Tool 10: Twitter Chat Clients (What is Your Fave?) #SocialCafe--- Please visit these wonderful services (sponsored/affiliates)! --- --------------- The Chat: --------------- : marketing, branding, social media tools. 9pm ET Mod: The chat is starting in 5 minutes. ... Via : RT GnosisMedia: : marketing, branding, social media tools. 9pm ET Mod: socialwebcafe Welcome to the Chat at our weekly Tues 9p EST slot. Our topic Chat hour: Tool 10: Twitter Chat Clients (What is Your Fave?) Hey Con - Hi there! Do tell us about yourself and your projects ;) Hey there! How are you? Just doing some intros and please feel free to brag about yourself on I'm doing well, Deborah! I'm a digital strategist who has worked on the agency side for a good while! Tonight: Tool 10: Twitter Chat Clients (What is Your Fave?) Tonight: Tool 10: Twitter Chat Clients (What is Your Fave?) Tonight: Tool 10: Twitter Chat Clients (What is Your Fave?) Q1 What do you use to participate in Twitter Chats? A1 I actually use TweetDeck. I know it is a general Twitter tool, but it has been the most dependable. RT : hello everyone Welcome! Glad to have you join us! A1 I used to use something, but it stopped working so now I primarily use Twitter in multiple tabs A1: Since took my latest answer, I am a fan of mostly. lol RT : it's more than 10 ;-) I use Hootsuite and have been trying Tweetchat A1 tweet chat or Twitter client when on mobile. Interesting I haven't even ever heard of Interesting I haven't even ever heard of Interesting I haven't even ever heard of Hootsuite is the main although I have used Buffer and Tweetdeck at the sametime. Hadn't thought of using Buffer for a Twitter Chat.. That is a thought I only learned about this year. It's pretty good. Hi Ben! The straight plain old twitter client (mobile)? I'd heard some use echofon.. tried it? Q2 Do you use or twchat .com ? Do you know - he gets up your way Or host of ? not yet. But I'll check it out. Open to suggestions. BTW - some exciting things in the next few weeks.. Unfortunately, our own will be moving on, so I am interviewing 3 other people for joining the co-hosting of A2: Tweetchat is good when it works. It's very buggy at times. Still? I was hoping they worked the kinks out.. Also, I have had a game changer, so I am going to devote the "extra time" into to bring it back to its earlier vibrancy :) A2 Have used and Don't recall ever using In the new year, the plan is hangouts *every* Tuesday In the new year, the plan is hangouts *every* Tuesday Please let me know if I can help! Yes - I'd love help! I'd like to make more of a community help (including calendar and resources) The idea is that isn't about MY brand, but OUR brands :) The idea is that isn't about MY brand, but OUR brands :) Oops on the Buffer. It's overly used but have not tried it for twitter chat. Signed in to check out and had my own channel (with noone in it but me) Switched to Signed in to check out and had my own channel (with noone in it but me) Switched to Signed in to check out and had my own channel (with noone in it but me) Switched to Just let me know what you need! Oh that is right. is great! Problem is, you have to have the corresponding Twitter handle Logged into but the most recent tweet it shows is yesterday Yes - we should definitely talk. Q3 What do you like about ? yeah, that's the one thing I don't like about@Nurph, but they may be working on that. I've been planning on producing sample content if you're interested. See, I used to think that was me.. until the new computer had the same issue.. Like doesn't update A3 And, before , there was That explains why I don't use Could be my computer - it doesn't like flash sometimes. Certainly, when's good for you? That would be very cool if they did! tomorrow afternoon might work. You on Skype? You can IM me at 'socialwebcafe' I think we used to always use but something happened so we stopped? Now it is the 'new' version so maybe better? A3 that it exists and works (usually). Not loyal, just haven't found alt. Any suggestions? Especially on mobile? No offense to twubs, but I think it i@twubs You mean the mobile version? Do you find the mobile works better than using browser and a client? Yes, it does. I'm on Skype too. Name is someddi. After I sent that message on it started updating Yes, there was a Twitter API change and wasn't ready for it. They were out and caught up to the change I use tweetchat on desktop and native client on mobile. Logged into to send this and see if it starts updating. Q4 What do you wish would add or change? Looks like twchat works for and because others are logged into it, but not if the others aren't! Looks like twchat works for and because others are logged into it, but not if the others aren't! A4: I would like Tweetchat to just get rid of the bugs. I used to use it for chats, conferences & live events. A4 I thought I needed to try again, but sounds like it still isn't quite there(?) Yes! RT : A4: I would like Tweetchat to just get rid of the bugs. I used to use it for chats, conferences & live events exactly it. It is coded to catch what happens *inside* the interface, so it doesn't always catch every tweet outside So far we have mentioned twchat Are there other clients you r using? A4 I'm logged into now, but experiencing significant delays (several minutes) versus on Hey Shevy - you out there in twitter land? That is why I opted for a few months ago and actually use it for twitter chats now I love HS. Sounds like you are doing the same thing as me, with Although I prefer my email on my desktop, for some reason I don't want to load my PC down installing Tweetdeck Although I prefer my email on my desktop, for some reason I don't want to load my PC down installing Tweetdeck Oh hey - if u have fave twitter chats (including your own!) please tweet hashtag during the chat and I will add to the calendar Oh hey - if u have fave twitter chats (including your own!) please tweet hashtag during the chat and I will add to the calendar I don't install the desktop version (I Uninstalled). I use the browser. Tweetdeck has a browser only version now? For normal social media marketing, I prefer Know why I got into TW? scheduling by minute ;) I'm one of the moderators of .
Yay - will add. RT : I'm one of the moderators of .
A5 used to be the best (community+) For the past months, I notice it doesn’t “load” even on a brand new computer So for a Twitter chat to use they have to train the participants to log in there or no tweets show up. Q5 What do you like about ? I think that works well for Ann's brand, since the twitter client *is* her brand. But, not as feasible for others.. Maybe what we need to do is develop a new twitter client, collectively :) Both and aren't updating quickly. Nurph is doing fine. Both and aren't updating quickly. Nurph is doing fine. Getting the feeling NONE of the clients really recovered after the Twitter API change years ago.. is that what it seems to you? Ah, I remember. It says for Windows or Mac not Linux unless the Chome app would work there? Ah, I remember. It says for Windows or Mac not Linux unless the Chome app would work there? conpsweeney For normal social media marketing, I prefer hootsuite Know why I got into TW? scheduling by minute ;) conpsweeney For normal social media marketing, I prefer hootsuite Know why I got into TW? scheduling by minute ;) conpsweeney For normal social media marketing, I prefer hootsuite Know why I got into TW? scheduling by minute ;) Even when I use a Twitter client I still use multiple tabs in a browser = faster, less hang socialwebcafe Q6 What do you wish would add or change? Ok, what phrase picked up on the IFTTTMarketing feed? lol I'm clueless! This is a new one to me! For all things social media marketing A7 needs to keep up. I'd blame Twitter, but is keeping up so... A6 For ? More dependability Now I'm just into playing with it.. lol Want to try, too? (re: IFTTTMarketing) Has anyone got to work for them lately? I haven't heard of any success stories I'm late, but I'm here. Hi I'm not sure. That is what I was trying to see if I could trigger again.. Hey Lisa! It is ok. I didn't send out reminders (can tell) :) 't : I'm late, but I'm here. Hi Hi Lisa Glad you made it. We're just talking about whether any Twitter chat clients are working. Hi Lisa Glad you made it. We're just talking about whether any Twitter chat clients are working. Q7 What do you like / dislike about twchat ? Via : For all things social media marketing Ya gotta luv the vagaries of the Metaverse! Gail I am seriously ROFL The intent was to figure out which ones were faves, but you are so right! Yep! :) RT : Ya gotta luv the vagaries of the Metaverse! I could almost sit here and try phrases... A twitter chat devoted to testing phrases in tweets A7 Last time I used it, I noticed that tweest *outside* twchat did not come through. All in or all out. A7 Last time I used it, I noticed that tweest *outside* twchat did not come through. All in or all out. I need to learn how to spell "tweets" and not "tweest" lol That's easy, someone wrote a book using tweets! A7 works great IF that chat gets everyone to log in. I use it for and Yeah, I was using tweet archivist and then this is their other product, so I switched. :) RT : That's easy, someone wrote a book using tweets! Q8 What do you think you will be implementing when it comes to Twitter Chat clients/ hey! I am! I'm at the end of semester so I have been working a project and homework and studying for a final! Oh hey Shevy - busy woman! What are you studying again? Hi Lisa Good to have you join us. Ok, trying out Twubs on desktop. Couldn't find much on mobile I liked. Interviewing two peeps tomorrow and another one later this month, to step into co-host positions for U interest? Let me know! A8 I am going to give and another shot any luck? too early to tell? had such a great thing going with community.. but, it doesn't seem to load for me looks like I have to refresh to get the stream going... I tried refreshing Tweetchat and it never reloaded I tried refreshing Tweetchat and it never reloaded Tonight: perfect example of inviting-people vs not-sending-out-invites So, *always* send out invites or u hve a laid-back chat! Exciting Upcoming Change 4 of 4: invitations and reminders (thanks for participating in the test tonight ;) ) Exciting Upcoming Change 4 of 4: invitations and reminders (thanks for participating in the test tonight ;) ) Exciting Upcoming Change 4 of 4: invitations and reminders (thanks for participating in the test tonight ;) ) Thank u for joining us for Twitter Chat. Feel free to keep chatting, just wanted to let you know we appreciate u! For all things social media marketing conpsweeney For normal social media marketing, I prefer hootsuite Know why I got into TW? scheduling by minute ;) conpsweeney For normal social media marketing, I prefer hootsuite Know why I got into TW? scheduling by minute ;) Via : conpsweeney For normal social media marketing, I prefer hootsuite Know why I got into TW? scheduling by minute ;) Via : RT osrnie79: conpsweeney For normal social media marketing, I prefer hootsuite Know why I got into TW? sch... so sorry about the glitches you hit yesterday during chat. Had a server reset. Should be good now. For all things social media marketing For all things social media marketing conpsweeney For normal social media marketing, I prefer hootsuite Know why I got into TW? scheduling by minute ;) Via : For all things social media marketing Via : conpsweeney For normal social media marketing, I prefer hootsuite Know why I got into TW? scheduling by ... is a very patient understanding person -- looking forward to interviewing him so YOU can find out, too! For all things social media marketing Via : For all things social media marketing