#SocialCafe 20161025Looking 4ward to next week! I already have the questions lined up. That was easy.. moving from 2night to next wk :) See u then! sounds good I will be looking forward to it! Have to bail now! Thanks for joining everyone! See you next week! self promotion rule #1- Promote softly but carry a BIG stick! However, we went a bit over on our chat and so I'm thinking that maybe the "discussion" part can occur during our next (?) With news about (the reinvention of ) we had the chat with Ms. and then discussion here on seems like I have heard that somewhere before?
Spoken like a true pro! Very true, though. Social media is versatile and flexible, easy to take advantage of. I've got to get some of that action! what was planned for tonight?
You've been saving that one, eh? Good point. Very positive way to look at it! RT Ask NOT what can do FOR you...ask what YOU can do WITH Social Media! No interruption I think everyone is relieved that you're now here! My vacation pix were up next! LOTS of Jewishh holidays! RT : Hello Chaim, been a while! I was thinking the same thing! Welcome Chaim. Welcome, everyone! lol Political Patries interested in me? Ask NOT what can do FOR you...ask what YOU can do WITH Social Media! You ok if I save the content/conversation/discussion that was planned for tonight for our next ? Hello Chaim, been a while! Ok - apologies that I am rudely interrupting the wonderful conversation that you all have been having It was.. "Balance here.. smile, u are on camera... " while trying to find my Hootsuite on a laptop the size of a small tablet.. Social Media is what you make of it.... Though, I could tell stories of 'Deb trying to tweet while doing the hangout' (as promised). I believe social media can always be useful if used for the right reasons That's a relief! & Welcome! I don't believe there's a limit to social media's usefulness. There's always something new. Good for you! Nope, it was me, not a bot.. lol Agreed that's why reposting and use of are important Because we are at a point of information over load.
I feel as if some or most posts on socail media just get ignored.
There are political parties that will be interested in you upon graduation! It really trended that way once the ability to "share" went live IMO. I'm on just about any major platform and actively use them, mostly Twitter. I think it's important to stay relevant to followers Does anyone feel there is a saturation point beyond which has limited usefulness? Its like a rock being thrown into a still pond has a ripple effect
Twitter and Facebook are definitely the most beneficial. Snapchat, Instagram and Tumblr are all just for fun But as far as things that matter I usually use Twitter for that such as school and what not.
HEY EVERYONE! I usually use FB every day, always reposting things I find hilarious or disruptive :P Which are the most beneficial to you? My phone is like always in my hand so it's really easy I personally use tons of social media. Well I think so anyways. The latter can be very important! Yes, and organic growth is suffering too! Majority personal but I mainly use twitter for school and to learn about careers that interest me. I have used social less often lately (mostly FB) because they've strayed away from focusing on people and more on content We'll be here! (I'm telling them my jokes!) Are you doing it for personal or professional purposes? Hi all. I didn't forget about you... Will be with you soon :) I use majority of the most popular social media platforms. At least an hour a day. Welcome Deb! Is that you or a bot? How much do you use and why? OK, looks like I may have to wing this by myself for a bit... Hi! I'm Jason, a student in with Just waiting for my partner in crime to appear! Please give us a shoutout and let us know you’re here! Greetings all! Thanks for joining! That we will! Thanks for coming over Brianna! tweet chat should be starting soon I’ll be moving over to with to have an open ended on Talking about the new ( ) tonight on ! 9p EDT Talking about the new ( ) tonight on ! 9p EDT Talking about the new ( ) tonight on ! 9p EDT @PriscillaGBlog Talking about the new ( ) tonight on ! 9p EDT Talking about the new ( ) tonight on ! 9p EDT Talking about the new ( ) tonight on ! 9p EDT Talking about the new ( ) tonight on ! 9p EDT Talking about the new ( ) tonight on ! 9p EDT Talking about the new ( ) tonight on ! 9p EDT @_mrs_b Talking about the new ( ) tonight on ! 9p EDT Talking about the new ( ) tonight on ! 9p EDT Talking about the new ( ) tonight on ! 9p EDT Talking about the new ( ) tonight on ! 9p EDT Talking about the new ( ) tonight on ! 9p EDT @RPetty22 Talking about the new ( ) tonight on ! 9p EDT @PRMktgSales Talking about the new ( ) tonight on ! 9p EDT @BH1_Merka24 Talking about the new ( ) tonight on ! 9p EDT Talking about the new ( ) tonight on ! 9p EDT Talking about the new ( ) tonight on ! 9p EDT Talking about the new ( ) tonight on ! 9p EDT Another month! Thank you for your continued support! =D I really appreciate all of you! (And, if you haven't already, join our …  Wow! Can you believe that is five years old! We are having an amazing run in the Twitter Chat! Join us Tues! pic.twitter.com/xgGGqTG1tj... If you have a topic request, sent it on over & we will see abt incorporating it into a series, eh? See u same time next week Thanks all, for tuning in to ! I look forward to some of the things we have in store in the future. If u have a topic request. G'night all! have to had out! See you next week! That would be a nice feature for ! I had something like that w/another app 2day * I was 10 min late I've had a lot of trouble with that. I also wish you could collapse streams to reduce clutter However, the places I listed are not necessarily what most would consider and they are networking options I think the challenge w/ e'rywhere at once is when u add things like (to name a few) The only thing could do differently is refresh the thread it's self RT Yes, you are absolutely right.. lol That and too. :) (Even Instagram!) Yes, you are absolutely right.. lol That and too. :) (Even Instagram!) Are you finding that helpful, Collin? It seems that there is more to learn (when thinking intuitiveness) With one can be in multiple places at once! This is such a good point. I pay as much attention to my LinkedIn activity as I do my FB activity ... but, like u pointed out (Yay!), networking is the key part & we r us'g whatever platform helps us to do that We call it Upstate New York And no, not close either physically or anthropologically! No problem, recently learning a bit about currently in a Social Media Marketing Class.
That is exactly it, Networking! That is like the focal point. I don't know about u, but I can't be everywhere A recruiter who is my client says that if you're not on then you don't exist as far as he's concerned I guess North New York (i.e. Albany) is not quite Brooklyn or any part of NYC, is it? lol I find it's a better way to engage w/ your field/share industry-related content while networking It is important for careers, most careers now of days check to make sure you have one? Could be a factor in getting the job. Probably... is in my blood... I definitely realized that when I came to ur part of the world. Tho not quite We don't mind late! Welcome! You are always welcome! Just so you know, is 30 min (for now) :) Bcuz I am a programmer (via my BSIT degree) .. this is .. I view as based on programmatic platform Hey y'all! Sorry I'm a little late. Excited to chat with ya tonight :) That is good that there are some new ideas. I have a new idea (or old idea)... next tweet @socailwebcafe Correct, but it's important for your career and does work with the others @socailwebcafe I feel like is more of a professional platform for social media unlike FB or Twitter. (No?) I agree with you many don't Not sure we had a consensus but people saw some new ideas Did you come to a consensus? I always think of as a platform (Not so?) I can't even spell that word! We covered & tonight & how they can work together You know what.. I did.. Now I'm trying to remember what it was.. lol So I'm curious. What did u cover in Anything philosophical popping out of the chat? I could look :) I believe you had a question last week Deb! Yay! is here! Alive and kicking :) I’ll be moving over to with to have an open ended on Thanks :) Founder of aka -Deborah This is seriously an excellent read! >> 4 Ways to Blog Smarter and Build Your Traffic by http://sw.bcafe.co/fS This is seriously an excellent read! >> 4 Ways to Blog Smarter and Build Your Traffic by http://sw.bcafe.co/fS