Chatting about Content #SocialCafe #LinkedInChat 20151222 many thanks for the follow Deborah! We hope you & the team are having a great day! Do reach out to learn more :) Join us on 12/22/15 at 8:00PM EST to chat on Content for d Join us on 12/22/15 at 8:00PM EST to chat on Content for e Join us on 12/22/15 at 8:00PM EST to chat on Content for f Join us on 12/22/15 at 8:00PM EST to chat on Content for g RT socialcafechat Reasons you *need* Online Reputation Management by SocialWebCafe via dirjournal Join us on 12/22/15 at 8:00PM EST to chat on Content for h Join us on 12/22/15 at 8:00PM EST to chat on Content for i Join us on 12/22/15 at 8:00PM EST to chat on Content for j Join us on 12/22/15 at 8:00PM EST to chat on Content for k Join us on 12/22/15 at 8:00PM EST to chat on Content for l Join us on 12/22/15 at 8:00PM EST to chat on Content for m Join us on 12/22/15 at 8:00PM EST to chat on Content for n Join us on 12/22/15 at 8:00PM EST to chat on Content for o Join us on 12/22/15 at 8:00PM EST to chat on Content for p Join us on 12/22/15 at 8:00PM EST to chat on Content for q Join us on 12/22/15 at 8:00PM EST to chat on Content for r Today TwitterChats
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6:30AM Join us on 12/22/15 at 8:00PM EST to chat on Content for s Join us on 12/22/15 at 8:00PM EST to chat on Content for t Join us on 12/22/15 at 8:00PM EST to chat on Content for u Join us on 12/22/15 at 8:00PM EST to chat on Content for v Join us on 12/22/15 at 8:00PM EST to chat on Content for w Join us on 12/22/15 at 8:00PM EST to chat on Content for x Join us on 12/22/15 at 8:00PM EST to chat on Content for y : discuss LinkedIn. Moderated by LinkedInExpert. Tue, 7:00pm CST Only 5 minutes to go 'til the chat. . Hello all! I'll be hosting for tonight! Greetings all from New Jersey, where the weather is warm and wet (and likely to stay that way until New Year's Eve Greetings! Tonight's topic: Content for ! Yay! time! And, another great topic ... content! Join us on 12/22/15 at 8:00PM EST to chat on Content for z Hey Con. Good to see you! How are you? Doing well Andy, thanks! Yourself? Rah rah ree, kick him in the knee. Rah rah ras, kick him with some good LinkedIn content!!! Greetings! Tonight's topic: Content for ! & I'll lead the Hope everyone is well! We'll start shortly! OK except for a cold in the nose! In for some info here tonight In the meantime please give a shout out & let us know you're here! Determining content seems to be tricky. I've found that just "jumping in and doing it" takes 60-80% of the "tricky" out of it Please RT my questions as I tweet them! TYVM Hey ! Tuning in tonight for first time. Ready for some expert knowledge to be dropped on us! Hi Are. Where are you for the holidays? Q1) What content do you publish on ? A1 Currently, mostly LinkedIn Updates & group comments. Looking to start Publishing in the new year. A1: When I post it is Hotel Marketing content A1. Haven't published anything yet but I wanted to post about branding for millennials - good idea? Sounds good, it's topical! A1: But not posted a lot yet Hmm. Any tornados in MS these days? Forecasts looked bad. (Had too many when living in LA and TN) A1 Really haven't leveraged publishing on LI yet - hoping to get some knowledge here from the experts. :) Q2) Why do you publish this content on ? We are watching close the weather here for tomorrow. Sounds like a good idea. Is it distinct from branding for everybody else? Hey everyone, Adam checking in from Iowa. A1: Mostly industry related content. Job search tips, resume tips, and general info. thanks Con, happy to be here. A1 I'm embarrassed to admit that I haven't posted an article on LinkedIn. I have the content, just need to post! A2 Looking to increase readership & elevate LinkedIn visibility. Also eventually grow a mailing list. I'd Love suggestions. A2: The content I post is related to my targeted market segment Good luck. Don't forget to duck. A2 : It's another way to reach people and build your network. Your network gets more and more important every year. RT : A2 Also eventually grow a mailing list. I'd Love suggestions. Ditto on this one! it's takes time, no need to be embarrassed! Mild weather at this time of the year is not the best for our region Nothing embarrassing. I'm getting started, too. A new platform takes time. Maybe even planning! Q3) What results do you expect from this content on ? thanks Andrew, happy to be here. Vertical and taking nourishment (literally --- lasagna...) lol A1 My posts aggregate into 3 areas, aligning with 3 areas of my consulting practice A3a. Hopefully, somebody will actually read and like the content. ... A3: I expect more next year. Goal to be #1 goto person and Hotel Influencer on LinkedIn Planning is a great idea. My problem is sometimes too much planning! would probably agree A3: I try to help my network out as much as possible. The old paralysis by analysis, eh? A3b Seems like the Golden Age of LI publishing may have been at the start, you think? A3 In addition to Basic Analytics (views, likes, comments) I am pleased when comments lead to a new relationship Anecdotely you may be onto something! In the spirit of new beginnings, I just made my first lasagna this past weekend. Not bad. Q4) How effective for you is this content on ? always good when that happens! People overpost on Publish for SURE. Many treat it like a blog A4: Have not posted enough to determine how effective it is should ALSO allow you to order your Published content ANYWAY you'd like Finding the right level of planning is difficult. Usually it's the extremes (jump in or extra study). Good for you! Yeah - with some patience, lasagna is somewhat fool-proof and fun! A4: It's definitely helped me connect with some new people. I've been told it's helped others, Hoping it continues! I don't like it when people "Publish" very short updates. Seems like cheating the system. Does anyone agree? Pls clarify - how much publishing is overdoing it? What do you think is an appropriate amount of posts, say, per week? a4: Think I need to catch some tips from our inhouse expert the new relationships are the whole reason for the views, likes, and comments, no? It seems like there are better places for that. . How often can you produce REAL, publishable quality material? great way to think about it. Q5) Which tools do you use to post content? The OTHER problem is that you can't order your posts, so new posts take away what might be more definitive If you want t blog, get a blog. Publish is for material that COULD be published in newspaper or magazine A5: Most directly from and some updates from LI Pub is adv'd as "long form", but what's long and what's short? All kinds of blogging styles. a5: Been doing it primarly directly. Plan to do it more via Q6) Which of these tools is most effective for you? Any primarily search or find jobs on ? The Q that seems to keep popping us is What type of publishing is relevant for LinkedIn? Oh Con Don't get me going on tools ;) I'm not sure there's a definitive answer yet other than what's right for your own brand a6: 2016 will be the year for Big Data for me. So will get data then that tells me better how effective my strategies are Yeah, I'm leaning toward direct posting for LinkedIn I like using tools for Twitter and Facebook I like to post directly to so I can cross-post to Groups we're a staffing firm in Des Moines! It's getting bigger and bigger for job seekers. I have about 18 blogs & one dedicated to business (finance, technology). thinking of repurposing content from that one for LI Another Q: For those who Publish, what's ratio of new content to recycled content from blog? Q7) Can you share a story of a with posting content on ? I will stick more to the tools that are in line with my goals and avoid run after shiny new objects I've heard and used is 4 recycled pieces for every 1 original piece 18 is a LOT of blogs. Is there a list somewhere? R U a pro juggler? I typically use 2-3 similar posts to make a blog post. I love "pro juggler." What I did in 2015 was focus on 3-4 and then hope to strategize to do more with the other 14 I agree it would be good for LI to provide clearer guidelines and then monitor I guess I thought most people did it LinkedIn, then blog. Can we do a straw poll ? Q8) Can you share a story of a with posting content on ? I publish elsewhere, and ONLY Publish to if it is one of my best Thanks Con! What do you do? Or what would you do? Most ex's I've seen are reusing tested content already on blog. I'm not sure it matters Preference is to post on own blog and then Though guest posting is on top of my goal list for next year Q9) Any last thoughts about content for ? : social media, marketing, branding, blogging, tools Tue 9pm ET. Mod: socialwebcafe One recent video I saw was about syndicating content. 1st on blog, then LinkedIn, then elsewhere. Not all content reuseable. I used to do a bunch of guest posting, but now I find LinkedIn Publisher a more convenient and consistent platform Any of you bloggers (LI or private) also publish on Medium? Interesting. Do you see similar or better results? Q10) Would anyone else like to share their opinions about content for ? Hmm. The stream just came to a halt. Twitter glitch? Oh, I live by the rule Better taking Imperfect Action then-No Action A10 we might need another hour to hear all of my opinions ;) The chat starts in 5 minutes. Yes, that is a biggie for me. It takes time away from my 18, but worth it, too We can do that on at 10:00PM EST! We can do that on at 10:00PM EST! Q11) Are there any final questions for the group about content for ? & will be on at 10:00PM EST to keep talking about content & will be on at 10:00PM EST to keep talking about content Exactly :) Continuing the conversation started on on in 4 min Exactly :) Continuing the conversation started on on in 4 min I am cool with crazy.. lol Chat suddenly ground to s halt. Best of the Holidays, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all (and to all a good night) Thank you all for joining & participating! My thanks to for inviting me! Next week’s topic is: Predictions for 2016? Thanks all as always! See you next week! Thanks for the everyone! Check out my feed for my Christmas movie tournament! See you next time. To all celebrating & Happy Holidays to everyone else! Welcome, everybody, to (back at its original time of 9p EST (6p PST). Greetings all! Who's with us tonight? Tonight's moderator is the wonderful Thanks, Con! Join us on 12/22/15 at 8:00PM EST to chat on Content for 1 Easy to call it as I see it ;) What types of content are you posting on ? I'm looking to post content that is similar to what I post on * Seems to make sense, since it is biz That's logical It's an extension of your brand Don't understand those who want to do something else! You know, we interviewed a few key people about "tools" during 2015 * I thought I'd post links to our How's that? Sounds good It would give some examples of content Yeah, that doesn't quite make sense. But, then, some of us are "objective oriented" and we think in a logical flow. Too many use to publish "inspirational" content as opposed to value added! Ooh, good point. I was wondering how we could classify the non-relevant and that is a good one, Con Lisa - would love to have you join us in is only a brief intro into whom we are Anything more should be a or I'm curious .. what about social media topics on LI? I think that it should be limited, unless LI specific Also too many look to to tell them what to write about instead of the acid test of the community I've seen quite a few people post the first 3-4 paragraphs of a blog post as a lead-in to their blog link I think it's OK if that's what you do like me! People want to hear about Not a bad idea as long as it's good content! Don't forget to check out for building those relationships on Twitter! My other favorite gripe about content are friends who post the page 1 story from the everyday! Be unique! Where I saw it done, it was done well. I think the relevant (and attractive) graphics help! Another helpful tip: Don't blindly post all your onto Content should fit the channel! Might sound silly, since we think about text & relevant information, but sometimes a well-designed graphic makes the difference Do people still do that? (Oooh, I better double check that I am not doing it accidentally!) Speaking of... I remember someone who I respect and is in the PR business and all that posted to FB were the tweets While some of the tweets were relevant, it did not make for an interesting read, on the FB page... sort of "disconnected." Some do! A good way to lose connections! A good goal, for 2016, is to develop that content strategy. But, for some of us, that means NOT over-thinking it. You know, another thing I've seen is auto-posting from multiple accounts Might be alright on depending on why he's there and his audience is different from I'd do this case by case You know, another thing I've seen is auto-posting from multiple accounts I think people click the box for auto-tweet and forget they may have done it in another tool.. causing dupes Thank you so much, for moderating this evening! We always try to provide u with resources, in our events, the following tweets will point to the tool interviews I'm still here :) We had our discussion and now I am tweeting helpful interviews. However, I'm still here to chat How does the LinkedIn chat different from chat? How frequently are you on ? Good question, Lisa! During December, we have been "continuing the chat" that starts on Good question, Lisa! During December, we have been "continuing the chat" that starts on It helps that is a part of the team and he is also assisting with It helps that is a part of the team and he is also assisting with But, as far as differences. covers topics specifically related to LinkedIn whereas covers ... But, as far as differences. covers topics specifically related to LinkedIn whereas covers ... covers social media, branding, blogging, writing, public relations, and video (oh, and tools).. cc: How do you tie in blogging with social media chats, such as & chat, ? How do you tie in blogging with social media chats, such as & chat, ? You mean, how do I integrate the efforts? Usually, I create a blog post from the chat, with a summary & resources Yep. Allows for flexibility. We tried some unique things in 2015, but will be returning back to 2014 format in 2016 . I'm thinking about starting a new blog, one that I'll be able to brand. The tools you use will be helpful. RT socialwebcafe: covers social media, branding, blogging, writing, public relations, and video (oh, and tools).. cc: PRMktgSal… Thanks, Deborah. Bye. I look forward to next week's chat. <waves> Thanks, all! Have a wonderful holiday with friends and family (and yourself!) Oh good! Well, if you ever need any help or links to interviews, etc., just let me know ;) RT : Join us on 12/15/15 at 8:00PM EST chat on Leveraging for Results w g Besok soft opening public di lantai 2 hapeworld banjarmasin. Btw ini kursi bagusnua dibakar aja kali ya? socialwebcafe Reasons you *need* Online Reputation Management by SocialWebCafe via dirjournal