#SocialCafe 5.21 Chat Transcript

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#SocialCafe on May 24, 2016
  1. A2 See, that is where I get stuck in the "business" of it all, using social media to build relationships, business, help others #SocialCafe
  2. Another month! Thank you for your continued support! =D I really appreciate all of you! (And, if you haven't already, join our #SocialCafe
  3. @socialcafechat A5 Combination of all. I like to network the most. Also like 2 take part in chats like these from time to time. #SocialCafe
  4. Well, it looks like our 30 min is up (too fast). I want to thank @chaelaberry for coming and answer our #Millennial questions! #SocialCafe
  5. @socialwebcafe I guess so.. lol #SocialCafe I mean, we chat on #socialmedia school that's what we do lol
  6. In my very limited knowledge of perspectives of the Gen Y generation, it seems like you are representing the views accurately #SocialCafe
  7. Love those answers, @chaelaberry. I'm learning a lot and it would seem like you are answering in a way that is representative? #SocialCafe
  8. A5 i use instagram more or showing off and gloating the good parts of life to strangers lol #SocialCafe
  9. A5 its a great way to post a pic and show all my friends throughout the country that life is good. #SocialCafe
  10. A5 i use it most for keeping in touch with people like facebook #SocialCafe
  11. Q5 What do you use social media for, primarily (i.e. networking, posting quotes, conversing, sharing)? #SocialCafe
  12. Good point about myspace, @chaelaberry There was a time waaaaay back, when that was the social media hub! #SocialCafe
  13. Interesting responses, @chaelaberry Thank you! You know, I'm not sure which platform is my fave #SocialCafe I *try* to use all of them lol
  14. A4 ... like myspace but the entire idea of social media won't. #SocialCafe
  15. A4 i think its a part of our culture. i don't see it ever going out of style. yes apps and websites will #SocialCafe
  16. Q4 Do you think that social media is a fad, or basically a part of our culture? #SocialCafe
  17. Interesting responses, @chaelaberry Thank you! You know, I'm not sure which platform is my fave #SocialCafe I *try* to use all of them lol
  18. A3 yes instagram has this fluff but its so easy to ignore. #SocialCafe
  19. A3 not like facebook where you have stuff shared from every corner of the earth talking about stuff no one cares about #SocialCafe
  20. A3 @instagram: its basic and not as much drama. you see and pic; you can scroll.... #SocialCafe
  21. Speaking of relationships. If you want to build Twitter Relationships, you have to use @commun_it >> The tool for that! #SocialCafe
  22. A2 See, that is where I get stuck in the "business" of it all, using social media to build relationships, business, help others #SocialCafe
  23. A2 but mostly to just show the world what you have accomplished and to spread news and stuff. #SocialCafe
  24. A2 to kinda show off your life and to share and to instagram stalk hot guys (joking)... #SocialCafe
  25. A1 I can't see social media going away.. But, then, I couldn't see the World Trade Center coming down, either #SocialCafe
  26. Q2 What do you view as the purpose (or purposes) for social media? #SocialCafe
  27. A1 no on the aspect of me seeing myself in situation like that, without #socialmedia #SocialCafe
  28. A1 I can't see social media going away.. But, then, I couldn't see the World Trade Center coming down, either #SocialCafe
  29. A1 yes and no. yes on the aspect that i can understand how it was (historically) and would be. #SocialCafe
  30. That's why we wanted you here @chaelaberry ! We want to know (and respect!) what you think! #SocialCafe
  31. Q1 Can you picture a world without social media? (Please RT) #SocialCafe
  32. And, yes, I'm a millennial :) .. And proud of it! I'm still an avid social media user.. maybe not Twitter, as much #SocialCafe
  33. OK, I'm giving a shout out.. Just set up this new Twitter profile, so you all are getting the first tweets. #SocialCafe
  34. Ok, these questions are for everyone, but we are really curious on how millennials view social media. #SocialCafe
  35. Go ahead and give a shout-out if you are here and tell us about YOU! Tonight, we are focusing on Millennials and their view! #SocialCafe
  36. I give a list of perennial plants and fruits in the book but my favorite is Asparagus. SO expensive in stores but easy. #socialcafe
  37. @socialwebcafe Thanks for following us! Looking forward to #SocialCafe Twitter Chats!
  38. #socialcafe That's it for tonight! Thanks for joining everyone! See you next week!
  39. @conpsweeney Oh, that is true... I hardly have a point. I must be "feeling" your time :D #SocialCafe
  40. You are too funny, Con. Although... come to think of it, that really could go either way. Good one! @conpsweeney #SocialCafe
  41. A5 Oh my, this late at night? #ambitious? Completing my advanced inferential statistics assignment before midnight lol #SocialCafe
  42. RT @conpsweeney Q5) What's your most ambitious piece pf #socialmedia content planned for your communties #socialcafe
  43. Q5) What's your most ambitious piece pf #socialmedia content planned for your communties #socialcafe
  44. No... that is sad... I missed that news. The Taco Bell one? @conpsweeney #SocialCafe
  45. A4 I got this one! Create a team! I have partnered. I have done it alone. One thing for sure... #doingitalone = burnout! #SocialCafe
  46. A4 I got this one! Create a team! I have partnered. I have done it alone. One thing for sure... #doingitalone = burnout! #SocialCafe
  47. We could start a whole #chihuahua series with junk food! Oh, the animal rights people won't be happy! @conpsweeney @Doritos #SocialCafe
  48. We could start a whole #chihuahua series with junk food! Oh, the animal rights people won't be happy! @conpsweeney @Doritos #SocialCafe
  49. RT @conpsweeney 3) What types of content have been most popular with your #socialmedia communities? #socialcafe
  50. RT @conpsweeney 3) What types of content have been most popular with your #socialmedia communities? #socialcafe
  51. A3 Videos. I used to do them daily. Funny how that comes up on the same night as #chihuahua w/ @Doritos bag #SocialCafe
  52. A3 Videos. I used to do them daily. Funny how that comes up on the same night as #chihuahua w/ @Doritos bag #SocialCafe
  53. RT @conpsweeney 3) What types of content have been most popular with your #socialmedia communities? #socialcafe
  54. 3) What types of content have been most popular with your #socialmedia communities? #socialcafe
  55. No kidding! I think he isn't scared so I'll just put the bag out again & he will repeat it and I'll capture it @conpsweeney #SocialCafe
  56. 3) What types of content have been most popular with your #socialmedia communities? #socialcafe
  57. No kidding! I think he isn't scared so I'll just put the bag out again & he will repeat it and I'll capture it @conpsweeney #SocialCafe
  58. A2 Yes and no. Attempting to do that. In other words, all planned out in that way. But, client work comes first #SocialCafe
  59. A2 Yes and no. Attempting to do that. In other words, all planned out in that way. But, client work comes first #SocialCafe
  60. RT @conpsweeney 2) Do you map your content to your goals? If so, what've been your results? #socialcafe
  61. 2) Do you map your content to your goals? If so, what've been your results? #socialcafe
  62. A1 Most of it ends up being the sharing of articles I've written, but my plan is to mix that up a bit #SocialCafe
  63. A1 Most of it ends up being the sharing of articles I've written, but my plan is to mix that up a bit #SocialCafe
  64. Sorry... I slipped away. My chihuahua got his head stuck in a @Doritos bag & was blind & lost. Had to rescue him #SocialCafe #twobraincells
  65. Sorry... I slipped away. My chihuahua got his head stuck in a @Doritos bag & was blind & lost. Had to rescue him #SocialCafe #twobraincells
  66. Sorry... I slipped away. My chihuahua got his head stuck in a @Doritos bag & was blind & lost. Had to rescue him #SocialCafe #twobraincells
  67. @beccasaunders89 Do you solicit feedback from your audiences on what they's like to see? #socialcafe
  68. Please give us a shoutout and let us know you’re here! #socialcafe
  69. @conpsweeney need to go and find power for that - running into red! Am twitter chatting from #bx16 in #Sydney - #Linkedinchat #socialcafe

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