#SocialCafe 3.36 Chat Transcript

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Announcing #epodcast Twitter Chat on podcasting! #SocialCafe

Announcing #epodcast Twitter Chat on podcasting! #SocialCafe

Topic: Announcing #epodcast Twitter Chat on podcasting!. Special Guest Host: Stacie Walker @staciewalker (Hosts: Deborah @SocialWebCafe and Da Vinci @TheBlogWorkshop)

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  2. --------------- The Chat: ---------------
  3. Welcome everybody to another #SocialCafe chat at 9p EDT / 6p PDT every Tues.
  4. Hello Hello RT @socialwebcafe Welcome everybody to another #SocialCafe chat at 9p EDT / 6p PDT every Tues.
  5. Tonight, we have a special guest host, @staciewalker Yay! And, she and I are going to start another Twitter chat, #epodcast #SocialCafe
  6. Tonight, we have a special guest host, @staciewalker Yay! And, she and I are going to start another Twitter chat, #epodcast #SocialCafe
  7. You came to the right place > #SocialCafe hosted by @TheBlogWorkshop and yours truly, @socialwebcafe This chat, we are introducing #epodcast
  8. You came to the right place > #SocialCafe hosted by @TheBlogWorkshop and yours truly, @socialwebcafe This chat, we are introducing #epodcast
  9. @socialwebcafe Yes. It's great to be here. I'm so ready for #epodcast. Lots of gems on how to create an awesome podcast #SocialCafe
  10. How can I create one, when I can't even stay current listening to the good ones I follow?! @staciewalker @socialwebcafe #socialcafe
  11. @AgentPalmer I struggle with it myself. I usually listen to two episodes a day max due to producing my #podcast episodes #SocialCafe
  12. I think a good place for us to start with #epodcast is the topic: How to start a podcast that matters #SocialCafe
  13. I think a good place for us to start with #epodcast is the topic: How to start a podcast that matters #SocialCafe
  14. My hands are full with my job and my blog. A podcast isn't in my cards at the moment... But it's on the wishlist. @staciewalker #socialcafe
  15. Even if you haven't started a #podcast and want to add it in the future, then this Twitter chat is for you. Preparation is good #SocialCafe
  16. @AgentPalmer Totally understandable. I can tell you like to learn, so when the time is right for you, then you will be ready! #SocialCafe
  17. RT @staciewalker: Even if you haven't started a #podcast and want to add it in the future, then this Twitter chat is for you. #SocialCafe
  18. Balance? Who has balance..lol RT @staciewalker: @AgentPalmer That's the thing. It's a hard balancing act. #epodcast #SocialCafe
  19. I think the most time consuming part is the prep. Then, once you have your podcast planned, it gets that "groove." #epodcast #SocialCafe
  20. @socialwebcafe So true. I had to eventually outsource some of the prep and editing so I could focus on producing #epodcast #SocialCafe
  21. I hear some do Google Hangouts and strip out the audio for podcasts. Less "post-production activity." Less perfection. #socialcafe
  22. RT @John_Gravitt: I hear some do Google Hangouts & strip out the audio for podcasts. Less "post-production activity." #socialcafe #epodcast
  23. RT @John_Gravitt: I hear some do Google Hangouts & strip out the audio for podcasts. Less "post-production activity." #socialcafe #epodcast
  24. A1. I wanted to produce a podcast that was entertaining and laid back yet perfect for entrepreneurs to get value #epodcast #SocialCafe
  25. @staciewalker A1. A little parenting, a little geek (tech), a little bit TV talk. #SocialCafe
  26. @John_Gravitt Yep -we do that. We create a video, but then have podcast ver. We run the audio thru our sound board #SocialCafe #epodcast
  27. Oops. I meant - Q1. What type of podcast would you like to produce? What niche? #epodcast #SocialCafe #SocialCafe
  28. RT @ShavonnBrown: @staciewalker A1. A little parenting, a little geek (tech), a little bit TV talk. #SocialCafe Hey Shavonn! :) #epodcast
  29. I like that Shavonn RT @ShavonnBrown @staciewalker A1. A little parenting, a little geek (tech), a little bit TV talk. #SocialCafe
  30. The key thing to remember with hosting a podcast is that you have FUN #SocialCafe
  31. The key thing to remember with hosting a podcast is that you have FUN #SocialCafe
  32. A1. Would love to do some lifestyle; relationships, women's empowerment, etc #SocialCafe
  33. Podcasting isn't for everyone. So don't feel you have to do it because everyone else is doing it. #epodcast #SocialCafe
  34. @staciewalker thanks! Hopefully, I’ll get around to it. I’ll have to stop hating my voice first lol #SocialCafe #epodcast
  35. Yes! RT @YourLifeAfter25: A1. Would love to do some lifestyle; relationships, women's empowerment, etc #SocialCafe #epodcast
  36. Yes! RT @YourLifeAfter25: A1. Would love to do some lifestyle; relationships, women's empowerment, etc #SocialCafe #epodcast
  37. A1 I watched Groucho Marx for inspiration lol #SocialCafe #epodcast He had some great audience/guest engagement!
  38. A1 I watched Groucho Marx for inspiration lol #SocialCafe #epodcast He had some great audience/guest engagement!
  39. That sound fantastic! RT @YourLifeAfter25 A1. Would love to do some lifestyle; relationships, women's empowerment, etc #SocialCafe
  40. Q2. What type of listener do you want to attract to your podcast? Very important #SocialCafe
  41. A1: I'd like to interview those who naturally bring their best to their world. SMEs in communication, networking, etc. #socialcafe
  42. @John_Gravitt John - Do you like to listen, participate, or produce podcasts? Oh, do share :) #SocialCafe #epodcast
  43. Q2. What type of listener do you want to attract to your podcast? Very important #SocialCafe
  44. RT @John_Gravitt A1: ...interview those who naturally bring their best to their world. SMEs in communication, networking, etc. #socialcafe
  45. RT @John_Gravitt A1: ...interview those who naturally bring their best to their world. SMEs in communication, networking, etc. #socialcafe
  46. @socialwebcafe I listen (on fast forward). I produce, deliver, and host webinars often but not a podcast. #socialcafe
  47. @staciewalker A2. I’d target geeky women who aren’t necissarily nerds. There’s a difference! #socialCafe #epodcast
  48. @John_Gravitt Though.. you are over halfway there, with the webinars. You could make them into podcasts :) #socialcafe #epodcast
  49. A2. I want listeners who are solopreneurs or aspiring business owners who need business advice with a twist of inspiration #SocialCafe
  50. Oooh.. RT @ShavonnBrown: @staciewalker A2. I’d target geeky women who aren’t necissarily nerds. There’s a difference! #socialCafe #epodcast
  51. Oooh.. RT @ShavonnBrown: @staciewalker A2. I’d target geeky women who aren’t necissarily nerds. There’s a difference! #socialCafe #epodcast
  52. Oooh.. RT @ShavonnBrown: @staciewalker A2. I’d target geeky women who aren’t necissarily nerds. There’s a difference! #socialCafe #epodcast
  53. RT @John_Gravitt @socialwebcafe I listen (on fast forward). I produce, deliver, and host webinars often but not a podcast. #socialcafe
  54. RT @staciewalker: A2. I want listeners who are... aspiring business owners who need business advice with a twist of inspiration #SocialCafe
  55. Repurpose:) RT @socialwebcafe @John_Gravitt you are over halfway there, with webinars.make them into podcasts :) #socialcafe #epodcast
  56. I enjoyed the Podcast track at #Dragoncon. Of course, they mostly have fan podcasts but had great tips. #socialcafe
  57. I enjoyed the Podcast track at #Dragoncon. Of course, they mostly have fan podcasts but had great tips. #socialcafe
  58. @socialwebcafe @staciewalker like you’re into tech and have a passion for code but you still watch reality TV and shop hard LOL #socialCafe
  59. Love IT! RT @ShavonnBrown @staciewalker A2. I’d target geeky women who aren’t necissarily nerds. There’s a difference! #socialCafe #epodcast
  60. Love IT! RT @ShavonnBrown @staciewalker A2. I’d target geeky women who aren’t necissarily nerds. There’s a difference! #socialCafe #epodcast
  61. I'm learning so much! MT @ShavonnBrown: like ur into tech and have a passion for code but you still watch reality TV & shop hard #socialCafe
  62. RT @John_Gravitt: I enjoyed the Podcast track at #Dragoncon. Of course, they mostly have fan podcasts but had great tips. #socialcafe
  63. Q3. Do you think hosting a podcast is a wise marketing tactic to build a tribe? Why? #SocialCafe
  64. RT @John_Gravitt I enjoyed the Podcast track at #Dragoncon. Of course, they mostly have fan podcasts but had great tips. #socialcafe
  65. Like sometimes you can upgrade your sound by downgrading your high end mic. that picks up every sound around. #socialcafe
  66. Q3. Do you think hosting a podcast is a wise marketing tactic to build a tribe? Why? #SocialCafe
  67. A3. I think it depends on your audience and how accessible your podcast is #SocialCafe
  68. RT @John_Gravitt Like sometimes you can upgrade your sound by downgrading your high end mic. that picks up every sound around. #socialcafe
  69. Good point, Da Vinci. RT @TheBlogWorkshop: A3. I think it depends on your audience and how accessible your podcast is #SocialCafe #epodcast
  70. A3. Yes it is because you get your listeners attention for a good length of time #epodcast #SocialCafe
  71. @John_Gravitt Or, using a shotgun mic that only pics up what is directly in front of it. 'Course, don't turn to the side, then. #SocialCafe
  72. A3. Listeners choose to listen to your podcast and they feel as if they know you on a deeper level. That's golden! #epodcast #SocialCafe
  73. Those factors do matter RT @TheBlogWorkshop A3. I think it depends on your audience and how accessible your podcast is #SocialCafe
  74. Those factors do matter RT @TheBlogWorkshop A3. I think it depends on your audience and how accessible your podcast is #SocialCafe
  75. Yes! MT @staciewalker: A3. Listeners listen to ur podcast & feel as if they know u on a deeper level. That's golden! #epodcast #SocialCafe
  76. @TheBlogWorkshop A3. I’m more interested in the fun of it and the possibility of monetizing/sponsors at some point. #socialCafe #epodcast
  77. Podcasting Tip: You must invest in a quality mic to produce great sound for your listeners. #epodcast #SocialCafe
  78. Podcasting Tip: You must invest in a quality mic to produce great sound for your listeners. #epodcast #SocialCafe
  79. Style does matter. There is 1 that uses "f" word every other sentence. Must appeal to audience.. need to know audience #SocialCafe #epodcast
  80. Style does matter. There is 1 that uses "f" word every other sentence. Must appeal to audience.. need to know audience #SocialCafe #epodcast
  81. @ShavonnBrown Yes, that is a great goal to have. First you must build a good audience base so they can trust you. #epodcast #SocialCafe
  82. RT @staciewalker: Podcasting Tip: You must invest in a quality mic to produce great sound for your listeners. #epodcast #SocialCafe
  83. Monetization shouldn't be the first thing to focus on when podcasting. That comes after you build a good audience base. #epodcat #SocialCafe
  84. Monetization shouldn't be the first thing to focus on when podcasting. That comes after you build a good audience base. #epodcat #SocialCafe
  85. Monetization shouldn't be the first thing to focus on when podcasting. That comes after you build a good audience base. #epodcat #SocialCafe
  86. Monetization shouldn't be the first thing to focus on when podcasting. That comes after you build a good audience base. #epodcat #SocialCafe
  87. Hey all - the #epodcast Twitter Chat will happen every Tues, right before #SocialCafe 5p PDT / 7p CDT / 8p EDT also, G+ hangout!
  88. Hey all - the #epodcast Twitter Chat will happen every Tues, right before #SocialCafe 5p PDT / 7p CDT / 8p EDT also, G+ hangout!
  89. YES! RT @socialwebcafe Style does matter. There is 1 that uses "f" word every other sentence.need to know audience #SocialCafe #epodcast
  90. RT @socialwebcafe Hey all - the #epodcast Twitter Chat will happen Tues, right before #SocialCafe 5p PDT / 7p CDT / 8p EDT also, G+ hangout!
  91. RT @socialwebcafe Hey all - the #epodcast Twitter Chat will happen Tues, right before #SocialCafe 5p PDT / 7p CDT / 8p EDT also, G+ hangout!
  92. Yes. The #epodcast Twitter chat will provide valuable info for the beginner and seasoned podcaster. It's going to be fun! #SocialCafe
  93. Yes. The #epodcast Twitter chat will provide valuable info for the beginner and seasoned podcaster. It's going to be fun! #SocialCafe
  94. .@staciewalker It helps minimize echo and outside noise. I can tell a big difference with it. Local music store had it. #socialcafe
  95. Q4: What type of format will you use for your podcast? Monolouge, interview style, tips, etc #SocialCafe #epodcat
  96. RT @John_Gravitt .@staciewalker It helps minimize echo and outside noise. I can tell a big difference with it... #socialcafe #epodcat
  97. RT @staciewalker Q4: What type of format will you use for your podcast? Monolouge, interview style, tips, etc #SocialCafe #epodcat
  98. @staciewalker A4, I don't think monologue's work. We always try to have multiple voices on webinars. #socialcafe
  99. @John_Gravitt They work for some people. But they have good experiece with it. I love having more than one voice. #epodcat #SocialCafe
  100. Agreed! RT @John_Gravitt @staciewalker A4, I don't think monologue's work. We always try to have multiple voices on webinars. #socialcafe
  101. @staciewalker That is an excellent question! Something I wonder if people think about before starting #SocialCafe #epodcast
  102. RT @John_Gravitt: @staciewalker A4, I don't think monologue's work. We always try to have multiple voices on webinars. #socialcafe
  103. Q4: What type of format will you use for your podcast? Monolouge, interview style, tips, etc #SocialCafe #epodcat
  104. @staciewalker A4. Monologue probably. Coordinating with someone on my schedule is extremely difficult. Maybe guests #epodcast #socialCafe
  105. Q5. The format I use is conversational style. It's like listeners get to be a fly on the wall. Not scripted. I love it #epodcast #SocialCafe
  106. Q5. The format I use is conversational style. It's like listeners get to be a fly on the wall. Not scripted. I love it #epodcast #SocialCafe
  107. Challenge is that sometimes co-hosts r not available. Interview style works well, but need to put time into schedule #socialcafe #epodcast
  108. Challenge is that sometimes co-hosts r not available. Interview style works well, but need to put time into schedule #socialcafe #epodcast
  109. Challenge is that sometimes co-hosts r not available. Interview style works well, but need to put time into schedule #socialcafe #epodcast
  110. RT @ShavonnBrown: A4 Monologue probably. Coordinating with someone on my schedule is extremely difficult. Maybe guests #epodcast #socialCafe
  111. I'm sorry guys and ladies. I meant A4. with the format I use. #SocialCafe #epodcast
  112. A4 I think a monologue (so u r not dependent on others), but then try to have guests, too. #SocialCafe #epodcast
  113. A4 I think a monologue (so u r not dependent on others), but then try to have guests, too. #SocialCafe #epodcast
  114. @socialwebcafe A4, that's a good idea. You can always have a monlogue without rounding up a guest EVERY time. #socialcafe
  115. Podcasting tip: Set up an automated scheduling system to improve the chances of them showing up. We will cover that soon. #SocialCafe
  116. RT @socialwebcafe A4 I think a monologue (so u r not dependent on others), but then try to have guests, too. #SocialCafe #epodcast
  117. @socialwebcafe Totally! My schedule system works like a charm. It took a moment to get it right. We should cover this #epodcast #SocialCafe
  118. @socialwebcafe Totally! My schedule system works like a charm. It took a moment to get it right. We should cover this #epodcast #SocialCafe
  119. MT @staciewalker: #epodcast tip: Set up an automated scheduling system to improve the chances of them showing up..covering soon. #SocialCafe
  120. Q5. Do you think you will produce live or recorded podcast episodes? Why? #epodcast #SocialCafe
  121. Q5. Do you think you will produce live or recorded podcast episodes? Why? #epodcast #SocialCafe
  122. Q5. Do you think you will produce live or recorded podcast episodes? Why? #epodcast #SocialCafe
  123. A5. Live is fun/engaging. Recorded offers scheduling flexibility. #epodcast #SocialCafe
  124. Podcasting Tip: Create a podcast calendar - include production, editing, broadcasting, and promotion #epodcast #SocialCafe
  125. RT @socialwebcafe A5. Live is fun/engaging. Recorded offers scheduling flexibility. #epodcast #SocialCafe
  126. @staciewalker A5. Recorded. Ew at live. Haha. Plus, I have kids and laugh nervously sometimes. I need edits!! #socialCafe #epodcast
  127. A5. I think depending on your topic, it could be cool to do a mix of live/pre-recorded content #SocialCafe
  128. A5. I record my podcast so I can add the plugs in later - promos, music, announcements, and shout out to listeners #epodcast #SocialCafe
  129. A5. I record my podcast so I can add the plugs in later - promos, music, announcements, and shout out to listeners #epodcast #SocialCafe
  130. @ShavonnBrown Haha. I feel the same. I will eventually stretch my comfort zone and take on a live podcast #podcast #SocialCafe
  131. Great tip! RT @TheBlogWorkshop A5. I think depending on your topic, it could be cool to do a mix of live/pre-recorded content #SocialCafe
  132. Great tip! RT @TheBlogWorkshop A5. I think depending on your topic, it could be cool to do a mix of live/pre-recorded content #SocialCafe
  133. Q6: What is a good length of time for you to produce an episode? #epodcast #SocialCafe
  134. MT @ShavonnBrown: A5. Recorded. Ew at live. Haha. Plus, I have kids and laugh nervously sometimes. I need edits!! #socialCafe #epodcast
  135. Good point, John! RT @John_Gravitt: @socialwebcafe But you record the fun and engaging live conversations. #socialcafe #epodcast
  136. A6. I think a good length for my podcast episodes is 30-45 mins becuase that's enough time to add value for listeners #epodcast #SocialCafe
  137. @staciewalker As in, how long should post-production take? Or, the actual podcast length? #socialcafe #epodcast
  138. @socialwebcafe @John_Gravitt you could always add your own chat feature to converse during the recorded shows :) #SocialCafe
  139. A6. I have found that 15-20 min works well. No one really listens to the 60 min all the way through.. I don't .. #socialcafe #epodcast
  140. @staciewalker I always find that after a hour of a podcast, I’m always mad when it ends. I wasn’t done hearing you Lol #socialcafe #epodcast
  141. Oooh! like RT @TheBlogWorkshop: @John_Gravitt you could always add your own chat feature to converse during recorded shows :) #SocialCafe
  142. MT @staciewalker: A6. I think a good length for my podcast is 30-45 min becuase that's enough time to add value #epodcast #SocialCafe
  143. MT @staciewalker: A6. I think a good length for my podcast is 30-45 min becuase that's enough time to add value #epodcast #SocialCafe
  144. @socialwebcafe @TheBlogWorkshop Like Mystery Science Theater yourself? Watch your own shows with social commentary? #socialcafe
  145. @socialwebcafe @TheBlogWorkshop Like Mystery Science Theater yourself? Watch your own shows with social commentary? #socialcafe
  146. @ShavonnBrown Haha. That's funny. It's always good to give your listeners something to do after the episode is over. #epodcast #SocialCafe
  147. @socialwebcafe I’ll actually be doing a post on my blog of my favorite podcasts this week! #socialcafe #epodcast
  148. A6 U know, it comes back to audience & targeting. If advertised as "quick tip" > shorter.. more in-depth > longer #SocialCafe #epdocast
  149. I'm a podcast junkie. hehe RT @ShavonnBrown @socialwebcafe I do! I listen to several podcasts at work while I code! #SocialCafe #epodcast
  150. Cool! RT @ShavonnBrown: @socialwebcafe I’ll actually be doing a post on my blog of my favorite podcasts this week! #socialcafe #epodcast
  151. Cool! RT @ShavonnBrown: @socialwebcafe I’ll actually be doing a post on my blog of my favorite podcasts this week! #socialcafe #epodcast
  152. Last question. What would you like to learn about during the next #epodcast chat? Suggestions? #SocialCafe
  153. Last question. What would you like to learn about during the next #epodcast chat? Suggestions? #SocialCafe
  154. Last question. What would you like to learn about during the next #epodcast chat? Suggestions? #SocialCafe
  155. @staciewalker @ShavonnBrown I was listening to "Pump Up The Volume" 100x this week.. Just couldn't get enough :D #SocialCafe #epodcast
  156. RT @staciewalker: Last question. What would you like to learn about during the next #epodcast chat? Suggestions? #SocialCafe
  157. If there aren't a suggestions, then we will have to surprise you with a fantastic topic:) #epodcast #SocialCafe
  158. @staciewalker last answer: best environmental settings when a studio is not available to you. #SocialCafe #epodcast
  159. This was an awesome #epodcast #SocialCafe chat. I love the subject because #podcasting has skyrocketed my business.
  160. This was an awesome #epodcast #SocialCafe chat. I love the subject because #podcasting has skyrocketed my business.
  161. This was an awesome #epodcast #SocialCafe chat. I love the subject because #podcasting has skyrocketed my business.
  162. @ShavonnBrown I had to start with some pretty sad equipment BUT it didn't stop me from going on with the plan:) #epodcast #SocialCafe
  163. Very true. I may test that out:) RT @John_Gravitt .@staciewalker Modern cars are well insulated for sound. #epodcast #SocialCafe
  164. Everyone. It's time for me to sign out. I have to walk to dog and feed my face. Stay awesome and tweet me anytime #epodcast #SocialCafe
  165. Thank you all for another fabulous chat! Thanks for a wonderful job tonight @staciewalker! See you next week :) #SocialCafe
  166. Thanks, all, for joining us for the #SocialCafe twitter chat! Join us next week at 8p EDT for #epodcast and stay for #socialcafe at 9p EDT
  167. Thanks, all, for joining us for the #SocialCafe twitter chat! Join us next week at 8p EDT for #epodcast and stay for #socialcafe at 9p EDT
  168. RT @TheBlogWorkshop: TY all for another fabulous chat! Thanks for a wonderful job tonight @staciewalker! See you next week :) #SocialCafe
  169. RT @TheBlogWorkshop Thanks another fabulous chat! Thanks for a wonderful job tonight @staciewalker! See you next week :) #SocialCafe
  170. @socialwebcafe I missed the last #SocialCafe. Went through the tweets. When you are organizing another? Have fun :-)
  171. #socialcafe Generation HELPLESS: Children are now better at using smartphones than swimming, tying...  http://ln.is/dlvr.it/EAeEW  #blogchat
  172. @onepagertheme TY :) Next Tues 8p EDT #epodcast (about podcasting) and 9p EDT #socialcafe (about social media and marketing).
  173. @onepagertheme TY :) Next Tues 8p EDT #epodcast (about podcasting) and 9p EDT #socialcafe (about social media and marketing).
  174. YouTube Series: YouTube Resources... Valuable Insights or Lessons in Futility? #SocialCafe  http://vcb.bz/aro  RT @socialwebcafe
  175. @socialwebcafe Hey Deborah! Thanks for following me back! Can't wait to get involved in #socialcafe Chat!

Link to Complete Summary.
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