#SocialCafe 5.3 Chat Transcript

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"Developing Leads" and "Keywords" on #LinkedInChat and #SocialCafe

"Developing Leads" and "Keywords" on #LinkedInChat and #SocialCafe

  1. RT techauditcom Reasons you *need* Online Reputation Management  http://wp.me/pqwE6-1oH  by SocialWebCafe via dirjournal #SocialCafe
  2. Join Deborah @socialwebcafe every Tues for #SocialCafe Twitter Chat 9pm EST (Back to Tues by Popular Demand)
  3. #linkedinchat @LinkedInExpert Join us on 1/19/16 at 8:00PM EST to chat on Developing Leads with #LinkedIn v
  4. #linkedinchat @LinkedInExpert Join us on 1/19/16 at 8:00PM EST to chat on Developing Leads with #LinkedIn w
  5. #linkedinchat @LinkedInExpert Join us on 1/19/16 at 8:00PM EST to chat on Developing Leads with #LinkedIn x
  6. #linkedinchat @LinkedInExpert Join us on 1/19/16 at 8:00PM EST to chat on Developing Leads with #LinkedIn y
  7. #linkedinchat @LinkedInExpert Join us on 1/19/16 at 8:00PM EST to chat on Developing Leads with #LinkedIn z
  8. #linkedinchat @LinkedInExpert Join us on 1/19/16 at 8:00PM EST to chat on Developing Leads with #LinkedIn 1
  9. Organized and set reminders for all the Twitter chats I want to follow ? jumping into my first #LinkedInChat shortly!
  10. Greetings! Tonight's topic: Developing Leads with LinkedIn #linkedinchat
  11. Hi all! Here to learn about developing leads. Hope everyone is having a good evening. #linkedinchat
  12. Please give us a shout out and let us know you’re here! #linkedinchat
  13. Greetings! Tonight's topic: Developing Leads with LinkedIn & I'll lead the #chat #linkedinchat
  14. A1) I'd like to but I don't know how to get started. Giving LinkedIn more attention is one of my 2016 goals. #linkedinchat
  15. #linkedinchat 1: I am. LinkedIn is my #1 Lead Generation Social Network
  16. A1 I teach my clients how to make relevant connections that will become leads. #LinkedInChat
  17. A1: Just started..made my keyword list and just revamped my summary / tagline to position myself as a blogger for hire #linkedinchat
  18. @conpsweeney A1: Not yet, but definitely would be interested in starting. All tips appreciated! #LinkedInChat
  19. A1 My blog and book are my top lead generators and LinkedIn follows those #linkedinchat
  20. A1: It's imperative for B2B. #LinkedIn is hands down best platform for networking and making great biz connections #linkedinchat
  21. Q2) How would you describe your results with #LinkedIn for lead development? #linkedinchat
  22. @BPucino @conpsweeney i need to go stalk your page and copy (i mean take inspiration from) Brett #LinkedInChat
  23. @conpsweeney A2 Hard to say. LinkedIn Publisher has given me huge visibility and therefore, credibility but leads??? #linkedinchat
  24. Hey all.. late and can only pop in and out, but glad to see all of you at #linkedinchat nonetheless :)
  25. #linkedinchat a2: Great. Since always rom for improvements I am going for awesome this year
  26. A2 I do well (or I should say, as expected) when I actually focus time on lead development. But, what time? #dissertation #linkedinchat
  27. A1 I rely on LinkedIn for prospect intelligence. However, less direct lead gen over time. I find LinkedIn has gotten crowded #linkedinchat
  28. @conpsweeney A2: I havent fully utilized it yet however its been great to connect w/ twitter friends & grow that relationship! #LinkedInChat
  29. @mnioannou @conpsweeney lol! as mr. Picasso once said "good artists copy- great artists steal" #linkedinchat
  30. A2 Better question IMHO, how have you MONETIZED those leads? #linkedinchat
  31. @conpsweeney I will say I have sold hundreds of books directly due to LinkedIn publisher posts. #linkedinchat
  32. A1 & A2 Haven't mastered LI yet, but trying. Been involved with their pilot program Profinder as a way to meet new people. #LinkedInChat
  33. A2: Successful, Genuine. More importantly have formed amazing collaborations & strategic alliances. #linkedinchat
  34. A2 With B2B clients, it seems to be very powerful. Networking at its best. #LinkedInChat
  35. A1 I use it to develop leads for my future career #LinkedInChat
  36. I have ALWAYS said that #LinkedIn is an INCREDIBLE identification tool, but NOT a great engagement tool... #linkedinchat
  37. Q3) Is anyone in sales not using #LinkedIn for lead development? If so then why not? #linkedinchat
  38. A2 I've networked with a bunch of professionals and have expanded my online portfolio #LinkedInChat
  39. @CareerPivot @conpsweeney I have a book release in the Fall and would be interested to learn more about how this works #LinkedInChat
  40. @sageandsavvy @kendrabullen agreed! I'd say Twitter is a close second if you strategically participate in Twitter chats #linkedinchat
  41. @ChaimShapiro I seal over Skype! Unfortunately you cannot share coffee through the Internet #linkedinchat
  42. As someone w sales ex..if you aren't (esp B2B), then you're silly..so many more decision makers #LinkedInChat  https://twitter.com/conpsweeney/status/689617597793304576 
  43. #linkedinchat a3: Hard question to answer. Primary collaborate with Marketing Departments
  44. A3: Not personally but have many clients still not leveraging for #socialselling. Goal is to educate on best practices. #linkedinchat
  45. Q4) If you use #LinkedIn for lead development & are successful, why do you think this is? #linkedinchat
  46. A3 I'm not in sales, but I have been contacted by sales people for sales jobs #LinkedInChat
  47. I consult thru my direct network, but many LI contacts don't check the newsfeed regularly per my post/update stats. DM works #LinkedInChat
  48. @lauranat96 We are all in sales whether we have sales in our titles. We sell ourselves. #linkedinchat
  49. @conpsweeney A3: Not in sales but have been on the opposite end & received sales pitches via direct message & on my feed #LinkedInChat
  50. A3) it’s all about connecting with the right people. LinkedIn is a great way to vet and discover @conpsweeney #LinkedInChat
  51. Where else can you reach a majority of the decision makers in an industry. #LinkedInChat
  52. #linkedinchat a4: Some of the reasons came from tips and advice from this community
  53. A4 I try to comment on people's posts and stay active #LinkedInChat
  54. A3) Honestly, I haven't figured out a non-cheesy approach on LinkedIn. #linkedinchat
  55. @conpsweeney A4: Because you are persistent, and not afraid to engage with people. #linkedinchat
  56. Q5) If you use #LinkedIn for lead development & are not successful, why do you think this is? #linkedinchat
  57. As a blogger for hire I know Pulse will be key..need it to show my chops and est. thought leadership #linkedinchat  https://twitter.com/conpsweeney/status/689618717341147137 
  58. A4: Honesty,Integrity,Authenticity. Don't sell on #Linkedin aim to add value,make genuine connections based on mutual goals. #linkedinchat
  59. A5) Lead dev on LI is like a “hot” lead. You have a nice look into bkgrnd, interests and connections to match @conpsweeney #LinkedInChat
  60. @conpsweeney A5: Potentially because you're stagnant and assuming that simply being on LinkedIn is enough. #linkedinchat
  61. A5) I haven't put in the time. In addition, I have to find an approach that works for me. I hate the random inMail. #linkedinchat
  62. A5: I tell clients not to be impatient. Share relevant content & insights and it will happen naturally. #linkedinchat
  63. #linkedinchat A5: I rotate my content on #LinkedIn. Usually when I see drop in activity then I know the content don't appeal to my segment
  64. Q6) Can anyone give advice to those who have not been successful with lead development on #LinkedIn? #linkedinchat
  65. A5 I've noticed people who have low-quality pictures, unfilled out info and uninteresting descriptions are not very successful #LinkedInChat
  66. @kendrabullen That hasn't worked for me so far. LOL! :-P It's one of the reasons I gave up last year. But new goals for 2016. #linkedinchat
  67. #linkedinchat a6: Success don't come over night. Be patient and persistant, and deliver value
  68. Really. How? I love Twitter too but don't find it as effective for business. @KarenJaw #LinkedInChat
  69. A5) you are not paying attention and contributing to the conversations/ adding value @conpsweeney #LinkedInChat
  70. A6 Develop your profile and cater it to your aspiring career #LinkedInChat
  71. A5: if you aren't it comes down to KW strategy..think LinkedIN as search engine..what words are you showing up for ? #linkedinchat
  72. @conpsweeney A6: Ensure that your profile is complete, understandable, contains an appropriate picture & interact w/ people! #linkedinchat
  73. A6: Profile should not read like a CV but showcase expertise/value prop. And, all comes back to #contentmarketing. #linkedinchat
  74. By religiously giving I have made multiple lists like this one  http://ln.is/www.lifehack.org/296/l2mpc  Great lead generator! #linkedinchat
  75. Q7) What do you think is most important for successful lead development on #LinkedIn ? #linkedinchat
  76. Has anyone had success getting exposure on LinkedIn Pulse? I have tried tweeting them directly before #LinkedInChat
  77. @socialwebcafe @kendrabullen Your profile should not tell me what have done but demonstrate what you have done. #linkedinchat
  78. @KarenJaw I have had almost 2M views over the last 18 months using Pulse. #linkedinchat
  79. A7) For me as a service based-biz, it would be relationship development. #linkedinchat
  80. @CareerPivot Please enlighten me :) I'd like to share my ideas more broadly via posts. #LinkedInChat
  81. @KarenJaw Check out my article on Forbes on using LinkedIn Publisher  http://qub.me/ThDn0M  This is came from my book #linkedinchat
  82. @conpsweeney A7: Interaction with others. Establish and grow a relationship #linkedinchat
  83. A7 Content creation, constantly publishing your work and remaining "in the know" #LinkedInChat
  84. A6 Do your research. Create a strategy and use advanced search function. #LinkedInChat
  85. #linkedinchat a7: Optimize your profile to showcase how you really add value
  86. Pick 5 words that describe your skill set and make sure they appear in your summary, job ex, etc #linkedinchat  https://twitter.com/conpsweeney/status/689620884298997760 
  87. Q8) Will anyone be changing how they use #LinkedIn for lead development? If so then how #linkedinchat
  88. Your tagline.LinkedIn search engine puts most weight on the words here #linkedinchat..so mine has "blogger for hire"  https://twitter.com/conpsweeney/status/689622220184813569 
  89. A8) yes! Creating more LinkedIn long form posts! Great analytics on what people do and don’t like! @conpsweeney #LinkedInChat
  90. @conpsweeney A8: I will actually start using LinkedIn more effectively for lead development & connect with more ppl! #linkedinchat
  91. #LinkedInChat I have found LI great for finding new content--articles, research, etc. Just need to work on the contacts piece!
  92. A7: Don't think of as sales tool. Focus on building your brand, connecting and let rest happen organically. Patience is key #linkedinchat
  93. A8) Yes! Profile makeover and develop a LinkedIn strategy. As B2B biz I know I can't afford to slack on LinkedIn. #linkedinchat
  94. Q9) Any last thoughts about your using #Linkedin for lead development? #linkedinchat
  95. A8 I want to publish more articles and connect with more people in my field of study #LinkedInChat
  96. @conpsweeney @AreMorch Of COURSE. I love the #LinkedInChat community! One of the first chats I joined (and moderated)!
  97. A9) I'm jumping in late, so this was probably already covered, but make sure your LI profile is stellar! #linkedinchat
  98. @conpsweeney Often times when strangers send connection requests I ask about how they found me. #LinkedInChat
  99. @CareerPivot Hey, Marc! I know, I've been MIA on Twitter chats lately. But I'll be back! :) #linkedinchat
  100. A8: 2016 goal is to write more #content. Make more targeted connections. Never any hard selling! #linkedinchat
  101. A9 Keep in touch with people! People always feel good when you see how they're doing; relationship mgmt is key #LinkedInChat
  102. @kendrabullen Yesss, writing content is so important. Just ask @JackKosakowski1 (you should follow his LI posts as well) :) #linkedinchat
  103. A9: Nope! Except that those in need of a blogger for hire should check out the link to my LinkedIn in my bio? #linkedinchat
  104. @conpsweeney A9: Reconnect with people. Connect with new people with similar interests. Utilize your network #linkedinchat
  105. A9: Curate & create #content. Read & engage daily. Always be tweaking your profile. Read & respond to others. #linkedinchat
  106. Sorry, I've gotta run off a bit early. I'll pull up the hashtag and read the rest of the good stuff later. Thank u all! #linkedinchat
  107. @lauranat96 Trained as an organizational psychologist, interests/focus on innovation, people/culture strategies. :) #LinkedInChat
  108. @kendrabullen Yes, engagement is key! And I always think of my LI profile as a living, breathing thing..like a website. #linkedinchat
  109. Q10) Would anyone else like to share their opinions about using #LinkedIn for lead development? #linkedinchat
  110. A10) I think social selling plays into this question...using LI to research your prospects and really CONNECT with them #linkedinchat
  111. A8: Definitely. Going to do a little profile makeover, produce and share more content and find more groups to be active in #LinkedInChat
  112. A10 Continuously update your portfolio, it's your online resume #LinkedInChat
  113. Establish yourself as an expert, be strategic in your connections, and share good content. #LinkedInChat
  114. @AmberJonesMktg Social Selling is on top of my list this year. Printed out some awesome tips from our friend @SocialSalesLink #linkedinchat
  115. @sageandsavvy I agree with that, Lucille! I think sharing great content is part of what establishes you as an expert. #linkedinchat
  116. Q11) Are there any final questions for the group about using #LinkedIn for lead development? #linkedinchat
  117. @conpsweeney A10: As we've seen tonight, LinkedIn can be a great, resourceful tool for lead development - time to utilize it! #linkedinchat
  118. Thank you all for joining & participating! My thanks to @LinkedInExpert for inviting me! #linkedinchat
  119. #linkedinchat Next week’s topic is: Using Keywords with LinkedIn Thanks all as always! See you next week!
  120. @conpsweeney Thanks for hosting this tweet chat. My boss is telling to get back to work. My damn boss...... oh I work for me! #linkedinchat
  121. Please give us a shoutout and let us know you’re here! #SocialCafe
  122. #LinkedInChat Today, 336 Tweets (including 127 RTs) 17 Participants (Most Active @conpsweeney 50 Tweets) via @kneaver
  123. Hey guys / gals.. I'm with you in thought and well wishes, but may not show my face as often. In and out for #SocialCafe
  124. Let's see if we can scare up a few others! Don't be shy! #SocialCafe
  125. Con has a great topic, tho! Con - I'd be curious how some of the items discussed re: #LinkedInChat translate to other platforms #SocialCafe
  126. Con has a great topic, tho! Con - I'd be curious how some of the items discussed re: #LinkedInChat translate to other platforms #SocialCafe
  127. A1 I feel like lead generation is second nature, so yes, using it on all platforms, basically #SocialCafe
  128. A2 I talk too much, so it ends up being a "communication tool" first, then lead generation.. #SocialCafe
  129. How about you, Con? @conpsweeney Do you have a favorite platform for lead generation? #SocialCafe
  130. @socialwebcafe So far, I've had more success with #Twitter than #LinkedIn but to be fair my efforts have been with the former #socialcafe
  131. @conpsweeney A1: Social media is great to get your name out; many people use it for lead generation w/o realizing #socialcafe
  132. @conpsweeney A2: I've never considered it "lead generation" tbh until recently. #socialcafe
  133. @conpsweeney I always associated that with sales, which I've never been in #socialcafe
  134. Q3) For those using #socialmedia successfully for lead generation what has success looked like? #SocialCafe
  135. @socialwebcafe @conpsweeney haha happy to share! getting your name out is a form of marketing - youre marketing yourself #socialcafe
  136. @conpsweeney for Twitter I use Twitter chats to grow my audience/network and for LinkedIn I use groups for same purpose #SocialCafe
  137. Q4) What do you think is most important for successful lead development on #socialmedia #SocialCafe
  138. Love this articl! ps such an awesome accomplishment to highlight in your LinkedIn profile ? #socialcafe  https://twitter.com/mnioannou/status/689632591021019137 
  139. @mnioannou Great! When we chat about #metrics later this year you'll have to join us! #SocialCafe
  140. Deb @socialwebcafe & I really appreciate all of you who joined us tonight! Many thanks! Have a great week! #SocialCafe
  141. @conpsweeney @socialwebcafe @mnioannou good look w the PH.D. Pursuit! That's one of the things on my bucket list #socialcafe
  142. Oh, one quick tip... Don't forget to check out @commun_it as your relationship tool (perfect for lead generating!) #SocialCafe
  143. @mnioannou @conpsweeney lolol I think he would do the polar opposite of that, but it's a damn good tag line #socialcafe
  144. @conpsweeney @BPucino @mnioannou <--- Yeah, I wasn't smart enough to figure out that grad school was enough. lol #SocialCafe
  145. RT socialwebcafe Reasons you *need* Online Reputation Management  http://wp.me/pqwE6-1oH  by SocialWebCafe via dirjournal #SocialCafe
  146. RT socialcafechat Here is MavSocial for Digital Content Marketing #SMM  http://wp.me/pqwE6-1gH  by SocialWebCafe #SocialCafe
  147. RT luvlosangeles Reasons you *need* Online Reputation Management  http://wp.me/pqwE6-1oH  by SocialWebCafe via dirjournal #SocialCafe
  148. RT socialcafechat Reasons you *need* Online Reputation Management  http://wp.me/pqwE6-1oH  by SocialWebCafe via dirjournal #SocialCafe