#SocialCafe 5.37 Chat Transcript

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#SocialCafe 20160913
  1. @conpsweeney I like how you worded that, Con. "Open-ended #Twitterchat " Great verbiage :) All on #SocialCafe :)
  2. #socialcafe Please give us a shoutout and let us know that you're there!
  3. Before we chat about #SocialMedia is there such a thing as moment of #silence on a #TwitterChat? #SocialCafe honoring #911
  4. @UneekDiva I love your username *Uneek Diva* but always curious about the name. Now I am hungry for Candy Corn :D #SocialCafe
  5. Personally, I use other social networks more, but #LinkedIn fills that need for an "online professional profile/resume" #SocialCafe
  6. @socialwebcafe lol thank you and you're welcome. I just liked the spelling of unique as uneek and stuck with it #SocialCafe
  7. I would tend to build up the professional presence on a site, rather than replacing #LinkedIn with another social network #SocialCafe
  8. @UneekDiva I think it is awesome - and distinctive, creative... like I said, awesome :) (and uneek lol). #SocialCafe
  9. For example, let's take one feature of #LinkedIn - testimonials ... endorsements @conpsweeney #SocialCafe Rather than random posts on FB
  10. I would put together a special section for testimonials on my site. Otherwise, one would be hunting for it on another network #SocialCafe
  11. I'm always surprised when people endorse me for certain things on LinkedIn. I'm like "why didn't I think of that" #socialcafe
  12. The reasoning would be to NOT take a chance on another social platform "going away" when something so important is at stake #SocialCafe
  13. @conpsweeney I would. I think 80% of that is because of the technology background, so that removes the complexity #SocialCafe
  14. #socialcafe @socialwebcafe My point with this question is that we're overdependent on @LinkedIn and most having thought about it!
  15. Many social networks offer unique features/options, but LI is a completely different animal #SocialCafe
  16. If we were to group/categorize social networks, we may find quite a few similarities amongst other platforms. #SocialCafe
  17. I do have to update my LinkedIn profile more. Gotta endorse myself! HA HA #socialcafe
  18. #LinkedIn offers a social networking component, but also functionality which allows communication, portfolio/resume #SocialCafe
  19. True, @conpsweeney Room for improvement, but that could be said of all of us, social platform or not :) #SocialCafe
  20. @socialwebcafe @conpsweeney That's a tough one. There isn't anything like it that I personally know of or use. #SocialCafe
  21. A little late to the game, but Hi I'm Lindsay! I'm excited to be talking social media with yall! #SocialCafe
  22. #socialcafe Have to bail now! Great chatting! See everyone next week!
  23. @conpsweeney Oh I get it. Same here. I enjoy these 30 min #SocialCafe weekly chats :)
  24. I can't imagine a world without Linked In! What are some other sites that have professional connections? #Socialcafe
  25. @HigginsLindsay - sorry to say hi and then bail. Would it be helpful to send out an announcement tweet next week? @UneekDiva ?#SocialCafe
  26. @HigginsLindsay I honestly can't think of one that is strictly for professional connections #SocialCafe
  27. @UneekDiva I think the only better professional outlet would be The  http://Ladders.com ... Have you ever heard of it? #SocialCafe
  28. ##SocialCafe Comparing GetResponse and Infusionsoft: What They Have to Offer for Marketing Your Blog  http://dlvr.it/MJCv3P  @socialwebcafe
  29. ##SocialCafe Comparing GetResponse and Infusionsoft: What They Have to Offer for Marketing Your Blog  http://dlvr.it/MJCvDj  @socialwebcafe
  30. ##SocialCafe Comparing GetResponse and Infusionsoft: What They Have to Offer for Marketing Your Blog  http://dlvr.it/MJCvDZ  @socialwebcafe
  31. ##SocialCafe Comparing GetResponse and Infusionsoft: What They Have to Offer for Marketing Your Blog  http://dlvr.it/MJCvDw  @socialwebcafe
  32. ##SocialCafe Comparing GetResponse and Infusionsoft: What They Have to Offer for Marketing Your Blog  http://dlvr.it/MJCvDf  @socialwebcafe
  33. ##SocialCafe Comparing GetResponse and Infusionsoft: What They Have to Offer for Marketing Your Blog  http://dlvr.it/MJCvGz  @socialwebcafe
  34. Please join us for another free-spirited, open-ended #SocialCafe chat starting in 60 min. Love to chat w/u! @UneekDiva @HigginsLindsay

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