#SocialCafe 20161220Another month! Thank you for your continued support! =D I really appreciate all of you! (And, if you haven't already, join our … RT Lots of great feedback on services LeicesterCIL Leic_hospital NHSLeicester RT RT RT RT RT Lots of great feedback on services LeicesterCIL Leic_hospital NHSLeicester RT RT RT RT RT RT Lots of great feedback on services LeicesterCIL Leic_hospital NHSLeicester RT RT RT RT RT RT RT Lots of great feedback on services LeicesterCIL Leic_hospital NHSLeicester Hi Deborah! Haven't spoken to you in a long time. How are things at the ? Going well! How are you? (6p PST / 9p EST Tuesdays) Looking forward to having as our guest on and sharing his opinion of live streaming. Come with ur questions! The chat is starting in 5 minutes. As always, Thank you! Much appreciated ;) Welcome to our 30 min this evening (6p PST / 9p EST) Tonight: as our guest / topic: Hello! Good to be here Deborah Yay! Yes, good to see you, Hey, why don't we start by having you tell us a little bit about YOU :) I'm a columnist, PR industry-watcher and blogger based out of . I love That is a great 15 sec pitch - to fit it in a tweet is a talent, Alex! If anyone wants to discuss livestreaming in please feel free to hop in. It's only half an hour long! Fast & fun I love the phrase that you used, "industry-watcher" So, does that also make you an "Industry-Watcher Expert?" I know our topic is but am curious about your recent article, and (U have a way w/words!) When venting, try to be fair. Try to empathize. Difficult, but it benefits *you* in the end. From what I know abt he has a logical, organized way of looking at things and always a pleasure to hear his opinions I've actually ranted on a livestream. It was cool because people typed their own comments.This was via Great segue into a question of "What is Alex's favorite platform?" Fyi, I don't rant a lot on a livestream. U gotta keep that stuff to a minimum. Save it for the "importants" For the rest of us, feel free to punch in with YOUR answer to that question, as well. Or, ask Alex another one ;) Excited to learn more about livestreams tonight Thank you for joining Hayley! It would seem, even in life in general, if you too much, you are known for ranting. - thoughts? I would agree. That's why I'm glad I've done maybe 2 maximum Some do have a highly successful career in ranting! It seems we have lost some of other players. Ex: Would be in the running if the "old Blab" were around? That is a good point, Con. If it works for you, and it is monetized, I guess go for it, eh? Someone is listening I save mine for issues that aren't getting enough attention. Alex ranting? Must be important! Do you believe FB live will ever be an effective platform? Anyone else headed toward becoming an expert in ? Oooh... I like that. It deserves a hashtag! :) They've rebranded into but I haven't tried it yet I'm a student and don't have much experience w/ livestreams, but have really enjoyed seeing friends use FB Live recently Great question, Nate! I'm curious how Alex will answer it (especially with what we have seen in 2016) Yes, , , and They're advanced, but they try to make things "not scary" lol Hayley Sometimes the best experiences are watching others use something (i.e. in this case FBLive ) You know, come to think of it, that is a talent/skill set they have Yes, Alex is right on that! Literally! Yes because endless FB $ = lots of engineers = improvements, iterations Already better than it was! As a columnist, if you were writing "The 2016 LiveStreaming Summary," what would some of your main points be there? Hey >> All I am seeing is that Alex put a dollar sign in that tweet.. That answers it for me.. lol So What about a show called the "Rants of Con?" There might be some $$$ in that! I'd compare/contrast the major LS platforms My gut says the smaller ones won't last. Little use to discuss those. I have noticed many people today using FB live as a way to vlog or promote themselves as musicians, artists, etc. Interesting! Something to consider... As an Ohio State student, it was nice to be able to watch on FB live from news networks during incident last Mon. Just be careful with those cover songs I've heard of posts being taken down a lot inthe last few weeks RT I have noticed many people today using FB live as a way to vlog or promote themselves as musicians, artists, etc Several news orgs have agreements to produce x amount of FB Live's, and that's a good and bad thing Would love for you to expand on pros and cons of this if you have time! Yes! And, it is effective. I think the rest of us (who aren't doing that) may be overthinking what is necessary RT Several news orgs have agreements to produce x amount of FB Live's, and that's a good and bad thing Certainly. Sometimes streams under contract are underwhelming + created as filler. Major publications too, surpris! Have to bail! G'night all! See everyone next week! Good point We r living in such a unique time. I mean, we are all newscasters with a smartphone & camera I think you might be onto something. You are already balanced, have great rants... Wait, have u ever ranted? lol e.g. "Look at this building all lit up in purple" for 20 straight minutes(!!) You can tell it's filler/contractual Certainly. Sometimes streams under contract are underwhelming + created as filler. Major publications too, surpris! Yes, it was that fear (takedown of covers) that keeps me from producing more. I do understand now how that could often be the case! Has potential to be a lot of the same Purchased Apple; rec'd license for tunes; allowed to use in YT; someone made album with same tunes, rec'd warning... I'm meeting with a music company Thurs who claims they have the solution to orignal music Clarity for last tweet. Some1 claimed ownership of Apple's tunes such that I rec'd warning from YT when I was licensed to use! Oh - you know I want to know more, Alex! cc: my alter ego Thanks, Con. Have a good one! Night all! Thanks for having me Thanks for joining us for and thanks for being our guest on the topic of ! Please feel free to continue the conversation, but officially we have completed our "fast and fun" (thanks, Alex) for 2nite RT Thanks for joining us for and thanks for being our guest on the topic of ! Thanks for all of the feedback, I learned a lot in such a short period of time! Sure thing, Hayley. Glad to have you join us and please feel free to join us again :) . Quite well, thanks! So is still going strong, eh? Glad to hear it! Only 5 minutes to go 'til the chat. ... Greetings all! Ready for another great ? Please give us a shoutout and let us know you're here! Guess the are starting early! Signing off! See everyone next week! Looking forward to our 30 min starting in 3 min cc Greetings all! Ready for a great ? Hey Con! Hi all! Happy holidays, ! Hello there, lets start this! What's on tap for tonight? How about "How to celebrate the holidays using " Like using instead of to save money? What are some ways we can use to celebrate the holidays? Or this, using to save on airfares? That is a very practically thing to do now since our lives are on social. No kidding. I was watching some old cop shows and trying to imagine life w/o See? Someone agrees with me! but as a newly started company how can that build on into a relationship with our customers? what i mean is it still more of a personal touch to do vs ? In your case emphasize the seasonal with your Seriously, close & longtine clients should get Use for all others ' Years (decades) ago, people sent holiday cards | Now we can greet hundreds at once using Oh wow >> same wave length on that one! love that idea. What about vs ? I like saving money on postage * Or, maybe spending it on internet fees, instead Yes, this is why Deb never sends me ! True. I used to do weekly newsletters. Now, it is shorter blog posts that are linked via More bang for your buck! (Plus !) That allows for much more flexibility than what we used to have Oops ... I think nailed it with the "more bang for your buck!" lol sure he did! I need to up my game in with those I like that tools like that offered by allow us to build relationships even during the holidays Does anyone else remember when were the rage... then went away and now they are back? Ooh I like that... meaning the ones you shared. Yours were :) You were my inspiration on that, Con Great idea, to find out who Santa is, in a photo of friends. Thanks for sharing, I don't think I have ever had a craving for during the holidays Well, I have to be moving along! to all & a See everyone next week! Yes, and See ya same time; same place next week Only 5 minutes to go 'til the chat. .