#SocialCafe 4.12 Chat Transcript

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Intro to 2015 Tools 1 Series #SocialCafe 4.12

Intro to 2015 Tools 1 Series #SocialCafe 4.12

Hosted by Deborah @SocialWebCafe & the #SocialCafe Team: Ileane @ileane ; Charles @charlesharper ; Melany @melanyb12 ; Con @conpsweeney ; Shevy @shavonnbrown !

  1. --- Please visit these wonderful services (sponsored/affiliates)! ---
  2. --------------- The Chat: ---------------
  3. Welcome to the #SocialCafe Chat at our weekly Tues 6p PDT / 9p EDT slot.
  4. @GTAmissions1 Oh that's right. For so long that didn't exists (directly from Twitter) So, it is working well? #SocialCafe
  5. @socialwebcafe I would say that both Tweetdeck and Twitter analytics has been working for me very well. #socialcafe
  6. @GTAmissions1 Do you require any other tools for, say, Facebook or other platforms? #SocialCafe
  7. @socialwebcafe I like it, I will more than likely upgrade sooner or later :) #SocialCafe
  8. @socialwebcafe For my Instagram, I use Iconosquare for tracking of my Instagram content. #socialcafe
  9. Q2 What challenges do you face with tools or even the lack of tools? #SocialCafe
  10. @socialwebcafe A2: The challenges that I face with tools is sometimes justifying the cost or the effectiveness. #socialcafe
  11. @socialwebcafe A2: I personally don't mind the freemium model of having some features free, the rest through paid subscription. #socialcafe
  12. @socialwebcafe A2: it is just more of knowing how to use and having the budget if I want the premium features. #socialcafe
  13. A2 Price. I want the “pro” version of all of them! #SocialCafe
  14. @socialwebcafe If I had the money, I would be happy to buy the pro version if the tool serves it right for me in my eyes. #socialcafe
  15. Q3 What tools do you wish you had available to you, even to try out to see if they help? #SocialCafe
  16. A2: I am not prepared to pay for it yet so it kind of sucks having to use 2 different programs. #SocialCafe
  17. @socialwebcafe A3: I would personally say something that detects duplicate photos and removes the duplicate photo. #socialcafe
  18. Exactly RT @socialwebcafe: A2 Price. I want the “pro” version of all of them! #SocialCafe
  19. Q4 What tools do you think should be developed, to help in daily social media marketing tasks? #SocialCafe
  20. @GlitteryGlossy Yeah, I held off as long as I could (before upgrading buffer) #SocialCafe
  21. A4 More time management tools? Though, @trello rocks and helps in that area! (One of the upcoming features at #SocialCafe )
  22. Hey Lisa! RT @PRMktgSales: Hi Deborah! :) @socialwebcafe And everyone participating in tonight's #socialcafe
  23. Hi sweetie :) Haven't use PostCron.. do u like? RT @UneekDiva: @socialwebcafe A1: I use Hootsuite & PostCron #SocialCafe
  24. And, it isn't just the tools, but the founders, CEOs.. more.. LIVE ! #SocialCafe
  25. Q5 Which tool are you looking forward to hearing more about, in the upcoming #SocialCafe Tools Series? #SocialCafe
  26. @socialwebcafe @trello I love Trello! Just started using it and trying to figure out what I want to use it for. #SocialCafe
  27. @socialwebcafe @trello Endless uses + I discovered the phone app (I am a SUCKER for that lol) #SocialCafe
  28. A5 Oh, I can’t answer that ;) So many excellent ones! #SocialCafe
  29. Q6 Please do share your accomplishments and projects with us. Add #shamelessPlug to your tweet so we can find it. #SocialCafe
  30. For the #SocialCafe CommentLuv 33% off  http://sw.bcafe.co/eE  and scroll to the very bottom of the page ;) please RT for ur friends ;)
  31. Hey all - for the #SocialCafe CommentLuv 33% off, visit  http://sw.bcafe.co/eE  and literally scroll to the very bottom of the page ;)
  32. @socialwebcafe Sorry, tuning in late to the chat. I saw the magic word 'tools' and wanted to jump in on one of my fav topics! #socialcafe
  33. Missed the #SocialCafe ? Stay tuned for Tweets letting your know the archive/summary is ready.
  34. Love @buffer! Paid for it from day one. Love how it allows you to post tweets with native Twitter images. Also the UI is great. #socialcafe
  35. @PRMktgSales @socialwebcafe @trello I have a board for each blog and plan posts. Having fun figuring it out. #socialcafe
  36. @socialwebcafe Question for the chat community: anyone getting tired of the amount of noise on Twitter? Even when using Lists? #socialcafe
  37. Just starting actually using LinkedIn. Not totally sold... yet #socialcafe
  38. @UneekDiva I'm a Twitter addict too. I follow 2700 people (on 75 lists) and there's great stuff there, but so much noise too! #socialcafe
  39. @craigthusiast I keep tweetdeck open in a window and try to keep only the best of the best in columns. #socialcafe
  40. @UneekDiva I do the same, but even then I find myself scrolling through endless streams of tweets I'm not interested in. #socialcafe
  41. @craigthusiast Yeah. It would be nice if it automatically just *knew* what we wanted and showed us that lol #socialcafe
  42. @socialwebcafe I like PostCron because I can do Facebook profile, Facebook pages, Google+ and Twitter. #SocialCafe
  43. @socialwebcafe @conpsweeney I've been using tchat.io for tweet chats for a while now. It seems the most reliable. #socialcafe
  44. @UneekDiva Thank you :) All that time in Hawai'i affected me and the love of color and perfume :) #SocialCafe
  45. @craigthusiast Craig - I would love to feature you with your @Topicurious tool :) How would you like to be interviewed? #SocialCafe
  46. RT @socialwebcafe Limited time, 33% off of CommentLuv! Code @ top of  http://sw.bcafe.co/eE  #SocialCafe (SAVE TIME w/handling comment spam)
  47. @socialwebcafe That would be terrific, Deborah. Thanks. As part of your #SocialCafe tool series or otherwise? You name it!
  48. RT @socialwebcafe Limited time, 33% off of CommentLuv! Code @ top of  http://sw.bcafe.co/eE  #SocialCafe (SAVE TIME w/handling comment spam)
  49. RT @socialwebcafe Limited time, 33% off of CommentLuv! Code @ top of  http://sw.bcafe.co/eE  #SocialCafe (SAVE TIME w/handling comment spam)
  50. RT @socialwebcafe Limited time, 33% off of CommentLuv! Code @ top of  http://sw.bcafe.co/eE  #SocialCafe (SAVE TIME w/handling comment spam)
  51. RT @socialwebcafe Limited time, 33% off of CommentLuv! Code @ top of  http://sw.bcafe.co/eE  #SocialCafe (SAVE TIME w/handling comment spam)
  52. RT @socialwebcafe Limited time, 33% off of CommentLuv! Code @ top of  http://sw.bcafe.co/eE  #SocialCafe (SAVE TIME w/handling comment spam)
  53. RT @socialwebcafe Limited time, 33% off of CommentLuv! Code @ top of  http://sw.bcafe.co/eE  #SocialCafe (SAVE TIME w/handling comment spam)

Link to Complete Summary.
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