long enough. #socialcafe
  105. Missed the #SocialCafe ? Stay tuned for Tweets letting your know the archive/summary is ready.
  106. RT @socialwebcafe Missed the #SocialCafe ? Stay tuned for Tweets letting your know the archive/summary is ready.
  107. Thank u for joining us for #SocialCafe Twitter Chat. Feel free to keep chatting, just wanted to let you know we appreciate u!
  108. Thank u for joining us for #SocialCafe Twitter Chat. Feel free to keep chatting, just wanted to let you know we appreciate u!
  109. Awesome chat tonight everyone! #SocialCafe - be sure to message me on @PocketSousChef if you're interested in doing the group giveaway!
  110. Deb @socialwebcafe will post the link to the video so you can listen to the first part you missed @John_Gravitt #socialcafe
  111. @PinkMama68 Hi Pam! I'm good. How about you? Glad you were able to join the chat tonight. #socialcafe
  112. What pros do is use ads to test what converts so it does become more viral BEFORE they spend a lot of $$ @John_Gravitt #SocialCafe
  113. G'night! RT @AgentPalmer: It's time to unplug after surviving #GetRealChat AND #SocialCafe. Goodnight all!
  114. @FleurdeB Aww thanks Belinda! Always a pleasure seeing you on Tues for #socialcafe chat!
  115. Needless to say, I'm highly skeptical: "Facebook Pages Can Now Create Ads to Promote Events"  http://ow.ly/AXgQn  #brandchat #socialcafe

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