#SocialCafe 5.24 Chat Transcript

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6/14 #SocialCafe
  1. Please give us a shoutout and let us know you’re here! #socialcafe
  2. Q2) How important is your strategy to grow your #socialmedia communities? #socialcafe
  3. A2 Very important! #SocialCafe (Important enough to plan better for LA traffic! )
  4. A2 Very important! #SocialCafe (Important enough to plan better for LA traffic! )
  5. A2 Very important! #SocialCafe (Important enough to plan better for LA traffic! )
  6. Ok - so I didn't work through Adrienne Smith's wonderful program on growing communities, but I still recommend it! #SocialCafe
  7. Ok - so I didn't work through Adrienne Smith's wonderful program on growing communities, but I still recommend it! #SocialCafe
  8. Ok - so I didn't work through Adrienne Smith's wonderful program on growing communities, but I still recommend it! #SocialCafe
  9. And, shout out to @commun_it for growing your twitter relationships! #SocialCafe
  10. A3 I don't think you want me to give my answer on this one @conpsweeney lol I do a bit of trial and error #SocialCafe
  11. A3 I don't think you want me to give my answer on this one @conpsweeney lol I do a bit of trial and error #SocialCafe
  12. @conpsweeney True, it is. And, sometimes it works, and sometimes it is a learning experience. lol #SocialCafe
  13. @conpsweeney True, it is. And, sometimes it works, and sometimes it is a learning experience. lol #SocialCafe
  14. A4 Actually? I value them too much. may not appear so, but it is my Achilles heel...too much time in one & another is missed #SocialCafe
  15. A4 Actually? I value them too much. may not appear so, but it is my Achilles heel...too much time in one & another is missed #SocialCafe
  16. @conpsweeney I do, but not in front me. Tho.. it would be fun to pull them up and run them through SPSS.. #feelArticleComing #SocialCafe
  17. @conpsweeney I do, but not in front me. Tho.. it would be fun to pull them up and run them through SPSS.. #feelArticleComing #SocialCafe
  18. Q5) What will you do differently in the next week to grow your #socialmedia communities? #socialcafe
  19. A5 Love these #5 questions.. great to get us thinking. Speaking of... Resting! #SocialCafe Odd answer, but have a 3 wk break from teaching
  20. A5 Love these #5 questions.. great to get us thinking. Speaking of... Resting! #SocialCafe Odd answer, but have a 3 wk break from teaching
  21. @conpsweeney Thanks Con, for running the show and doing it so beautifully! #SocialCafe

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