#SocialCafe 20161018 Nope. 'fraid not. With that.. 'til next week! special this evening (in 30 min). Sharing some quotes :) "Whether...in a slump or feeling badly..., the only thing to do was keep swinging." Hank Aaron "Learn to say no to the good so you can say yes to the best." John C. Maxwell "Just because everything is different doesn't mean anything has changed." Irene Peter "We work to become, not to acquire." Elbert Hubbard "Act as if it were impossible to fail." Dorothea Brande "Wisdom is knowing what to do next; virtue is doing it." David Starr Jordan "You only live once; but if you live it right, once is enough." Adam Marshall Looking for a way to use Twitter to build relationships online? You need ! "In this world nothing is certain but death and taxes." Benjamin Franklin "Quality is never an accident; it is always the result of intelligent effort." John Ruskin "To teach is to learn twice." Joseph Joubert "Focus on remedies, not faults." Jack Nicklaus "To teach is to learn twice." Joseph Joubert "Focus on remedies, not faults." Jack Nicklaus "A man wrapped up in himself makes a very small bundle." Benjamin Franklin "Any idiot can face a crisis - it's day to day living that wears you out." Anton Chekhov "I don't think anyone should write their autobiography until after they're dead." Samuel Goldwyn "When I was a boy I was told that anybody could become President; I'm beginning to believe it." Clarence Darrow "I don't think anyone should write their autobiography until after they're dead." Samuel Goldwyn And with that, calls it a night. We'll see you same time, same place next week :) -Deborah Thanks for sharing the quotes :) Hello! I'm Dylan, a student in with Hi Great to meet you! If you'd like to join chat, please join us tonight 6p PDT Yes, it is, Robert ;) at 9p EDT I’ll be moving over to with to have an open ended on Welcome, everybody, to this evening! Pretty much business as usual (whatever that may be, in definition) You? I do have a question for you, Con - let me know when you are ready :D I'm ready for this tweetchat! Shoot... Figuratively of course! Hey! Here for my first chat! Actually - I think I have 2 questions :) 1) What is the topic tonight? 2) Have you experienced the quality filter? Background on question #2.. Twitter's Quality Filter. I ask because you were a ghost or nonexistent 30 min ago Either a TweetDeck issue (product of Twitter) or a casualty of the quality filter(?) The topic? Easy what's going to happen to ? Quality filter? Sounds like a corporate culling technique Hey Brittani and Kendall Have you experienced the filter, in ? TweetDeck was acting up before and some couldn't see me onlline Assumed it was the usual issues I haven't experienced it, not sure what it's all about yet Great! I'm being purged and you're ROFL ! This is what I get for loyalty! Hopefully once Deb quits having a laugh at my expense she'll tell us! I haven't experienced it yet! I'm excited to learn more though.  This is an example of the Twitter > Settings options for content choices/settings in your twitter profile pic.twitter.com/4m807UTzAP OK, this is cool! Do you know when this started Deb? I had a link ('course it isn't at my fingertips now) talked about the quality filter. I'm curious what you all think I know. I'm so nice, eh? :D I'll start the ball rolling (especially since our chats are 30 min).. I think it can be not-so-nice if u r filtered out but ok.. ... ok if it means less "junk" in our Twitter feed (which I imagine is the purpose). I think the quality filter sounds like an excellent idea and I'll be using it. Get rid of the trash :) Exactly! My only concern is how that is determined and will it affect us sending tweets Of course, none of us sends any trash when it comes to tweets, eh Brittani? :D I wonder if has released the signals they'll be using to determine this [Deborah scratches her head wondering how she would go about sending trash when there are quality things to share] One man's trash is another man's treasure as used to say! I'll bet not otherwise people may try to game them! That is a good point, Like, if we had access to the algorithm. That would be handy. Yeah, who would ever game a system, eh? I could get you in to see more easily! Already, tools like will let you know when you are trying to send a duplicate tweet. Handy when we don't realize... Why are you looking at me, Deb? Con - where do you get these? U should seriously be a stand-up Comedian! If only Blab were around. Speaking of blab... in our last 4 min lol... That is a great topic for next week.. With what shall we replace Blab? Ok, so here is my final thought on Twitter's quality filter... If we have some measure of control.. All good. What say ye? As as receiver I like it, as a sender I don't! ' Yeah, I really want to see how it plays out for us. I like how you said filtering out the trash is good. Please do! Just don't blame me if you lose followers! And with that, I shall take my leave! Good night all! I would never blame you :D Hey >> Question for you, as we close. Do you like the 30 min format for ? is good :) Thnx Thanks all, for joining in on our 30 min weekly See you same place, same time next week :D Woohoo! Thanks for using us as an example here, Deborah. Really appreciate you thinking of us! -Paul Of course, Paul Our pleasure and thank YOU for having such a wonderful platform! -Deborah Wow! Can you believe that is five years old! We are having an amazing run in the Twitter Chat! Join us Tues This is seriously an excellent read! >> 4 Ways to Blog Smarter and Build Your Traffic by http://sw.bcafe.co/fS This is seriously an excellent read! >> 4 Ways to Blog Smarter and Build Your Traffic by http://sw.bcafe.co/fS Thanks :) Founder of aka -Deborah I’ll be moving over to with to have an open ended on