20161115 #SocialCafe Keep us posted! Would love to watch ;) A5 I will look for more opportunities to use live streaming with clients Looks like a great conversation. don't have my speakers on, on this 'puter (I know, weird) but I'll take a look Thank u for joining us for our 30 min Chat. Feel free to keep chatting, just wanted to let you know we appreciate u! . I like watching it - I do feel like it is strange when there are a bunch of people watching & zero participation lol A5: I'm probably going to try to figure out more about livestreaming since I don't know that much about it to begin with! Lol. U know what.. I get hung up in the part of whether my makeup is right, the hair/hat, etc. and that prevents the ad lib Good night! Have a good one. Q4: Probably YouTube, since a lot of the people here on tonight seem to like it! Time to expand my horizons. Yeah Google does not make it particularly easy. We actually embed it live so people can watch it live, not easy A3: I definitely watch Facebook live, but I hardly participate unless I am the one livestreaming it. Have to bail now! Good night everyone! See you next week! Good point. That might be why I keep hanging on to YouTube. We have prof lights, sound, etc. and YT is conducive Good for you! I haven't used it yet (blush). So you are ahead of me :) A5: Figure out WHAT I'm going to share, which platform and how often/schedule :) A5 I'm going to get Facebook Live actually scheduled, instead of on a list. The main challenge with YouTube live is that you don't get the link until you go live so it is shared at the last minute. I like Periscope for quick and on-the-go streaming but that sometimes takes from the quality of what you're watching. A1: Probably Facebook! I've actually used it once or twice. It's the only one I really know how to work with. hehe I love how you said it was interesting. I'm trying to picture if that is good, or ... :) Q5 What will you be adding to your strategy this week, after (Hint: learn more about liveStreaming :) )? Good point! There is no reason to limit ourselves to one platform. If you can mix 'em, mix 'em! So (thanks to ) we could say the first step is defining the objective (as is the case in many things/strategies) That reminds me (thinking of what said.. What is the goal? Blab often had entertaining chatter. Shows? Webinars? A4 Facebook Live is next on my list I have seen people livestream on Periscope and upload it via YouTube as well. Thoughts? Q4 Which platform do you think you will try next? A3 I mostly watch YouTube but I did participate in one interactive session. It was interesting. Very true. We create our own environment 4 our as it is more difficult, as you say, to participate Then you can come back and be one of the SME (subject matter experts) and teach us ;) A3: I think YouTube is still the best platform to just watch on and maybe not participate. I need to try Periscope again to see how it is when people are commenting/asking questions. A3 Pretty much I watch and participate in YouTube livestreaming. Though, I usually use “live event” If you need tips, let me know. We have an in-house video studio, so that is what we do :) Q3 Are there some you like to watch, but not participate? A2: Viewing! I'm hoping to start making videos towards the end of the year and trying to decide which platform to use. That makes sense and is probably the reason for me. I tried Blab, but... Thinking about Periscope, too A2 Actually, yes (YouTube). I was getting into Blab, but I’m not sure that I will try Bebo. A1: I think Facebook live has really taken the live streaming universe by storm and they keep adding more and more features That's why I figured I might as well brag about creating it, eh? Off-Topic Question for you >> Anyone interested in learning how to understand statistics and analysis (i.e. web stats)? Q2 Is that your favorite (or list of favorites) for viewing, streaming, or both)? A1: YouTube is my favorite but probably because I have been using it (as a viewer) for so long. Periscope is my next favorite A1 Still YouTube for me :) Welcome and Good to have you here! I am doing alright thank ya! It took me a while to figure that out.. Nah, people just liked to use it for free :) Q1 What would you say your favorite livestreaming software is (i.e. YouTube, Facebook...) Hello all! Also representing UNT, . Looking forward to this! Welcome! Glad to have you here. We are talking about LiveStreaming platforms. Do you have a favorite 2nite? Hi Con :) How are things? Tonight: LiveStreaming Platform of Choice Did it make you rich and famous? I was too late for LinkedIn Chat so I am checking out for the first time. is something that I ( ) created for another twitter chat and it took off like wildfire. It has been awhile! Great to see you again! Aloha everyone. It has been awhile :) Welcome, Kendall and If you watch any YouTube videos then we can consider you an expert in watching :) We are bringing back the So, feel free to start composing those bragging tweets all about you! Hello! Representing tonight. I don't know much about livestreaming platforms, but I'm excited to learn! Cool! We have a choice now? Everyone ready for a great ? Our topic for this : LiveStreaming Platform of Choice Welcome to the Chat at our weekly Tues 9pm EST / 6p PST slot. I’ll be moving over to with to have an open ended on