Talking about "Gaffes" #LinkedInChat and #SocialCafe 20151208 Awesome! I would love to join but moderating a Twitter Party tonight at the same time :( Def going to try to catch the second half of the chat Talking about "Gaffes" tonight * Join at 8p EST followed by at 9p * It's Tuesday! Yay! Join us on 12/8/15 at 8:00PM EST to chat on My Biggest Gaffe on ! X Looking forward to at 8p EST followed by our at 9p Talking about "Gaffes" Join us! Excellent.. glad to have you any time. And, have fun with the Twitter Party! Those are a blast! Join us on 12/8/15 at 8:00PM EST to chat on My Biggest Gaffe on ! Y : discuss LinkedIn. Moderated by LinkedInExpert. Tue, 7:00pm CST Reminder: tonight at 8 PM/ET! The chat starts in 5 mins. ... In keeping with tonight's topic, (singing)..."Mistakes, I've made a few..." Hello all! I'll be hosting for tonight! Greetings! Tonight's topic: My Biggest Gaffe on ! Hope everyone is well! We'll start shortly! Good evening. Wendy from South Florida Please give a shout out & let us know you're here! Join us on 12/8/15 at 8:00PM EST to chat on My Biggest Gaffe on ! Z Please RT my questions as I tweet them! TYVM Hi all from a beautiful, sunny day (now clear night) in NJ.. Is it really December?. (Last yr we had a foot of snow, I think) Thanks, Con. This should be an interesting chat tonight! Greetings Andy! (We did!) Q1) Let’s be honest! How many of you have made gaffes on ? Shout out! Good to "see" you, Bruce. A1) supplemental: repeatedly. Heck I'll probably make a few more before the hour is out. A1 Of course. You have to make mistakes to learn from. You can always tell the pros! Haven't been using my Linkedin account. Need to start. Might want to take notes tonight & save yourself some grief later! Every journey begins with the first step. Lots of helpers here, too. Q2) Why do you think we make these gaffes in ? A2) I'll answer for the guys, we don't read the manual! A2) Why do we make gaffes on LinkedIn? We act first. We think later, if at all A2 Because people are naturally gaffe-prone. Also, with LinkedIn always changing, it's impossible not to make mistakes. Hi all! I'm joining late ? A2b - Heck, LinkedIn makes plenty of mistakes on its own, too. A2 lack of knowledge/experience; eagerness to get started (which can be a good thing!) But still welcome Dorothy! RT A2b - Heck, LinkedIn makes plenty of mistakes on its own, too. Great point! A2: LinkedIn encourages us to do things that are gaffes. "Yes I will import my contacts" Q3) Can gaffes be corrected? If so how? Exactly. It is important to take that jump and I respect people that do. Gaffes happen to all of us, eh? A1 Always learning so I guess they weren't mistakes...more lessons that's true. Without risk there is little growth. A3) Can gaffes be corrected? Depends on how bad you were, Maybe can they be "forgiven" would be more like it A3. Gaffes can be corrected, oftem with a lot of apologizing, sometimes with some fancy footwork. A3: Be a good connection. Provide endorsements, introduce people, and follow through on your promises. Occasionally think I should change LinkedIn profile pic to one of me with foot planted in mouth A3 of course you can correct mistakes, I've done a profiles refresh before! Word processors have spell checkers. Wish life could come with gaffe-checkers, but it doesn't. A3 Having a reputation management strategy in place helps (catching it; taking appropriate action) As long as you can smile at the same time! Q4) How common do you think gaffes are? I like the attitude, Sarah :) If we all can extend a little grace to each other, we could maybe have more peace . Hello all. Am from India and this is the first for me! :) A4) How common are gaffes on LinkedIn? I see them every day. And not just my own. A4 Hmm. How many seconds are there in a day? that's something that I haven't heard of, but it sounds like something I would want to consider. A4 I think possibly more common because LI is not necessarily the easiest social network for people. You're obviously not a politician Deb! . A1. I believe all of us have. Mistakes make us better! I'm sure I'll make a few more too! A4 supplemental: seeing as the LinkedIn user's manual is a moving target, gaffe's are easy to make . if there were a LinkedIn fairy who collected money for every gaffe, they would be rich! there are, they are called people who bought the stock early . A2. Because making mistakes is easier. But it does serve us a lesson! Plus LinkedIn's evolving too! hello all - joining for the first time - although I've tried to before! true! Remember when Facebook had networks! Yuck. I spend hours teaching students about linkedin. My next question is the tough one! Q5) What’s the biggest gaffe that you’ve made? good point! Glad I am not alone in the thinking that it is challenging to some people. lol A5) To quote Jaws, "you're gonna need a bigger boat" One hour isn't enough time ! J. D. Gershbein said that after ten years, LinkedIn is still in beta. So some patience all around is appropriate. A5) I didn't appreciate tags until I had over 500 connections! . A3. Using nice words, nice replies. A little brush up on the summary may be. Depends - its a mistake or blunder! LOL Just your biggest one that's all Bruce! Getting a little into the party today. Just got back from travel I hear ya! Sometimes I am "thumbing through" connections and realize I haven't connected recently. Tags help. A5) Okay, early LinkedIn career gaffe: invite hundreds of people to connect. Many don't remember me. Get account frozen. Ouch. A5: I accepted a fake connection request and regretted it for days. A5 Not knowing about linkedin and it's value. Never be afraid to reach out to people! That line's right up there with Custer saying there's friendly Indians over that hill boys! . A3. The way I see, its more common than not, but brands and personalities fail to see them. A very important distinction! A5 Somebody posted a link to a blog post. I criticized it not realizing he was the author. He got some unwanted feedback. . A3. The active users are only the surface. A lot of people still not know how to utilize LinkedIn A5) LinkedIn gaffes: accept connection invite. Immediately get invited to apply as their north american rep. Dumb, dumb, dumb . A4. Mistakes like outdated summaries are too many, I feel LinkedIn is not as deeply known as other SoMe. Q6) Why do you think that you made this gaffe? . the irony is that some people think LinkedIn is that easy. I didn't read the manual! a5: Biggest LinkedIn gaffe for me is when some send a "sign up for this link" to all in their network A5b Accepting every connection requests. Some people have started using linkedin as a dating site! If it was then they wouldn't many of us! . A5. Well, I've fallen trap to LinkedIn's new auto-reply feature more than twice. Unchecked it recently! a5: Even bigger gaffe when someone ask if link is legit. And they respond back to everyone that it is legit... hate it The author begged to differ with me. In no uncertain terms. Good one, but what's yours Are? A6) Why did I make this gaffe? Enthusiasm is faster than common sense. Common sense arrives a wee bit late on the scene. A6 Young and naive... Always learning, keep moving forward . A5. And I used to accept every request in order to grow my network earlier. Nowadays I'm more judicious. I wish that I could still get away with that one! When I think I have offended someone on LinkedIn, I quickly go to my profile and swap my photo for Andy Foote's. Yes! especially when you have an enterprise account and email 3K+ contacts. . A6. Its either you've less time for LinkedIn or you didn't care much earlier. Gradually I improved! I'm still "on the fence" and on the side of accepting all.. Would love to hear your thoughts and rationale Q7) How did you fix this gaffe? a5: My biggest gaffe was not reading guidelines good enough in one large hospitality group before I posted a link there Somewhere in Chicago, Andy Foote detects a disturbance in The Force. Old and naive works for this, too! Yes, keep moving forward. (Fall forward or fall back. Forward's better.) I hope people were nice in their response Viveka does it all the time too! A7 Reading blogs, networking, tweet chats! Never stop learning I did the same earlier. Then cleaned up a bit recently. Would do again very soon. A7) How do you fix the LinkedIn gaffe? Apologize, explain, tap dance, swear to never do it again and then (sadly)...Repeat. Was SWAMed. Tried a while to talk with owner of group. I knew it was my own mistake. So I moved on . A7. I do a little clean up thing on all my SoMe profiles every 6 months or so. I feel for ya there dude. SWAM'ed. Ouch. Q8) What was the impact of this gaffe on you? . Also, I feel a many people (even including me) are not utilizing the Publish feature to the fullest. Guilty as charged on this end! Yeah did the mistake when SWAM was introduced. And it got hot then to SWAM people that made honest mistakes The old shampoo formulat. Rinse and repeat. A8 I have a much better looking profile and I have met a lot interesting people Tried it for a while. But I just moved on. A8) Account frozen. Had to explain myself to LinkedIn Police. Accepted my reasoning. Walked around on tippy-toes for a while. I'm improving though, slowly! But the Publish interface is one of the most fluid, along with Medium, I believe. Even if it was your mistake, it wasn't a mean/intentional one. But, like you said, moving on seems the sane (2 of 2) SWAM was a failed policy from LinkedIn to prevent spam. Totally defeated the purpose Thanks. I may think about doing that. Heck. Can't call yourself a LinkedIn pro until you've been SWAMmed or put in LinkedIn Jail at least once. . A8. Well, a lot of uninteresting posts on my feed. Plus few real connections. So I cleaned up. Q9) What did you learn from this gaffe? . I personally like . JT is a talented entrepreneur and she has some great writers yes I know - I was trying to be funny - guess it didn't work! :-) Seems like I already answered Q8 .. hah Sounds like it could be abused. Like an ill-mannered person not liking someone's shoes & penalizing them site-wide Actually Many uses for that statement: (blank) was a failed LinkedIn policy to that tried to prevent (blank) I'd trademark that Bruce! A8: the hope with any misstep is that you improve the next time - we all make mistakes A9 Super great connections that I have spoken to. I love to interview ppl in my industry to learn more! . A9. Enthusiasm is good but there's got to be some Strategy and Commonsense too at the hilt. A9) How to prevent LinkedIn gaffe's? 1) review what you just typed 2) review it two more times 3) count to 10 4) press <enter> A9: To not cry over spilled milk ;) I've been on LI for a while and I feel so much at a loss - you are all so knowledgeable! Just stopping in for a minute-how is everyone? Add proofread carefully in there, somewhere, too. (Esp. if you pretend to be a pro proofreader.) Hey there Chaim! Well here! Yourself? Q10) Would anyone else like to share their opinions about gaffes on ? I'm good, but my 12 YO daughter has the flu :-( RT Hey there Chaim! Well here! Yourself? Ouch, we've been sick here too! Hi Chaim. We've been story telling. You missed some good ones. Sorry. Sick daughter AND Chanuka! Hi Chaim. We've been story telling. You missed some good ones. A10) everyone makes mistakes. As long as you aren't being mean or vindictive, you'll recover just fine. Well, Chanukah involves some good story-telling, too, no? You reminded me I need to check with Kroger now if they have Potato Starch. Unfortunately "sick" seems to be going around. I hope you all get better soon :) I guess I don't leverage it as much as I should - my business has been built 100% by referrals. but there will come a day when I'll have to do more! A10: Be nice, no math problems, and be social Q11) Are there any final questions for the group about on ? I was thinking about @TheCoffeeBeanb/c I have to be in Manhattan tomorrow! That is sad! Please excuse my ignorance, but did they abolish SWAM yet? name a country with letter "A" in it? My answer:"too many linked users with too much idle time" No "A" in that. Thank you all for joining & participating! My thanks to for inviting me! A11 anyone have any good optimization articles to share? Thank you @conbsweeney Thanks everyone, have a great evening! Next week’s topic is: Leveraging for Business Results! Thanks all as always! See you next week! Going over to w/ Deborah at 9:00PM EST to talk some more about gaffes! They got rid of the name, but the SWAM punishment continues. You owns the site, you makes the rules. Nice chat today. Thanks! Would try to participate next time too :) Thanks, Con. I'm going back to some more LinkedIn videos. Join us on 12/8/15 at 8:00PM EST to chat on My Biggest Gaffe on ! 1 Our topic for this : Continuing the discussion about Gaffes ... carry over from Today, 383 Tweets (including 173 RTs) 13 Participants (Most Active 56 Tweets) via bummer. Well, I guess one learns to live with what one must learn to live with.. til change comes through . thank you for hosting and let me come in late! lol BTW - I haven't caught all of the tweets from (yet)... Did we have any stories/gaffes? Summary? Since we were all on What did everyone think? - is it cool if I also storify so folks can read that one, too?