#SocialCafe 5.16 Chat Transcript

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#SocialCafe and the Mountain Breeze
  1. @aliceparkcafe @DaveLarkhall would you be able to help us with some figures for costing a #socialcafe project??
  2. Memorial Park Cafe #Keynsham leasehold interest advert in The Week In. Anyone interested in #socialcafe idea pls get in touch @DaveLarkhall
  3. What happens when 22 authors write 24 parts of story w/no outline? #crowdfunding #SocialCafe #Swiss #Switzerland bhttps://t.co/Hwv3EsSOgn
  4. @Samjb Hello! Many of your students have been joining me on #linkedinchat & #socialcafe Any interest in topics tailored to their needs?
  5. Thanks for hosting @conpsweeny! I enjoyed my time with #SocialCafe
  6. @conpsweeney this has been fun! glad to know that there are social media addicts out there apart from me! #socialcafe
  7. That's it for this week! Many thanks for joining us! See you next week! #socialcafe
  8. Q5) I'm scared to even answer this question. I will probably spend some time on SM this next week :P. #SocialCafe
  9. A5) I constantly check on my social media because..... there's no because #socialcafe
  10. A5: It's not possible for me to spend any more time on social media than I already do... Unless I sleep a few less hours #socialcafe
  11. A5) I always try to minimize my time on social media but my strategic social media class makes it hard. #socialcafe
  12. A5) With the NY primaries coming up I will probably spend more. Plus social media class stuff. #socialcafe
  13. Also... As a PR person, remember that the people you talk to online are real people. I think it's often lost in the world of SM #SocialCafe
  14. Q5) Will you spend more or less time on #socialmedia in the week ahead? Why or why not? #socialcafe
  15. A4) But people need to remember there is a life outside of the virtual one we have created lol #SocialCafe
  16. A4) to be honest, any time you can because you got to keep the buzz going ain't it? #socialcafe
  17. A4) I'd say at least 4-5 hours a day that I am checking back to it looking for updates. If its a election night then much more #socialcafe
  18. A4) I think at max maybe six total throughout the day. #socialcafe
  19. A4) It honestly depends on the person & their job. Some people need to spend more time on SM. #SocialCafe
  20. A4: As a PR major, I feel like I could always spend a little more time on social media... I mean, it's part of the job! #socialcafe
  21. A3) It is a great tool for PR, it makes everything instant and allows two-way communication for brand and customer #SocialCafe
  22. Q4) How much time do you think you should spend on on #socialmedia ? Why or why not? #socialcafe
  23. ok - am I going off topic too much @conpsweeney and wonderful #SocialCafe twitter family? I'm with you in spirit / virtually :)
  24. Maybe that is something to think about >> add some nature to your social media activities. Table, ice tea, back patio #SocialCafe
  25. A3) I think we spend too much time on social media... I feel for younger generations because they don't know a life without it #SocialCafe
  26. #Sidenote I'm sitting here, in the nice mountain breeze, scheduling tweets (while cell service).wow - technology + nature #best #SocialCafe
  27. As an Orthodox Jew, I unplug for at LEAST 25 hours EVERY week for #Shabbat #socialcafe
  28. A3: I feel like I spend a good amount of time on social media. I know the important things going on #socialcafe
  29. A2) We spend too much time on social media because it "brings us together" and is a way to communicate freely. #SocialCafe
  30. Shout out to @commun_it and reminder that you all should be trying it out to build those Twitter relationships! #SocialCafe
  31. A3) I thought that I spent too much time on it but then I enrolled in #untj4270 and now I probably don't spend enough #socialcafe
  32. A3) I believe I spend more than enough time because I have my phone with me all the time and checking it constantly #socialcafe
  33. @socialwebcafe Thanks, I was afraid it meant that you didn't like my jokes! #socialcafe
  34. Hey all - just a reminder. If I am not responding or saying "hi," it isn't personal? It might mean I have no cell service #SocialCafe
  35. A2) I usually just like reading random articles at my leisure #socialcafe
  36. A2) I like seeing updates from my friends and everything that is happening around the world (I'm addicted actually) #socialcafe
  37. @socialwebcafe Right! A lot of people use domains they don't need for a brand- if your target market isn't on it, why have it??? #SocialCafe
  38. A2: It's where I like to get my news... I'm also a nosey person and I like to see what people are doing lol #socialcafe #notashamed
  39. A2) I jumped the gun. I'm a political news junkie who gets all of his news from #tacebook and #twitter #socialcafe
  40. A1) I'm on social media any time I'm bored or just avoiding notification icons on my phone #socialcafe
  41. I am a politcal junkie and I follow a ton of news orgs on facebook. I get all my news from social media #socialcafe
  42. ...If they aren't making money (36 domains), they gotta go! #SocialCafe question: How much do we spend time on fun? how do we evaluate?
  43. Ok peeps. I fear I'm fading off into non-cellular world while enjoying this mountain air... But I am with u in scheduled tweets #SocialCafe
  44. I started to think hard on where the time is going. I have 36 domains (at least) & the thought of if they aren't making $$ .. #SocialCafe
  45. Yes, Con is such a wonderful person and excellent TweetChat Leader! @untdmu @conpsweeney #SocialCafe
  46. @mirandanguyen2 Well, as long as you're not stalking anyone, I guess that's alright! #socialcafe
  47. A1 Truly, you don't want to know. lol Abt 25 hrs per week when I am doing what I am supposed to (and not writing dissertation) #SocialCafe
  48. @conpsweeney We keep bumping into each other! lol, I had no idea you ran this chat too. #socialcafe
  49. I currently intern as a #socialmedia /pr person for my school's student run agency #SocialCafe. This means I spend quite a bit of time on it
  50. A1) Probably every single minute that I am not occupied with real life. Mostly Facebook at the moment. #socialcafe
  51. I'm human! yay! For now... until the cell service goes away... #SocialCafe
  52. A1: Kind of embarrassing, but I am on social media any free moment I get #socialcafe
  53. As my co-host @charlesharper likes to remind me, I love the acronym #ROI ! That is the question in analyzing time #SocialCafe
  54. Hi, I am a senior journalism student at UNT and this is my first #SocialCafe . Super excited for tonight's topic!
  55. Great topic, @conpsweeney ! In fact, I was pondering the very same thing this week! #SocialCafe
  56. Please give us a shoutout and let us know you’re here! #socialcafe
  57. Hi all. I'm not sure if this is me, or scheduled me. lol Trying to make it for #socialcafe in between intermittent cell service. Hi all!

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