#SocialCafe 4.19 Chat Transcript

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Tools 1.7 Sudheer Someshwara of ViralTag #SocialCafe 4.19

Tools 1.7 Sudheer Someshwara of ViralTag #SocialCafe 4.19

Hosted by Deborah @SocialWebCafe & the #SocialCafe Team: including Con P. Sweeney @conpsweeney

  1. --- Please visit these wonderful services (sponsored/affiliates)! ---
  2. --------------- The Chat: ---------------
  3. Welcome to the #SocialCafe Chat at our weekly Tues 6p PDT / 9p EDT slot. (Note: This time slot will be changing mid-June)
  4. Odd - TweetDeck is running about 2 minutes behind. Is anyone else having that? cc @conpsweeney #SocialCafe
  5. @conpsweeney Yeah. It has to be Twitter. I mean, I wouldn't send the welcome tweet 3 min after we start. lol #SocialCafe
  6. Q1 How would you define your visual content marketing strategy? #SocialCafe
  7. @socialwebcafe #socialcafe A1) Stiil being developed but working on images for blog posts & tweets
  8. Q2 What tools or methods do you use to share the visual content? #SocialCafe
  9. A1 came across this the other day via @kapost Why Animated GIFs Belong in Your Content Marketing Mix  http://bit.ly/1JTAJ2X  #socialcafe
  10. Q1 How would you define your visual content marketing strategy? #SocialCafe | socialwebcafe | www,DreamDomains.in http://t.co/CS7yMslLdb
    Q1 How would you define your visual content marketing strategy? #SocialCafe | socialwebcafe | www,DreamDomains.in pic.twitter.com/CS7yMslLdb
  11. Q1 How would you define your visual content marketing strategy? #SocialCafe | socialwebcafe | www,DreamDomains.in http://t.co/TdjnBu8966
    Q1 How would you define your visual content marketing strategy? #SocialCafe | socialwebcafe | www,DreamDomains.in pic.twitter.com/TdjnBu8966
  12. Q1 How would you define your visual content marketing strategy? #SocialCafe | socialwebcafe | www,DreamDomains.in http://t.co/ywuUWJAudn
    Q1 How would you define your visual content marketing strategy? #SocialCafe | socialwebcafe | www,DreamDomains.in pic.twitter.com/ywuUWJAudn
  13. @conpsweeney You mean about it being complicated? I actually love complicated things ;) #SocialCafe I'm weird :)
  14. @socialwebcafe @conpsweeney We have an integration with @canva to helps users create engaging visuals directly from our app #socialcafe
  15. @larrymarkovitz That is interesting, Larry. I remember when GIFs were all the rage a couple of decades ago & now they r back #SocialCafe
  16. Q3 What challenges do you face with coming up with ideas for visual content? #SocialCafe
  17. @someshwara do you have a page with the feature list that @viraltag offers? It is more than just a sharing tool, eh :) #SocialCafe
  18. A2 I use picfont and canva. I also use photoshop, and fireworks from Adobe. For video I use after effects and priemiere #socialcafe
  19. A3 That is the challenge. Coming up with ideas... seemingly continuously! #SocialCafe
  20. @larrymarkovitz Great combo of tools/software, Larry! I forgot about Fireworks. I used to use it more. I do use Photoshop #SocialCafe
  21. @larrymarkovitz I've heard good things about Premier, but haven't tried it. I use Final Cut Pro and Motion #SocialCafe
  22. Q4 What improvements do you see that could be made with content suggestions tools for visual media? #SocialCafe
  23. @conpsweeney Hopefully, with tools (like @canva ) and integrations with tools like @viraltag that can improve #SocialCafe
  24. A4 I like tools that show content that has already proven to be successful in front of an audience. #SocialCafe
  25. @larrymarkovitz Larry, what is your strategy for coming up with original content? Or, does it vary (i.e. photo vs video) #SocialCafe
  26. Challenges are always good photography that is original. This is the biggest challenge #socialcafe
  27. @socialwebcafe #socialcafe A4) Anything that helps the graphically challenged such as myself!
  28. Q5 What are some ways you could use a tool like ViralTag to help share visual content and suggest content? #SocialCafe
  29. @larrymarkovitz I'm spoiled because hubby is a photographer. It seems like there r more & more tools 4 graphically challenged #SocialCafe
  30. A5 One of the key aspects that is helpful with @viraltag is analytics, to see what has been successful. #SocialCafe
  31. @larrymarkovitz Now, how would that couple with the graphics, or do you view data and graphics as all content (or data)? #SocialCafe
  32. @socialwebcafe Both part of the content. Content needs to be visually pleasing but also backed by data #SocialCafe
  33. Q6 What would you like to know about the ViralTag tool? #SocialCafe
  34. A6 I would love to hear more about the suggested content, which is a really helpful portion of @viraltag! #SocialCafe
  35. @socialwebcafe @viraltag Suggested content is a great way for our users to find interesting content relevant to their industry #socialcafe
  36. Q7 What will you be adding to your strategy this week, after #SocialCafe (Hint: try ViralTag :) )? #SocialCafe
  37. Thank you for joining us, Sudheer @someshwara for our #SocialCafe chat! We appreciate you!
  38. Oops.. we will try that again. That image (from @seasiderecords ) was a bit too big for Twitter (it seems).. #SocialCafe
  39. Thank u for joining us for #SocialCafe Twitter Chat. Feel free to keep chatting, just wanted to let you know we appreciate u!
  40. ¿Conoces a la consultora @Novarth_com? Interesados por procesos de cambio y aprendizaje nos visitan en #SocialCafe  http://www.novarth.com/ 
  41. Solution for increase profit > Webinar Fusion Pro (proven results) More #SocialCafe 6/2 9p EDT http://t.co/aQVs4iLHD8 http://t.co/6x9ps4Livx
    Solution for increase profit > Webinar Fusion Pro (proven results) More #SocialCafe 6/2 9p EDT  http://sw.bcafe.co/eO  pic.twitter.com/6x9ps4Livx
  42. Real Junk Food 'revolution' growing day-by-day: #Socialcafe movement fed more people in 1st 3 mths 2015 than all 2014  http://ind.pn/1cAcmsQ 
  43. Solution for increase profit > Webinar Fusion Pro (proven results) More #SocialCafe 6/2 9p EDT http://t.co/aQVs4iLHD8 http://t.co/lBJoi03MiB
    Solution for increase profit > Webinar Fusion Pro (proven results) More #SocialCafe 6/2 9p EDT  http://sw.bcafe.co/eO  pic.twitter.com/lBJoi03MiB
  44. No te pierdas nuestro próximo #SocialCafe en @waycoideas el jueves 21 de mayo. Aquí un adelanto =>  http://ow.ly/MYNED 
  45. Solution for increase profit > Webinar Fusion Pro (proven results) More #SocialCafe 6/2 9p EDT http://t.co/aQVs4iLHD8 http://t.co/QweCqT0AyD
    Solution for increase profit > Webinar Fusion Pro (proven results) More #SocialCafe 6/2 9p EDT  http://sw.bcafe.co/eO  pic.twitter.com/QweCqT0AyD
  46. Solution for increase profit > Webinar Fusion Pro (proven results) More #SocialCafe 6/2 9p EDT http://t.co/aQVs4iLHD8 http://t.co/BT0OdOO82b
    Solution for increase profit > Webinar Fusion Pro (proven results) More #SocialCafe 6/2 9p EDT  http://sw.bcafe.co/eO  pic.twitter.com/BT0OdOO82b
  47. Having trouble posting social content? Let @smqueue help u * Find out > #SocialCafe 5/19 9p EDT http://t.co/1Suw562lOM
    Having trouble posting social content? Let @smqueue help u * Find out > #SocialCafe 5/19 9p EDT pic.twitter.com/1Suw562lOM
  48. Having trouble posting social content? Let @smqueue help u * Find out > #SocialCafe 5/19 9p EDT http://t.co/c6v8YmAvPh
    Having trouble posting social content? Let @smqueue help u * Find out > #SocialCafe 5/19 9p EDT pic.twitter.com/c6v8YmAvPh
  49. The #SocialCafe is growing and succeeding. Using salvaged resources it is turning ideology into meals.  http://ow.ly/N4WXW 
  50. Having trouble posting social content? Let @smqueue help u * Find out > #SocialCafe 5/19 9p EDT http://t.co/I5lVwyxKFf
    Having trouble posting social content? Let @smqueue help u * Find out > #SocialCafe 5/19 9p EDT pic.twitter.com/I5lVwyxKFf

Link to Complete Summary.
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