#SocialCafe 5.3 Chat Transcript

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"Developing Leads" and "Keywords" on #LinkedInChat and #SocialCafe

"Developing Leads" and "Keywords" on #LinkedInChat and #SocialCafe

  1. RT techauditcom Reasons you *need* Online Reputation Management  http://wp.me/pqwE6-1oH  by SocialWebCafe via dirjournal #SocialCafe
  2. Join Deborah @socialwebcafe every Tues for #SocialCafe Twitter Chat 9pm EST (Back to Tues by Popular Demand)
  3. #linkedinchat @LinkedInExpert Join us on 1/19/16 at 8:00PM EST to chat on Developing Leads with #LinkedIn v
  4. #linkedinchat @LinkedInExpert Join us on 1/19/16 at 8:00PM EST to chat on Developing Leads with #LinkedIn w
  5. #linkedinchat @LinkedInExpert Join us on 1/19/16 at 8:00PM EST to chat on Developing Leads with #LinkedIn x
  6. #linkedinchat @LinkedInExpert Join us on 1/19/16 at 8:00PM EST to chat on Developing Leads with #LinkedIn y
  7. #linkedinchat @LinkedInExpert Join us on 1/19/16 at 8:00PM EST to chat on Developing Leads with #LinkedIn z
  8. #linkedinchat @LinkedInExpert Join us on 1/19/16 at 8:00PM EST to chat on Developing Leads with #LinkedIn 1
  9. Organized and set reminders for all the Twitter chats I want to follow ? jumping into my first #LinkedInChat shortly!
  10. Greetings! Tonight's topic: Developing Leads with LinkedIn #linkedinchat
  11. Hi all! Here to learn about developing leads. Hope everyone is having a good evening. #linkedinchat
  12. Please give us a shout out and let us know you’re here! #linkedinchat
  13. Greetings! Tonight's topic: Developing Leads with LinkedIn & I'll lead the #chat #linkedinchat
  14. A1) I'd like to but I don't know how to get started. Giving LinkedIn more attention is one of my 2016 goals. #linkedinchat
  15. #linkedinchat 1: I am. LinkedIn is my #1 Lead Generation Social Network
  16. A1 I teach my clients how to make relevant connections that will become leads. #LinkedInChat
  17. A1: Just started..made my keyword list and just revamped my summary / tagline to position myself as a blogger for hire #linkedinchat
  18. @conpsweeney A1: Not yet, but definitely would be interested in starting. All tips appreciated! #LinkedInChat
  19. A1 My blog and book are my top lead generators and LinkedIn follows those #linkedinchat
  20. A1: It's imperative for B2B. #LinkedIn is hands down best platform for networking and making great biz connections #linkedinchat
  21. Q2) How would you describe your results with #LinkedIn for lead development? #linkedinchat
  22. @BPucino @conpsweeney i need to go stalk your page and copy (i mean take inspiration from) Brett #LinkedInChat
  23. @conpsweeney A2 Hard to say. LinkedIn Publisher has given me huge visibility and therefore, credibility but leads??? #linkedinchat
  24. Hey all.. late and can only pop in and out, but glad to see all of you at #linkedinchat nonetheless :)
  25. #linkedinchat a2: Great. Since always rom for improvements I am going for awesome this year
  26. A2 I do well (or I should say, as expected) when I actually focus time on lead development. But, what time? #dissertation #linkedinchat
  27. A1 I rely on LinkedIn for prospect intelligence. However, less direct lead gen over time. I find LinkedIn has gotten crowded #linkedinchat
  28. @conpsweeney A2: I havent fully utilized it yet however its been great to connect w/ twitter friends & grow that relationship! #LinkedInChat
  29. @mnioannou @conpsweeney lol! as mr. Picasso once said "good artists copy- great artists steal" #linkedinchat
  30. A2 Better question IMHO, how have you MONETIZED those leads? #linkedinchat
  31. @conpsweeney I will say I have sold hundreds of books directly due to LinkedIn publisher posts. #linkedinchat
  32. A1 & A2 Haven't mastered LI yet, but trying. Been involved with their pilot program Profinder as a way to meet new people. #LinkedInChat
  33. A2: Successful, Genuine. More importantly have formed amazing collaborations & strategic alliances. #linkedinchat
  34. A2 With B2B clients, it seems to be very powerful. Networking at its best. #LinkedInChat
  35. A1 I use it to develop leads for my future career #LinkedInChat
  36. I have ALWAYS said that #LinkedIn is an INCREDIBLE identification tool, but NOT a great engagement tool... #linkedinchat
  37. Q3) Is anyone in sales not using #LinkedIn for lead development? If so then why not? #linkedinchat
  38. A2 I've networked with a bunch of professionals and have expanded my online portfolio #LinkedInChat
  39. @CareerPivot @conpsweeney I have a book release in the Fall and would be interested to learn more about how this works #LinkedInChat
  40. @sageandsavvy @kendrabullen agreed! I'd say Twitter is a close second if you strategically participate in Twitter chats #linkedinchat
  41. @ChaimShapiro I seal over Skype! Unfortunately you cannot share coffee through the Internet #linkedinchat
  42. As someone w sales ex..if you aren't (esp B2B), then you're silly..so many more decision makers #LinkedInChat  https://twitter.com/conpsweeney/status/689617597793304576 
  43. #linkedinchat a3: Hard question to answer. Primary collaborate with Marketing Departments
  44. A3: Not personally but have many clients still not leveraging for #socialselling. Goal is to educate on best practices. #linkedinchat
  45. Q4) If you use #LinkedIn for lead development & are successful, why do you think this is? #linkedinchat
  46. A3 I'm not in sales, but I have been contacted by sales people for sales jobs #LinkedInChat
  47. I consult thru my direct network, but many LI contacts don't check the newsfeed regularly per my post/update stats. DM works #LinkedInChat
  48. @lauranat96 We are all in sales whether we have sales in our titles. We sell ourselves. #linkedinchat
  49. @conpsweeney A3: Not in sales but have been on the opposite end & received sales pitches via direct message & on my feed #LinkedInChat
  50. A3) it’s all about connecting with the right people. LinkedIn is a great way to vet and discover @conpsweeney #LinkedInChat
  51. Where else can you reach a majority of the decision makers in an industry. #LinkedInChat
  52. #linkedinchat a4: Some of the reasons came from tips and advice from this community
  53. A4 I try to comment on people's posts and stay active #LinkedInChat
  54. A3) Honestly, I haven't figured out a non-cheesy approach on LinkedIn. #linkedinchat
  55. @conpsweeney A4: Because you are persistent, and not afraid to engage with people. #linkedinchat
  56. Q5) If you use #LinkedIn for lead development & are not successful, why do you think this is? #linkedinchat
  57. As a blogger for hire I know Pulse will be key..need it to show my chops and est. thought leadership #linkedinchat  https://twitter.com/conpsweeney/status/689618717341147137 
  58. A4: Honesty,Integrity,Authenticity. Don't sell on #Linkedin aim to add value,make genuine connections based on mutual goals. #linkedinchat
  59. A5) Lead dev on LI is like a “hot” lead. You have a nice look into bkgrnd, interests and connections to match @conpsweeney #LinkedInChat
  60. @conpsweeney A5: Potentially because you're stagnant and assuming that simply being on LinkedIn is enough. #linkedinchat
  61. A5) I haven't put in the time. In addition, I have to find an approach that works for me. I hate the random inMail. #linkedinchat
  62. A5: I tell clients not to be impatient. Share relevant content & insights and it will happen naturally. #linkedinchat
  63. #linkedinchat A5: I rotate my content on #LinkedIn. Usually when I see drop in activity then I know the content don't appeal to my segment
  64. Q6) Can anyone give advice to those who have not been successful with lead development on #LinkedIn? #linkedinchat
  65. A5 I've noticed people who have low-quality pictures, unfilled out info and uninteresting descriptions are not very successful #LinkedInChat
  66. @kendrabullen That hasn't worked for me so far. LOL! :-P It's one of the reasons I gave up last year. But new goals for 2016. #linkedinchat
  67. #linkedinchat a6: Success don't come over night. Be patient and persistant, and deliver value
  68. Really. How? I love Twitter too but don't find it as effective for business. @KarenJaw #LinkedInChat
  69. A5) you are not paying attention and contributing to the conversations/ adding value @conpsweeney #LinkedInChat
  70. A6 Develop your profile and cater it to your aspiring career #LinkedInChat
  71. A5: if you aren't it comes down to KW strategy..think LinkedIN as search engine..what words are you showing up for ? #linkedinchat
  72. @conpsweeney A6: Ensure that your profile is complete, understandable, contains an appropriate picture & interact w/ people! #linkedinchat
  73. A6: Profile should not read like a CV but showcase expertise/value prop. And, all comes back to #contentmarketing. #linkedinchat
  74. By religiously giving I have made multiple lists like this one  http://ln.is/www.lifehack.org/296/l2mpc  Great lead generator! #linkedinchat
  75. Q7) What do you think is most important for successful lead development on #LinkedIn ? #linkedinchat
  76. Has anyone had success getting exposure on LinkedIn Pulse? I have tried tweeting them directly before #LinkedInChat
  77. @socialwebcafe @kendrabullen Your profile should not tell me what have done but demonstrate what you have done. #linkedinchat
  78. @KarenJaw I have had almost 2M views over the last 18 months using Pulse. #linkedinchat
  79. A7) For me as a service based-biz, it would be relationship development. #linkedinchat
  80. @CareerPivot Please enlighten me :) I'd like to share my ideas more broadly via posts. #LinkedInChat
  81. @KarenJaw Check out my article on Forbes on using LinkedIn Publisher  http://qub.me/ThDn0M  This is came from my book #linkedinchat
  82. @conpsweeney A7: Interaction with others. Establish and grow a relationship #linkedinchat
  83. A7 Content creation, constantly publishing your work and remaining "in the know" #LinkedInChat
  84. A6 Do your research. Create a strategy and use advanced search function. #LinkedInChat
  85. #linkedinchat a7: Optimize your profile to showcase how you really add value
  86. Pick 5 words that describe your skill set and make sure they appear in your summary, job ex, etc #linkedinchat  https://twitter.com/conpsweeney/status/689620884298997760 
  87. Q8) Will anyone be changing how they use #LinkedIn for lead development? If so then how #linkedinchat
  88. Your tagline.LinkedIn search engine puts most weight on the words here #linkedinchat..so mine has "blogger for hire"  https://twitter.com/conpsweeney/status/689622220184813569 
  89. A8) yes! Creating more LinkedIn long form posts! Great analytics on what people do and don’t like! @conpsweeney #LinkedInChat
  90. @conpsweeney A8: I will actually start using LinkedIn more effectively for lead development & connect with more ppl! #linkedinchat
  91. #LinkedInChat I have found LI great for finding new content--articles, research, etc. Just need to work on the contacts piece!
  92. A7: Don't think of as sales tool. Focus on building your brand, connecting and let rest happen organically. Patience is key #linkedinchat
  93. A8) Yes! Profile makeover and develop a LinkedIn strategy. As B2B biz I know I can't afford to slack on LinkedIn. #linkedinchat
  94. Q9) Any last thoughts about your using #Linkedin for lead development? #linkedinchat
  95. A8 I want to publish more articles and connect with more people in my field of study #LinkedInChat
  96. @conpsweeney @AreMorch Of COURSE. I love the #LinkedInChat community! One of the first chats I joined (and moderated)!
  97. A9) I'm jumping in late, so this was probably already covered, but make sure your LI profile is stellar! #linkedinchat
  98. @conpsweeney Often times when strangers send connection requests I ask about how they found me. #LinkedInChat
  99. @CareerPivot Hey, Marc! I know, I've been MIA on Twitter chats lately. But I'll be back! :) #linkedinchat
  100. A8: 2016 goal is to write more #content. Make more targeted connections. Never any hard selling! #linkedinchat
  101. A9 Keep in touch with people! People always feel good when you see how they're doing; relationship mgmt is key #LinkedInChat
  102. @kendrabullen Yesss, writing content is so important. Just ask @JackKosakowski1 (you should follow his LI posts as well) :) #linkedinchat
  103. A9: Nope! Except that those in need of a blogger for hire should check out the link to my LinkedIn in my bio? #linkedinchat
  104. @conpsweeney A9: Reconnect with people. Connect with new people with similar interests. Utilize your network #linkedinchat
  105. A9: Curate & create #content. Read & engage daily. Always be tweaking your profile. Read & respond to others. #linkedinchat
  106. Sorry, I've gotta run off a bit early. I'll pull up the hashtag and read the rest of the good stuff later. Thank u all! #linkedinchat
  107. @lauranat96 Trained as an organizational psychologist, interests/focus on innovation, people/culture strategies. :) #LinkedInChat
  108. @kendrabullen Yes, engagement is key! And I always think of my LI profile as a living, breathing thing..like a website. #linkedinchat
  109. Q10) Would anyone else like to share their opinions about using #LinkedIn for lead development? #linkedinchat
  110. A10) I think social selling plays into this question...using LI to research your prospects and really CONNECT with them #linkedinchat
  111. A8: Definitely. Going to do a little profile makeover, produce and share more content and find more groups to be active in #LinkedInChat
  112. A10 Continuously update your portfolio, it's your online resume #LinkedInChat
  113. Establish yourself as an expert, be strategic in your connections, and share good content. #LinkedInChat
  114. @AmberJonesMktg Social Selling is on top of my list this year. Printed out some awesome tips from our friend @SocialSalesLink #linkedinchat
  115. @sageandsavvy I agree with that, Lucille! I think sharing great content is part of what establishes you as an expert. #linkedinchat
  116. Q11) Are there any final questions for the group about using #LinkedIn for lead development? #linkedinchat
  117. @conpsweeney A10: As we've seen tonight, LinkedIn can be a great, resourceful tool for lead development - time to utilize it! #linkedinchat
  118. Thank you all for joining & participating! My thanks to @LinkedInExpert for inviting me! #linkedinchat
  119. #linkedinchat Next week’s topic is: Using Keywords with LinkedIn Thanks all as always! See you next week!
  120. @conpsweeney Thanks for hosting this tweet chat. My boss is telling to get back to work. My damn boss...... oh I work for me! #linkedinchat
  121. Please give us a shoutout and let us know you’re here! #SocialCafe
  122. #LinkedInChat Today, 336 Tweets (including 127 RTs) 17 Participants (Most Active @conpsweeney 50 Tweets) via @kneaver
  123. Hey guys / gals.. I'm with you in thought and well wishes, but may not show my face as often. In and out for #SocialCafe
  124. Let's see if we can scare up a few others! Don't be shy! #SocialCafe
  125. Con has a great topic, tho! Con - I'd be curious how some of the items discussed re: #LinkedInChat translate to other platforms #SocialCafe
  126. Con has a great topic, tho! Con - I'd be curious how some of the items discussed re: #LinkedInChat translate to other platforms #SocialCafe
  127. A1 I feel like lead generation is second nature, so yes, using it on all platforms, basically #SocialCafe
  128. A2 I talk too much, so it ends up being a "communication tool" first, then lead generation.. #SocialCafe
  129. How about you, Con? @conpsweeney Do you have a favorite platform for lead generation? #SocialCafe
  130. @socialwebcafe So far, I've had more success with #Twitter than #LinkedIn but to be fair my efforts have been with the former #socialcafe
  131. @conpsweeney A1: Social media is great to get your name out; many people use it for lead generation w/o realizing #socialcafe
  132. @conpsweeney A2: I've never considered it "lead generation" tbh until recently. #socialcafe
  133. @conpsweeney I always associated that with sales, which I've never been in #socialcafe
  134. Q3) For those using #socialmedia successfully for lead generation what has success looked like? #SocialCafe
  135. @socialwebcafe @conpsweeney haha happy to share! getting your name out is a form of marketing - youre marketing yourself #socialcafe
  136. @conpsweeney for Twitter I use Twitter chats to grow my audience/network and for LinkedIn I use groups for same purpose #SocialCafe
  137. Q4) What do you think is most important for successful lead development on #socialmedia #SocialCafe
  138. Love this articl! ps such an awesome accomplishment to highlight in your LinkedIn profile ? #socialcafe  https://twitter.com/mnioannou/status/689632591021019137 
  139. @mnioannou Great! When we chat about #metrics later this year you'll have to join us! #SocialCafe
  140. Deb @socialwebcafe & I really appreciate all of you who joined us tonight! Many thanks! Have a great week! #SocialCafe
  141. @conpsweeney @socialwebcafe @mnioannou good look w the PH.D. Pursuit! That's one of the things on my bucket list #socialcafe
  142. Oh, one quick tip... Don't forget to check out @commun_it as your relationship tool (perfect for lead generating!) #SocialCafe
  143. @mnioannou @conpsweeney lolol I think he would do the polar opposite of that, but it's a damn good tag line #socialcafe
  144. @conpsweeney @BPucino @mnioannou <--- Yeah, I wasn't smart enough to figure out that grad school was enough. lol #SocialCafe
  145. RT socialwebcafe Reasons you *need* Online Reputation Management  http://wp.me/pqwE6-1oH  by SocialWebCafe via dirjournal #SocialCafe
  146. RT socialcafechat Here is MavSocial for Digital Content Marketing #SMM  http://wp.me/pqwE6-1gH  by SocialWebCafe #SocialCafe
  147. RT luvlosangeles Reasons you *need* Online Reputation Management  http://wp.me/pqwE6-1oH  by SocialWebCafe via dirjournal #SocialCafe
  148. RT socialcafechat Reasons you *need* Online Reputation Management  http://wp.me/pqwE6-1oH  by SocialWebCafe via dirjournal #SocialCafe
  149. RT pinitparties Here is MavSocial for Digital Content Marketing #SMM  http://wp.me/pqwE6-1gH  by SocialWebCafe #SocialCafe
  150. Deborah @socialwebcafe Join us every Tues for #SocialCafe Twitter Chat 9p EST (Back to Tues by Popular Demand)  http://SocialWebCafe.com 
  151. RT techauditcom Here is MavSocial for Digital Content Marketing #SMM  http://wp.me/pqwE6-1gH  by SocialWebCafe #SocialCafe
  152. RT techauditcom Reasons you *need* Online Reputation Management  http://wp.me/pqwE6-1oH  by SocialWebCafe via dirjournal #SocialCafe
  153. RT pinitparties Reasons you *need* Online Reputation Management  http://wp.me/pqwE6-1oH  by SocialWebCafe via dirjournal #SocialCafe
  154. RT socialcafechat Reasons you *need* Online Reputation Management  http://wp.me/pqwE6-1oH  by SocialWebCafe via dirjournal #SocialCafe
  155. 7 Steps to Writing Your Memoir-take it as a gift when you sign up for Creative News: http://buff.ly/1PfxNzH  #amwriting #socialCafe #mustread
  156. @JLipowski Trying to keep up with all #TRLT tweets....and actually looking at a #LinkedInChat which seems to exist also...pretty interesting
  157. HEY! HEY! HEY! #LinkedInChat coming up tonight at 8 PM/ET! Get MORE success for your business! #socialbiz #marketing #sales #prospecting
  158. Please give us a shoutout and let us know you’re here! #linkedinchat
  159. Greetings! Tonight's topic: Using Keywords with #LinkedIn & I'll lead the #chat #linkedinchat
  160. A1) Yes using them for advanced searches but definitely not obsessing about them in my own profile! Depends on strategy #linkedinchat
  161. @esills I am just a good looking as I was last time! 8^)) Good to see you! #linkedinchat
  162. A1) Haven't used keywords at all, which is why I'm here. I'm ready to learn more! #LinkedInchat
  163. A1 1/2: how do people use #keywords on LinkedIn? Our young professionals would love to know! #LinkedInChat
  164. a! 2/2: Is it a strategy, or an actual application/system within @LinkedIn? #LinkedInChat
  165. A2) Use keywords to search for people in Advanced Search. Use keywords on your profile to be found by others. #linkedinchat
  166. In researching companies in advanced search I search in current position & keywords field. Thinking like a recruiter #linkedinchat
  167. @hhensell Same for me Helen! I'm excited to learn how to apply them to my LinkedIn profile. #LinkedInchat
  168. It can take a while to find the right keywords to produce the results you'd like... #linkedinchat
  169. #linkedinchat A2: I add relevant keywords for each module on my LinkedIn Profile.
  170. A2 Looking for people who have specific job titles and skill keywords in their profile. I am interested in their employer #linkedinchat
  171. .@conpsweeney Q1 #linkedinchat I regularly review my profile and test effectiveness in ranking from different keywords, esp Prof Headline
  172. A2) I'm not quite there yet, but I'd love to use them to gain a better reach! #LinkedInchat
  173. A2 I writing a post next week on thinking like a recruiter so that you are found #linkedinchat
  174. A1 I don't currently, but I want to start publishing my own work so I can utilize SEO tags to maximize my search results #LinkedInChat
  175. #linkedinchat A2: I combine my search for relevant keywords where look at profile and then Hotel Company page to learn more about the team
  176. A1: @conpsweeney I've used keywords to search for jobs in the past. Now I need to learn how to use them in my new IT business. #LinkedInChat
  177. A2) Keywords are very important for blog posts in LinkedIn publisher and on #Slideshare too #linkedinchat
  178. .@conpsweeney #linkedinchat A1 first place to insert keywords is prof headline (if free to change) instead of leaving default generic title
  179. A2) Be specific in your profile. If you want to be found for a particular skill or expertise, include the relevant keyword(s.) #Linkedinchat
  180. @SandraGLong Here's something I don't understand about Publisher: Do ppl post original material, or repost their blog posts? #LinkedInChat
  181. @SandraGLong That is very nice to know! Really wanting to learn the benefits of keywords tonight. #LinkedInchat
  182. #linkedinchat A2: Remember engagement will add more value to keywords. Today I have high endorsement rates for all relevant keywords
  183. A2 1/2: One thing we tell our interns is to use 'industry specific' wording in their profiles. #LinkedInChat
  184. A1 - TIP Search LI using unique keywords - use keywords in email subject for higher opens! #LinkedInChat
  185. @esills Glad I got that down! Maybe I am using keywords and just not knowing it? #LinkedInchat
  186. A2 2/2: We're constantly looking for research on this, open to suggestions! Esp. from recruiters ;-) #LinkedInChat
  187. A3) I'm not using keywords because I don't really understand which keywords would benefit me the most. #LinkedInchat
  188. @SandraGLong I thought it was for original, but I know ppl whose regular updates were pulled into Publisher. #LinkedInChat
  189. @JennaChaffee Your keywords are the search terms someone would use when they are looking for your services or skills. #LinkedInChat
  190. .@afmarcom #linkedinchat, example, with "LinkedIn specialist" competing w/ 000s of LI employees. "LinkedIn expert" left them out of results
  191. #linkedinchat a2: Don't be afraid to mix it up a little. I use a dynamic approach where I rotate my modules with new relevant keywords
  192. @esills Oh perfect! Thank you so much. I completely understand now! #LinkedInchat
  193. A1 - Search w unique keywords, then use keywords in email subject for higher opens from matching contacts! #LinkedInChat @conpsweeney
  194. A3) Use regularly but definitely balance with customer friendly and natural language. Don't overdo keywords #linkedinchat
  195. @conpsweeney A3 Keywords are always important, if you don't use them you won't be searchable #LinkedInChat
  196. That moment when you actually have great keywords, you just haven't realized it. #Linkedinchat
  197. NOT a bad idea to check which Keywords industry leaders are using... #LinkedInChat
  198. A2) If you have expertise in "email marketing" include that as well as specific platforms, e.g. ConstantContact, MailChimp… #LinkedInChat
  199. A4) Results: Have found opportunities. And Opportunities have found me! #linkedinchat
  200. RT @ChaimShapiro NOT a bad idea to check which Keywords industry leaders are using... #LinkedInChat
  201. #linkedinchat A4: Keywords is one those never ending improvements tasks
  202. The use of the word "unique" is ANYTHING but on a resume or #LinkedIn profile! #LinkedInChat
  203. RT @AreMorch #linkedinchat A4: Keywords is one those never ending improvements tasks
  204. @conpsweeney A4 I haven't used them much, but SEO tags on WordPress are extremely helpful to increase your readership #LinkedInChat
  205. In current position field use all of the variations of your title -- Training | Learning and Development | Curriculum.... #linkedinchat
  206. A4) I've had several people contact me with public relations opportunities! So I would say the networking. #LinkedInchat
  207. .@afmarcom #linkedinchat I search People for new word, e.g. "social media strategist" and see where I come in the ranking - ideal is 1st 10
  208. @conpsweeney A2 Use keywords that are revelent and trending to maximize search results #LinkedInChat
  209. A4 - Excellent results - The idea is to use right keywords & leverage results appropriately using keywords. #linkedinchat @conpsweeney
  210. Recruiters search for job titles in the current position. If unemployed you need to create a current position #linkedinchat
  211. @deswalsh How long do you wait after uploading a new key word before doing your search? #LinkedInChat
  212. .afmarcom #linkedinchat also using advanced search I modify the parameters, e.g. local/State/country/global - make sense?
  213. If anyone wants to know more on how to select keywords, can ping me chandra@egrabber.com #linkedinchat @conpsweeney
  214. @lauranat96 @conpsweeney I agree with you on this one. I get a lot of views on my Wordpress blog all thanks to SEO tags. #LinkedInchat
  215. @conpsweeney Great question! I don't hear as people talking about using it. But, maybe that is the thing.. talking about it #LinkedInChat
  216. Participating in #linkedInchat more than anticipated. On for another 35 mins so pl tune me out if not of interest.
  217. A4: @conpsweeney When searching for jobs, different variations of keywords can yield totally different results. #linkedinchat
  218. @afmarcom #linkedinchat sometimes it is almost instantaneous, sometimes it takes longer, usually minutes rather than hours or days.
  219. A5) I don't use this, but I am excited to see what everyone says on this one! #LinkedInchat
  220. .@ConSweeney says to start with "your major & career focus" when choosing your wording for your @LinkedIn profile #LinkedInChat
  221. @deswalsh Interesting! I was certain you would say something like a week! LinkedIn is faster than Google! #LinkedInChat
  222. @lauranat96 If you decide to get a hosted wordpress website you can use the Yoast SEO plugin for keyword optimization #linkedinchat
  223. .@BPucino thanks for sharing! Would you day this works for young professionals as well? People looking for their first job? #LinkedInChat
  224. Q6) Can anyone give advice to those who have not been successful with #keywords on #LinkedIn? #linkedinchat
  225. A5) Sometimes I use Google Trends to get a general perspective #linkedinchat
  226. Yes, and this is a good place for keywords that may not fit elsewhere. (Some belong here anyway.) #Linkedinchat  https://twitter.com/ChaimShapiro/status/692157494320300033 
  227. #LinkedInTip- Check the skills from alumni of the top colleges in your profession and add those applicable to you... #linkedinchat
  228. A6 Stay on topic and don't overdo it! Also, do research on keywords that are popular and searched for often #LinkedInChat
  229. .@erinhesselink @CareerPivot my suggestion would be create a self-employed position, w keyword title, say "sales specialist" - #linkedinchat
  230. A6) The advice I would give is to research and don't forget your major, skills, etc. I plan to do a lot of research after this #LinkedInchat
  231. A6 - Yes I can try and brainstorm with anyone on keywords this week Chandra@egrabber.com #linkedinchat @conpsweeney
  232. exactly MT @deswalsh .@erinhesselink suggestion would be create a self-employed pos w kwd title, say "sales specialist" #linkedinchat
  233. A6) Align your keywords with your personal brand. Consider carefully to convey your unique value. #linkedinchat
  234. #linkedinchat a6: You don't learn keywords over night. Finding the right balance comes w research, patience and persistance.
  235. @SandraGLong I think the unique aspect is a very important part! Thank you for the tip. #LinkedInchat
  236. RT JennaChaffee: A4) I've had several people contact me with public relations opportunities! So I would say the networking. #LinkedInchat
  237. #LinkedIn Alumni defaults to your alma mater, but it can be changed to ANY school! #linkedinchat
  238. Own your keywords - Mine "Career Pivot" and "BoomerJobTips" #linkedinchat
  239. Be careful about popular or trending keywords. You'll be competing with a lot of others to get found. #Linkedinchat  https://twitter.com/lauranat96/status/692158122098593795 
  240. A6 - I start with what keywords would attract attention of prospect. Then start search - use #linkedinchat @conpsweeney
  241. Q7) What do you think is most important for using #keywords successfully on #LinkedIn ? #linkedinchat
  242. .@conpsweeney people often stop at summary w keywords - pros integrate keywords seamlessly w/ each possible experience section #linkedinchat
  243. A7 use keywords authentically. Do not use keywords that do not apply to u just to be found #linkedinchat
  244. A7.) Most important > Have a strategy. Know why you are on LinkedIn. Be helpful to others. #linkedinchat
  245. A7 making sure your keywords are relevant to your topic and don't use keywords just to use them, make them meaningful #LinkedInChat
  246. A7) Using keywords that are applicable, unique and searchable. It's important to do research! #LinkedInchat
  247. A7 - In using keywords, as with anything else, Start with End in Mind! (7 Habits..) #linkedinchat @conpsweeney
  248. Sadly, #LinkedIn took away the ability to see the most common skills at a particular employer... #linkedinchat
  249. I am shocked at how many people list "Microsoft Word" as their FIRST skill! #linkedinchat
  250. All my comments are for Keyword searching of prospects in LI, not keywords to put on profile! #linkedinchat @conpsweeney
  251. .@afmarcom #linkedinchat btw some non-electronic help for testing. I use a pen and notepad w kw cols, ranks and times, listing as I go
  252. A8) I am definitely going to go to my #LinkedIn and make sure I'm using strong keywords in my skills section. #LinkedInChat
  253. .@ChaimShapiro shall we say, not very impressive? Some general tips? #LinkedInChat
  254. @SWP_stars Keyword stuffing is old school Google techniques that made many come on top on specific keywords on #linkedin #linkedinchat
  255. @deswalsh Times? As in, some keywords work better at... I assume different seasons, rather than hours of the day? #LinkedInChat
  256. RT @AreMorch: #linkedinchat a6: Stear away from keyword stuffing (Yes! There are profiles that are *ridiculously* #keywordstuffed - crazy)
  257. It's like when students put down "email" and "internet" as skills on their resumes... #linkedinchat
  258. @egrabber @conpsweeney Haha, that's like putting "RT ? endorsement" in your bio. No one saw it :) #LinkedInChat
  259. @SWP_stars You could put your keywords multiple times in modules. Looked really tacky and was not adding any value #LinkedInChat
  260. A7: Be authentic (don't LIE about your skills/abilities), be CREATIVE (not generic) #LinkedInChat
  261. A8 - I don't change keywords on my profile, but I change search keywords. I am more outbound! #linkedinchat @conpsweeney
  262. True...but I work with students... RT @afmarcom @ChaimShapiro It's not just students who do that! #LinkedInChat
  263. @conpsweeney A8 Yes! By improving the amount of relevant keywords in my profile's headline and summary  http://bit.ly/1PiH5uM  #LinkedInChat
  264. @ChaimShapiro Ppl also put "loyal" and "hard working," as if the OTHER applicants all have "mercenary slacker" on theirs! #LinkedInChat
  265. .@afmarcom #linkedinchat Hmm As far as I see the ranking stays frly static (until s'one does it better!): don't see time/season effect.
  266. @deswalsh You mentioned keeping track of time, and i wondered why. #LinkedInChat
  267. .@afmarcom It is VERY hard to avoid making keywords or a summary statement seem generic... #linkedinchat
  268. A9) I am going to just be sure that I'm researching the keywords that I use for my LinkedIn and not just filling space. #LinkedInchat
  269. RT @afmarcom: @ChaimShapiro Ppl also put "loyal" & "hard working," asif OTHER applicants all have "mercenary slacker" on thrs! #LinkedInChat
  270. #linkedinchat a9: Tell potential customer the story behind your keywords. "Great" keywords is not great if they dont convert
  271. A9 - For outbound messaging, if you don't filter & use keywords, you can be more of a spammer! #linkedinchat @conpsweeney
  272. Q10) Would anyone else like to share their opinions about using #keywords with #LinkedIn ? #linkedinchat
  273. A9 look at other people's posts and seeing what keywords they use that work! #LinkedInChat
  274. Don't just select #keywords that you think employers want to hear. Select those that authentically portrays your abilities. #LinkedInChat
  275. 1/2 It's not good to list generic and empty skills like "hardworking, responsible, driven" #LinkedInChat
  276. .@afmarcom @conpsweeney good question! I think I just started doing so to see how long it took for a ranking to change - #LinkedInchat :)
  277. A10 use them sparingly, make each one count (aka don't use 10+) #LinkedInChat
  278. A10: It sure would be easier if u could just make keyword hashtag postscripts like u do on Instagram! #LinkedInChat  https://twitter.com/conpsweeney/status/692162710822322177 
  279. 2/2 instead use transferable skills and something more tangible, like: @salesforce proficient, intermediate Adobe skills, etc. #LinkedInChat
  280. RT @SWP_stars: not good to list generic & empty skills like "hardworking, responsible, driven" #LinkedInChat (or "extensive experience")
  281. A10) Keywords are very important for SEO and should not be forgotten. They might just be words but they're powerful words! #LinkedInchat
  282. Thanks @socialwebcafe If we see interns apply for our program and they can't describe a skill on their resume = BAD NEWS #LinkedInChat
  283. Thank you everyone for a great night and for reminding me all about keywords! Had a great time! :) #LinkedInchat
  284. ,@AreMorch good point abt stories #linkedinchat A lot of my LinkedIn coaching about helping ppl tell their story vs "shopping list" resume
  285. Q11) Are there any final questions for the group about using #keywords with #LinkedIn ? #linkedinchat
  286. @alexmziii Great keywords alone won't do the job. You have to tell a story that excites visitors to take action. #LinkedInChat
  287. A10: seek a #mentor in your field who is THRIVING in their industry who can help guide and advise you #LinkedInChat
  288. @conpsweeney A11 which keywords do you use the most for your LinkedIn posts? #LinkedInChat
  289. Thank you all for joining & participating! My thanks to @LinkedInExpert for inviting me! #linkedinchat
  290. Continuing the #LinkedInChat topic of keywords in just a few moments, opening it up to all social media @conpsweeney moderating #SocialCafe
  291. Continuing the #LinkedInChat topic of keywords in just a few moments, opening it up to all social media @conpsweeney moderating #SocialCafe
  292. I've seen folks with professionally created resumes and #LinkedIn profiles that used terminology they could not even define! #linkedinchat
  293. @conpsweeney Saw within profile too late - I have a whole different way for getting attention #linkedinchat
  294. RT @AreMorch: @alexmziii Great keywords alone won't do the job. You have to tell a story that excites visitors to take action. #LinkedInChat
  295. Thanks @conpsweeney for hosting and everyone. That was informative and engaging. #linkedinchat #goodpeeps
  296. #linkedinchat Next week’s topic is: Using #SlideShare with #LinkedIn Thanks all as always! See you next week!
  297. #Linkedinchat Has anyone had issues with their custom tags in Contacts? Mine disappeared 3 wks ago + Linkedin hasn't fixed yet.#aargh
  298. @conpsweeney Many thanks for a great chat, Con! It's been fun to be back! #Linkedinchat
  299. Welcome, all, to #SocialCafe ! Please welcome @conpsweeney the "man in charge" and moderating our discussion: Key Words
  300. @conpsweeney The results have been GREAT as long as the hashtags are focused and the content is good. #SocialCafe
  301. @conpsweeney I like that you mentioned Google's tool in #LinkedInChat I used to use it more than I do now. #SocialCafe
  302. @conpsweeney I'm curious #how you use it. For example, to you have it open all the time? Do you have a set procedure? #SocialCafe
  303. @conpsweeney I also take advantage of trending #keywords & do research on my own to see how the keyword is doing on social. #SocialCafe
  304. A shout out to @commun_it -> The *Ultimate* Relationship Building Tool for Twitter! #SocialCafe
  305. @socialwebcafe I use as I need it either for my work or clients. Not open all the time. Still experimenting with procedure #SocialCafe
  306. @conpsweeney There are certain hashtags for work I look, search, and see what others are tweeting about it #socialcafe
  307. @conpsweeney @RiteTag so far so good! helps you see the reach of hashtags and which are most popular #socialcafe
  308. @mnioannou Good point on what others are tweeting about > some cool tools for that, too @conpsweeney #SocialCafe
  309. There are many great "tracker tools" out there for Twitter #hashtags. A favorite is @commun_it #SocialCafe Also @tweetreach
  310. @conpsweeney search for things you're interested in, and interact with people tweeting about them!! #socialcafe
  311. Thanks so much, Con! @conpsweeney Hey everyone - a pat on the back for Con, moderating #SocialCafe so wonderfully! <clapping>
  312. Very cool, Lisa @RoyaLionessLisa ! I know you were talking about it and good to see the new brand! #SocialCafe
  313. There are many great "tracker tools" out there for Twitter #hashtags. A favorite is @commun_it #SocialCafe Also @tweetreach
  314. @mnioannou Good point on what others are tweeting about > some cool tools for that, too @conpsweeney #SocialCafe
  315. @conpsweeney @RiteTag so far so good! helps you see the reach of hashtags and which are most popular #socialcafe
  316. @conpsweeney There are certain hashtags for work I look, search, and see what others are tweeting about it #socialcafe
  317. @socialwebcafe I use as I need it either for my work or clients. Not open all the time. Still experimenting with procedure #SocialCafe
  318. A shout out to @commun_it -> The *Ultimate* Relationship Building Tool for Twitter! #SocialCafe
  319. @conpsweeney I also take advantage of trending #keywords & do research on my own to see how the keyword is doing on social. #SocialCafe
  320. @conpsweeney I'm curious #how you use it. For example, to you have it open all the time? Do you have a set procedure? #SocialCafe
  321. @conpsweeney I like that you mentioned Google's tool in #LinkedInChat I used to use it more than I do now. #SocialCafe
  322. @conpsweeney The results have been GREAT as long as the hashtags are focused and the content is good. #SocialCafe

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