#SocialCafe 5.45 Chat Transcript

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#SocialCafe 20161108
  1. Welcome to the #SocialCafe Chat at our weekly Tues 9pm EST / 6p PST slot.
  2. Also we are bringing back the #ShamelessPlug So, feel free to start composing those bragging tweets all about you! #SocialCafe
  3. So.. on that note, who all is out there? Introduce urselves and #ShamelessPlug if you like! #SocialCafe
  4. #SocialCafe doesn't have rules, per se... but tonight is not about politics.. lol
  5. Our topic last week was going to be #blab But, hey, we go with the flow, eh? We can #discuss our #bebo thoughts 2nite #SocialCafe
  6. We have chat questions 2night, so get your pens and paper ready. JK. Ready to tweet? As long as it is not the #election lol #SocialCafe
  7. #ShamelessPlug is something that @socialwebcafe created for another twitter chat and it took off like wildfire. #SocialCafe
  8. Con - you are just "so worthy" that you don't notice how wonderful you are! @conpsweeney @socialcafechat #SocialCafe
  9. Q1 Have you heard of/used #blab? What about the new #bebo? Do share stories :) #SocialCafe
  10. A1 I have used #blab but just only found out about #bebo a couple of weeks ago #SocialCafe
  11. Q2 What did you think of #blab? Scale of 1 to 5? If you have used #bebo what do you think? #SocialCafe
  12. @conpsweeney - you were one of the first that I had chatted with about using #blab / #bebo #SocialCafe
  13. A2 I liked #blab as a networking tool. The “let’s chat live” aspect. However, that didn’t always work for the schedule #SocialCafe
  14. Q3 What are some areas where #blab (or #bebo) could specifically improve (or #livestreaming improvement in general)? #SocialCafe
  15. But, if people were not prepared to do something with it, like I think you are saying, @conpsweeney then what? #SocialCafe
  16. A3 One area of improvement, in #trust, is not to cancel a booming service and then not to reinvent it. Do we trust? #SocialCafe
  17. A4 I might use it incidentally and maybe frequently, but I’ll stick with my “old ways” for the long haul #SocialCafe
  18. @socialwebcafe It existed for a moment then was just something to do what with? #socialcafe
  19. I think that moment served a purpose for networking @conpsweeney After that, content creation; articles #SocialCafe
  20. I was on the fence about it, especially since its original ( #blab ) did so well. But, that #trust factor.. hmmm #SocialCafe @conpsweeney
  21. Just as a reminder, for anyone reading this thread later #bebo is the reinvention of #blab (same company) #SocialCafe
  22. Yeah, we could call it principled. Or, simply not wanting to invest in something that has little ROI @conpsweeney #SocialCafe
  23. @socialcafechat Still early with everything in flux! The killer need has yet to be identified! #socialcafe
  24. Heading out now! Thanks as always! See you next week! #socialcafe

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